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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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Theresa May's deal on Brexit is heading for defeat in Parliament. That could lead to no deal, the negotiation of a different deal, a general election, a second referendum  - or MPs swallowing the package at the second attempt.



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5 hours ago, talahtnut said:

That quote is part of Chris Patten's speech, in which he also says,

"At present, people are feeling sullen and alienated from the EU not just in Britain, but more widely". Mr.Patten offers various reasons for this. The fundamental one is a lack of democratic underpinning.



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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Says the bloke that stuffed UK miners for cheap Polish coal..????

There a only one person stuffed the UK miners. Before you start some lecture, I went on a trade mission with the Sheffield C of C to the coal mines in the Transvaal in 1985. I know for a fact that King Arthur blatantly lied to the UK mining industry.

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5 minutes ago, sandyf said:

There a only one person stuffed the UK miners. Before you start some lecture, I went on a trade mission with the Sheffield C of C to the coal mines in the Transvaal in 1985. I know for a fact that King Arthur blatantly lied to the UK mining industry.

And picked a fight with record coal stocks in the spring but we digress......

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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Gove considering resigning following being offered the post of Brexit Minister, was not that long ago it used to be that the bad boys were given the post of NI Minister.

Gove can't decide who to stab in the back next

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4 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And picked a fight with record coal stocks in the spring but we digress......

There is a certain amount of similarity. He made out that cheap coal was the result of exploitation, rather than automation and co-operation.

Resonates a bit. Believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see.

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2 hours ago, tebee said:

Theresa May's deal on Brexit is heading for defeat in Parliament. That could lead to no deal, the negotiation of a different deal, a general election, a second referendum  - or MPs swallowing the package at the second attempt.




not an interesting read


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46 minutes ago, vogie said:

Whips have been summoned to return, there's rumours of a no confidence vote in PM May.

The cauldrons of oil are bubbling, the torture chambers are ready,


What will we hear next from the PM?


Et tu brute


meaning: and you too, Brutus? 
to question a good friend's loyalty. 
From Shakespeare's tragedy, Julius Caesar. 
Julius Caesar's last words when stabbed by his best friend, Brutus.

You... killed my... son! Why..? Et tu, Brute?

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53 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Was the shape of bananas covered in the agreement as I know this is important to many of our fine Brexiteers - cos I like them bent.

Well said Sir, Obviously a Class 2 connoisseur.

Class 2 bananas can have full-on "defects of shape". 

I'm afraid that Europeans have no conception of class and

good taste.

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1 minute ago, talahtnut said:

Well said Sir, Obviously a Class 2 connoisseur.

Class 2 bananas can have full-on "defects of shape". 

I'm afraid that Europeans have no conception of class and

good taste.

Can't afford Class 1 spent it all on down payments on a Brexit Unicorn - do you think I've wasted my money ?

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33 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Peerage for Ollie Robbins please. Preferably hereditary. As the Times says today deusional Brexiteers are losing it.....WE are taking back control......as well as being the laughing stock of the world. 



So how did this remain supporting civil servant stand up to questioning From Reece - Hogg.

Interestingly, JRM did absolve Robbins for the shambles of our none negotiating tactics. 



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15 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Can't afford Class 1 spent it all on down payments on a Brexit Unicorn - do you think I've wasted my money ?

Nah, you've got to take a punt.. It not over 'til The fat lady May sings.

Then there's the entertainment value to be considered.

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Says the bloke that stuffed UK miners for cheap Polish coal..????

think of the savings the UK people from this to spend as they pleased instead of subsidising the overpaid striking miner wanting money for doing nowt,if these miners has gotten their way they would probably be on about £45k pa now for 35 hours work per week,perhaps JC will reopen the pits next year when he takes over and pay these men a proper salary...£50k pa????

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1 hour ago, Sumarianson said:

The negotiations have been sabotaged by the pro Euro group and the negotiators. They dont want to loose the UK and it's money. That's why they dont want a deal and wiuld prefer to damage the UK economy and it's people and investors to attain their selfish goal. Leave with no deal. The UK will do very well indeed without Europe. They did in two wars.

wars are different to politics and bizzness if you hadnt noticed,also we didnt do very well on our own in WW2,we were kicked from pillar to post and saved by an ocean and the USA,the state of the UK today is even worse,we had to get the help of the Japs/Germans to save our motor industry,rolls royce is about the only great british engineering company left and it has welcomed the deal,airbus will go (14000 jobs) as will nissan,toyota,bmw etc with a no deal (100,000 jobs)  never mind JC will re open the mines and pay £50k pa to the miners and we will sell the coal cheap to poland,china,veneuzuala,cuba and North Korea,all will be well

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21 minutes ago, bomber said:

think of the savings the UK people from this to spend as they pleased instead of subsidising the overpaid striking miner wanting money for doing nowt,if these miners has gotten their way they would probably be on about £45k pa now for 35 hours work per week,perhaps JC will reopen the pits next year when he takes over and pay these men a proper salary...£50k pa????

If it was such a cushy job, with great pay prospects, and JC reopens the pits. Will you apply to become a miner.

Thought Not.

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