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Beware! Saying Thai women have small breasts can land you in jail, says lawyer


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I like small breasts so I would mean it as a compliment...but if she doesn't see it that way then I could be in bother.

  Therefore, when they call me PaPa (something I'm not that fond of) would they end up in bother....even if they mean it respectfully?

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7 hours ago, meechai said:

How about the Thai guys?

Can they also sue if folks say their package is errrrr  "asian size" ?



Kidding aside...Frivolous law suits in Thailand rival the worst countries

Yep, almost makes the US seem normal in comparison ? 

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13 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

Thai wife tells me this attorney keeps bringing up all this ridiculous crap to generate business.  Sort of like the people in the US that sue for small amounts that you pay for some crazy thing because the attorneys fees are more than the amount being sued for.  Attorneys, the only profession to create their own work...

Ah! This is the same guy that's in the don't trust lawyers thread? TVF's very own Saul Goodman. I think I feel a neck pain from a whiplash 30y ago, maybe he could get me some moolah from a hapless Somchai.

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Sue when you trip over broken pavement, holes in the road that damage your car or bike, cables that cause tripping and falling down stairs when ran across the entrance to a stairwell. When you get a shock from cables carrying high voltage that run in locations accessable to bystandards. There are numerous occasions in which to sue in Thailand. It is companies that profit from us and allow shoddy workmanship that should be sued not individuals saying stupid crap. Sticks and stones and all that.

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I do not like the big tits, I hate very the big, it makes me think too much of my grandmother. So I can not find that sexy. So I've logically started to adore small breasts since I was a teenager, ? ...

...as small breasts age better, when women get a little older loving only small breasts is an advantage :post-4641-1156694572:

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9 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I do not like the big tits, I hate very the big, it makes me think too much of my grandmother. So I can not find that sexy. So I've logically started to adore small breasts since I was a teenager, ? ...

...as small breasts age better, when women get a little older loving only small breasts is an advantage :post-4641-1156694572:

For me it is based on entirely how the girls apply best practice at the time. 

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I think this issue has been blown out of all proportion, and there's an underlying point that has been left hanging.  Would saying to a Thai girl that she has big breasts also be an insult?  On the big vs small question I prefer to be in the middle, but we all need to grasp the issue and tease out any prejudice related to size.


But being imprisoned for talking about boobs would certainly be a slap in the face.

Edited by Kinnock
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5 hours ago, dpspike said:

He's a lawyer. Of course, he says it's a litigable offense. However, since we're not in California, probably nothing would come of it.

That said, I would be happy to console any woman who has felt violated in this manner, as I can make any woman's tits look bigger instantly.

I have small hands.

Thus, tit size is never a problem for me. In fact, I rather like tiny breasts.

and small breasts,

and medium breasts,

and big breasts,

and really freaking huge breasts.

But I'm actually more of an ass and leg man. 

However, when I see big tits on a Thai "woman", she usually has a dick.



You mistaken dick and long cl.t


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9 hours ago, jonclark said:

Brilliant. Next time I am called a farang I will say I have been insulted and the name calling has caused feelings of hurt causing hate and loathing.


On a more related note I will nèd to watch how I address the wifes best frien..her nickname is milk...been so since school as she developed much more quickly than her peers of uou catch my drift.

my wife calls breasts milk so I say big milk or small milk

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

I like small breasts so I would mean it as a compliment...but if she doesn't see it that way then I could be in bother.

  Therefore, when they call me PaPa (something I'm not that fond of) would they end up in bother....even if they mean it respectfully?

OMG!!! A Thai called me "Luang".  "Ahhhhgg"  I'm soooo offended by the insinuation that I'm an old man (even though I am).  BIB must put the offender in jail.  "Boo hoo hoo"  <tears in eyes>

Same, same - not different.  Way too much ado about nothing. 

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As long as the breasts are proportional to the rest of her body then fine. Quite frankly, I think the way most Thai women are with their small to medium breasts are super hot. Let the Chavs have the cosmetically altered or saggy girls.

Edited by Sir Dude
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Um,... what if its true? Truth means nothing anymore? Lawyer's can make up stuff now?

Thainess at its best. This lawyer should go to jail for not seeking the truth in justice.

Ive been called kwai, owan, huai moe, etc... So these arent true so can i sue?

This is horse sht. Sue me to then because it feels more like a dare than the law!

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