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There Are Good Bar Girls in Thailand

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I'm sure some government somwhere would give him a free cell phone, health care and some spending money. He could just show up in a Sanctuary City. Continue to do what he does and have a happy life. 

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On 8/13/2018 at 8:32 PM, BestB said:

Your name is not Mohamed by any chance from France ?


if so, I assumed you would of been married by now , it has been 14 years.


For those in doubt of his story, do not be. This guys exist and o had a pleasure of being friends with one 14 years ago.


not only go go girl took him in, dressed him and fed him but also gave him 1000 baht every day for spending money.


1000 baht 14 years ago was big money, which he spent well on sleeping with other girls in his girls bed while she was at work.


as well as being a parasite with the girl he was also borrowing monet from friends( idiots like me) and family. 


Whenever he was caught by her with another girl, he would stay over at my place , naturally eating and drinking free, even bring back girls but run away early morning , making me pay them for them to go away.



Funny.  Maybe this one can compete with the OP for a book deal....unless they're the same person.  How many of these kinds of guys are out there in Pattaya???

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On 8/12/2018 at 5:03 PM, Justgrazing said:
On 8/12/2018 at 4:31 PM, superfarang777 said:

End up homeless and broke in thailand

- Sexy bar girl rescues me

- Fall in love

- Meet family, she gives me money to pay dowry

- Have jealous quasi lesbian friend

- Not sure if this is real life


- Likely 

- Unlikely

- More than likely 

- Highly unlikely

- Don't know any " quasi " pussy eater's

so can't offer likliehood on that one 

- Not very likely 


That summary is to create Google search hits.

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This is a mirror story, to see if there is any emphaty among the bar mongers in here! And also a reality check for others. 


Could be an attention seeker, but most of the make vlogs and blogs and try to make money of their misery! 


Good try thow

Edited by Hummin
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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I do not even know what to say, after reading that post. One thing that comes to mind, is if you do decide to try to make a life with her, perhaps you might want to consider finding some type of career? One cannot suck the blood of others forever. At some point, you have to pay for the oxygen your consume, don't you think, despite the endless level of your "talents". 

Yes I will most likely become some kind of english teacher, at the moment I now try to help I sold a watch I had and loved to buy her a ring, I believe she loves me truly as I see no other reason for her to go above and beyond like that when she had people sending her money before. She didnt work much before as had many sponsors and could just sit at home, but now she has cut them off on her own accord, she now just goes to works makes her drink and barfine quota, she will barfine with customers and just go for drinks and food elsewhere (so she says and goes on profusely about how she does not boom boom).

She is a great girl, has no mother or father in her life, so we are a new family together.

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1 minute ago, superfarang777 said:

Yes I will most likely become some kind of english teacher, at the moment I now try to help I sold a watch I had and loved to buy her a ring, I believe she loves me truly as I see no other reason for her to go above and beyond like that when she had people sending her money before. She didnt work much before as had many sponsors and could just sit at home, but now she has cut them off on her own accord, she now just goes to works makes her drink and barfine quota, she will barfine with customers and just go for drinks and food elsewhere (so she says and goes on profusely about how she does not boom boom).

She is a great girl, has no mother or father in her life, so we are a new family together.

I thought you almost sold your ass for 15000 baht and used money to buy her ring. Or am I confused?

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28 minutes ago, BestB said:

I thought you almost sold your ass for 15000 baht and used money to buy her ring. Or am I confused?

"Spent 13k yesterday on a gold ring for my lady, went broke so had to find some money, found a male customer last night give me 15k baht"


Yes, it was quite a funny experience.


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12 minutes ago, superfarang777 said:

"Spent 13k yesterday on a gold ring for my lady, went broke so had to find some money, found a male customer last night give me 15k baht"


Yes, it was quite a funny experience.


So you did not sell

your watch then?

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1 hour ago, superfarang777 said:

Yes I will most likely become some kind of english teacher, at the moment I now try to help I sold a watch I had and loved to buy her a ring, I believe she loves me truly as I see no other reason for her to go above and beyond like that when she had people sending her money before. She didnt work much before as had many sponsors and could just sit at home, but now she has cut them off on her own accord, she now just goes to works makes her drink and barfine quota, she will barfine with customers and just go for drinks and food elsewhere (so she says and goes on profusely about how she does not boom boom).

She is a great girl, has no mother or father in her life, so we are a new family together.


How long have you been together? Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, they are going to manifest themselves over time. The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. If you are with a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, you will also find that out over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 


Lastly, you know she has been working in the biz. Even if she gives it up now, you have no idea how many men she has been with. Could be 50, or 300, or 3,000. There is no way to know, short of hiring a very competent private detective. In my opinion, if it is over 500 she could be damaged psychologically, and it could be impossible for her to ever trust a man or have a truly open heart.


Food for thought? Time is your ally. Use it. Do not jump into anything too quickly here. No need to jump the gun. 

Edited by spidermike007
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39 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


How long have you been together? Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, they are going to manifest themselves over time. The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. If you are with a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, you will also find that out over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 


Lastly, you know she has been working in the biz. Even if she gives it up now, you have no idea how many men she has been with. Could be 50, or 300, or 3,000. There is no way to know, short of hiring a very competent private detective. In my opinion, if it is over 500 she could be damaged psychologically, and it could be impossible for her to ever trust a man or have a truly open heart.


Food for thought? Time is your ally. Use it. Do not jump into anything too quickly here. No need to jump the gun. 

Spidermike, i always saw you as a smart man,do you really believe this?I do not believe one word the op is saying.The only thing missing is he is not on some secret mission for the SNS.

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1 hour ago, jvs said:

Spidermike, i always saw you as a smart man,do you really believe this?I do not believe one word the op is saying.The only thing missing is he is not on some secret mission for the SNS.


Yes, I think you are correct. Sounds just a bit ridiculous. Too many aspects of his story do not add up. What kind of visa does he have? How does he manage to stay here without any money for border runs? Etc. etc. I believe you nailed it. A fairy tale.

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3 hours ago, superfarang777 said:

Yes I will most likely become some kind of english teacher, at the moment I now try to help I sold a watch I had and loved to buy her a ring, I believe she loves me truly as I see no other reason for her to go above and beyond like that when she had people sending her money before. She didnt work much before as had many sponsors and could just sit at home, but now she has cut them off on her own accord, she now just goes to works makes her drink and barfine quota, she will barfine with customers and just go for drinks and food elsewhere (so she says and goes on profusely about how she does not boom boom).

She is a great girl, has no mother or father in her life, so we are a new family together.


In all of the years I have been in Thailand, I have only heard of a man paying a barfine and taking a woman out to dinner, and nothing more on one occasion. And he was too old to do anything. Just wanted some company. However she did spend the night in his room, butt naked. They just never did anything of consequence. I believe you are living a life of delusion. Nothing you, or she says makes sense. She did not work before? The sponsors never came to Thailand to visit her? They never got busy during their frequent visits? Believing a Thai bar girl, and taking her tales at face value is your number one mistake. Wise up young man.

Edited by spidermike007
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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


In all of the years I have been in Thailand, I have only heard of a man paying a barfine and taking a woman out to dinner, and nothing more on one occasion. And he was too old to do anything. Just wanted some company. However she did spend the night in his room, butt naked. They just never did anything of consequence. I believe you are living a life of delusion. Nothing you, or she says makes sense. She did not work before? The sponsors never came to Thailand to visit her? They never got busy during their frequent visits? Believing a Thai bar girl, and taking her tales at face value is your number one mistake. Wise up young man.

Yes she did work for about 6 months, she is only 19, but then stopped as one man was giving her money weekly, he came to thailand many times, She met me during this time and we hit it off, i told her i had no money and she took me out for food and shisha and stayed at her place. She found out i was with another girl and she cried, she Then she fell off the radar and was hard to get in contact with, she told me she was with a customer and did not like him and would let me know when she was finished with him. At this point I was losing hope in her and fell back to my other girl who was taking care of me before, she lives above a bar with 3 other girls. This girl was also hot but this girl was super strange, she always would call me and check up on me and invite me to come over and stay with her, but when we would have sex she would just kind of take it and not be into it... I found her really strange as she had this duality of being very into me but not being able to show passion.


I got drunk as hell one night and told her that i didn't think she really liked me and went and slept in the beach. The next morning gogo girl called me up and asked me where i was and what i was doing,  i told her just sleeping in the beach etc, she told me to come over. When I arrived She handed me the keys to the condo and said now you stay with me everyday, she then went out and bought me new clothes. She said I couldn't stop thinking about you I don't like that customer I just want to be with you. She then took me on a vacation to an island. Now she was officially my teerak.


The bar girl found i had moved on out and kept calling me saying that she misses me, I told her I have a new girl and she shows a lot of passion towards me and takes care of me everyday. She then told me she loves me and wants to take care of me, she just got a new room alone so I could stay with her everyday. I told her im sorry but I didnt think you loved me so I moved on. Her friend called me that week and told me she was crying and drunk and very upset that I had a girlfriend. I still see this girl everyday in the street as she walks with her customers she stares at me as she walks past and then does a 180 head spin and I can always see the customer asking her who is that man why are you looking at him like that. Mind you I have been with about 100 thai girls free during my time here and they all stare at me when they walk with their customers, its actually quite funny as the customer or boyfriend or whoever always has a confused look on her face as i stand with a smug grin.


I may be delusional about my life but I try not to think about it too much, today I watched my girl get barfined for 2 hours after making 20 lady drinks and then go to another GoGo with the customer where she earned more money for having the customer order drinks ( She showed me the receipts) she then went to nightclub and drank more, the customer had originally promised her 10k baht for accompanying him, he ended up not paying up as he was disappointed by her wanting to leave after 2 hours (Short time barfine). I told her lesson learned make sure to take the money upfront next time. The commission on a ST barfine is only 100 baht.


Its actually quite funny to watch her come out of the GoGo with the customer as she turns and mouths i  love you to me. Maybe im delusional but It does seem she is hustling these guys quite hard. She has the most lady drinks in her GoGo and the bosses really like her because she just pounds back the lady drinks and forces the customer to buy more or she will leave the table. The GoGo girls are required to make 50 drinks in their 10 day contract, she is doing about 200 drinks so her pay outs are quite fat as long as she is not late everyday (500 baht fine).


Maybe she cheats on me, maybe she doesn't... All I know is that I have been cheated on by girls in my past and they did it for free free, at least if she does it there would be money involved, which leads us to more happiness... We have a mini vacation planned for the end of each 10 day contract.


I have been with her now about 5 months, it has had its ups and downs all due to her friends not liking me because i dont give her money and always bash me when i am not around, try to persuade her that im no good. I have done some small things to try to shut them up... but it seems like a lost cause.



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6 hours ago, superfarang777 said:

Yes she did work for about 6 months, she is only 19, but then stopped as one man was giving her money weekly, he came to thailand many times, She met me during this time and we hit it off, i told her i had no money and she took me out for food and shisha and stayed at her place. She found out i was with another girl and she cried, she Then she fell off the radar and was hard to get in contact with, she told me she was with a customer and did not like him and would let me know when she was finished with him. At this point I was losing hope in her and fell back to my other girl who was taking care of me before, she lives above a bar with 3 other girls. This girl was also hot but this girl was super strange, she always would call me and check up on me and invite me to come over and stay with her, but when we would have sex she would just kind of take it and not be into it... I found her really strange as she had this duality of being very into me but not being able to show passion.


I got drunk as hell one night and told her that i didn't think she really liked me and went and slept in the beach. The next morning gogo girl called me up and asked me where i was and what i was doing,  i told her just sleeping in the beach etc, she told me to come over. When I arrived She handed me the keys to the condo and said now you stay with me everyday, she then went out and bought me new clothes. She said I couldn't stop thinking about you I don't like that customer I just want to be with you. She then took me on a vacation to an island. Now she was officially my teerak.


The bar girl found i had moved on out and kept calling me saying that she misses me, I told her I have a new girl and she shows a lot of passion towards me and takes care of me everyday. She then told me she loves me and wants to take care of me, she just got a new room alone so I could stay with her everyday. I told her im sorry but I didnt think you loved me so I moved on. Her friend called me that week and told me she was crying and drunk and very upset that I had a girlfriend. I still see this girl everyday in the street as she walks with her customers she stares at me as she walks past and then does a 180 head spin and I can always see the customer asking her who is that man why are you looking at him like that. Mind you I have been with about 100 thai girls free during my time here and they all stare at me when they walk with their customers, its actually quite funny as the customer or boyfriend or whoever always has a confused look on her face as i stand with a smug grin.


I may be delusional about my life but I try not to think about it too much, today I watched my girl get barfined for 2 hours after making 20 lady drinks and then go to another GoGo with the customer where she earned more money for having the customer order drinks ( She showed me the receipts) she then went to nightclub and drank more, the customer had originally promised her 10k baht for accompanying him, he ended up not paying up as he was disappointed by her wanting to leave after 2 hours (Short time barfine). I told her lesson learned make sure to take the money upfront next time. The commission on a ST barfine is only 100 baht.


Its actually quite funny to watch her come out of the GoGo with the customer as she turns and mouths i  love you to me. Maybe im delusional but It does seem she is hustling these guys quite hard. She has the most lady drinks in her GoGo and the bosses really like her because she just pounds back the lady drinks and forces the customer to buy more or she will leave the table. The GoGo girls are required to make 50 drinks in their 10 day contract, she is doing about 200 drinks so her pay outs are quite fat as long as she is not late everyday (500 baht fine).


Maybe she cheats on me, maybe she doesn't... All I know is that I have been cheated on by girls in my past and they did it for free free, at least if she does it there would be money involved, which leads us to more happiness... We have a mini vacation planned for the end of each 10 day contract.


I have been with her now about 5 months, it has had its ups and downs all due to her friends not liking me because i dont give her money and always bash me when i am not around, try to persuade her that im no good. I have done some small things to try to shut them up... but it seems like a lost cause.




If your story is true, the bottom line is this. Thai women respect a man who can provide. All women want security and protection. So, get a job for God's sake. Do something. Be useful. Oxygen is not free in life. 

Edited by spidermike007
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26 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


If your story is true, the bottom line is this. Thai women respect a man who can provide. All women want security and protection. So, get a job for God's sake. Do something. Be useful. Oxygen is not free in life. 

Will do, I am nit sure what I can do but I must look for something, seems like difficult for farang to find work here.

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7 hours ago, superfarang777 said:

Its actually quite funny to watch her come out of the GoGo with the customer as she turns and mouths i  love you to me. Maybe im delusional but It does seem she is hustling these guys quite hard. She has the most lady drinks in her GoGo and the bosses really like her because she just pounds back the lady drinks and forces the customer to buy more or she will leave the table. The GoGo girls are required to make 50 drinks in their 10 day contract, she is doing about 200 drinks so her pay outs are quite fat as long as she is not late everyday (500 baht fine).


Maybe she cheats on me, maybe she doesn't... All I know is that I have been cheated on by girls in my past and they did it for free free, at least if she does it there would be money involved, which leads us to more happiness... We have a mini vacation planned for the end of each 10 day contract.


I have been with her now about 5 months, it has had its ups and downs all due to her friends not liking me because i dont give her money and always bash me when i am not around, try to persuade her that im no good. I have done some small things to try to shut them up... but it seems like a lost cause.

Ok, you've got yourself a bargirl GF....sort of.  Nothing wrong with that...although I myself would have a hard time dealing with the fact that she's being used and abused by other guys on a daily basis.  But having a BG GF is not anything new.  Plenty of Thai guys are doing this.  Not exactly top notch Thai guys, but most Thai BGs do have Thai BFs.  Personally, just the idea of my GF doing the dirty with some drunken, smelly, sweaty, hairy behemoth, night after night....well, that'd be kind of a turn-off.  But to each his own. 

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