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UK Labour's Corbyn trades barbs with Netanyahu on Mideast violence


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On 8/22/2018 at 10:16 PM, The manic said:

Corbyn is a cynical parasite, a parasite on the body politic.  Despite his elitist private education he achieved little by way of educational qualifications and this mirrors his silly, adolescent Trotskyist politics. What is noticeable is he mistakes obstinacy for strength and appeasement for communication.  A vile supporter of terrorists and murderers. A joyless mediocrity. 

Couldn't have said it better. Well done

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

Corbyn is not anti sematic, he's anti the state of Israel and it's government. His reputation has come from falsehoods published by the likes of "The Times of Israel". He has condemned attacks on British Jews and rightly pointed out that they don't come from Moslems or terrorists but British right wing extremists.

Oh has he now? Really? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4280182/IS-plotting-terror-attacks-British-Jews-Rudd-warns.html

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The apparent need to defend Dear Leader at all costs is almost amusing. Bear in mind, though, that the list provided alludes more to exceptions to the rule, rather than the norm. Disregarding the business and arts sections (not aware of Corbyn having much prowess in either), it leaves us with two formidable political leaders.


Truman graduated, rather than "left" high-school, and unless mistaken the length of time Churchill spent in Sandhurst was standard. That aside, you obviously managed to overlook both had a bit of a military career, and a somewhat richer life experience. You're welcome to consult the original comment made, which incorporated this notion as well, rather than a contrived focus on academic achievement or lack of.


Spin it all you like, Corbyn is a career politician, and bogus adulation aside - he's no Truman, and no Churchill.


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20 hours ago, jinners said:

Well there's truth and then there's........


When Corbyn was seven years old, the family moved to Pave Lanein Shropshire, where his father bought Yew Tree Manor, a 17th-century farmhouse which was once part of the Duke of Sutherland's Lilleshall estate.[8][13]

Corbyn was educated at Castle House School, an independent preparatory school near Newport, Shropshire, before attending Adams' Grammar School as a day student


I think your effort to make Corbyn look like one of us Plebs is possibly well founded but totally incorrect.  While you chose to compare his education with Eton you also interestingly state those going to private school in Thailand are more elitist than that which Corbyn had. Another untruth. The fact that the alternative is a state run school, which Corbyn also had at his disposal, or rather his parents did, speaks volumes about the standard socialist 'as I say not as I do' dogma. Hypocrisy at the highest level considering he is categorically against reintroduction of Grammar schools to England while having attended one himself and sending his son to private school. But in fairness he isn't alone on the Liebour benches doing that

The links above are from his Wikipedia by the way.

I'm not sure what the aura is about this failed academic, trade unionist who got to be leader of the Liebour party as a joke, but perhaps taking those rose tinted glasses off and seeing what lies behind the terrorist communist approving facade he wears may help you to see a little clearer in future.


Nothing you said there differs to what I said.

So what if they bought a farmhouse? Farmhouses aren't intrinsically expensive - plenty of old buildings that once constituted estates are inexpensive. It's was on the market for 650k in 2016 - hardly an "elite" price in the UK these days. Anyone who owns a house in London has a property of similar value. It's indeed a very nice house, but it's "upper" middle class (at a push) - teaching and engineering are well paid professions, but they aren't "elite" professions.

Do you not have family or friends whom you would be consider to be "middle class" that own, or mortgage, a property in the region of £500k? I would expect you do, given the average value of a detached house is £365k, I certainly have several middle class friends that own such properties, my mate from school is a builder and does, and sends his kids to private school, incidentally - is he elite (no, he definitely is not)?

"Elite" in terms of UK property isn't a house worth £650k, it's property worth several million.

Yes, as you stated Castle house school an "independent preparatory school" - it caters for children aged up to 11 and is a Christian school with 120 pupils. It costs less than 8 grand a year. It caters to children from 2 - 11 years of age. It's a Christian school. It has (this year) 122 pupils. It is exactly what I said it is - "a tiny, low priced independent christian primary school" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_House_School

Yes, as you highlighted, he attended "Adams' Grammar School" - It's a selective state state school that requires applicants to pass entrance examinations. In the 50s, 20 - 25% of all children went to them. Grammar schools are (were) state schools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haberdashers'_Adams

And yes I definitely think anyone who sends their kids to private (by which I meant "international" - an actual internationally recognised one, so 500k-1m baht per year) school in Thailand is providing their children with a far more elitist education than Corbyn's primary school was.


So far as I am aware, his kids go to a (very good) state funded academy - this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth's_School,_Barnet

I would imagine his argument against grammar school is that the education levels of all schools should be improved rendering them redundant.

I don't really care either way, I'm not a lefty or a righty, the country is <deleted> regardless for the next 15 years or so (thanks to the things that have happened on the Tory watch, note that everywhere else has recovered from the global recession just fine). I have no assets there any more. I'll never move back.What I don't like though, is smear jobs - I take issue with the implication that his education and background is "elite" when it patently is not.

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I don't see you complaining about posters supporting your views not providing links, or bringing up false accusations. And I don't know you're in a position to whine about "smear campaign", seeing as almost your entire posting history amounts to exactly that.


You can also repeat the bit about Corbyn spending his entire political career fighting this or that - it would make it much more than a slogan. This was addressed previously, you're welcome to ignore anything that doesn't fit your narrative, though.


And spin it however you like - Corbyn is either daft to make such comments or he's not what you pretend to believe he is.


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22 minutes ago, Morch said:




The apparent need to defend Dear Leader at all costs is almost amusing. Bear in mind, though, that the list provided alludes more to exceptions to the rule, rather than the norm. Disregarding the business and arts sections (not aware of Corbyn having much prowess in either), it leaves us with two formidable political leaders.


Truman graduated, rather than "left" high-school, and unless mistaken the length of time Churchill spent in Sandhurst was standard. That aside, you obviously managed to overlook both had a bit of a military career, and a somewhat richer life experience. You're welcome to consult the original comment made, which incorporated this notion as well, rather than a contrived focus on academic achievement or lack of.


Spin it all you like, Corbyn is a career politician, and bogus adulation aside - he's no Truman, and no Churchill.


1. "left school" in vernacular British English does not mean "dropped out". Yes, Truman finished "lower secondary" (in Brit English) and left school at 16.


2. Churchill - yes 15 months at Sandhurst is normal, I neither stated nor implied it was not. Churchill was in the army for four years, primarily stationed in Bangalore, partly with an assignation as a journalist. He embarked on a career in politics directly after that. 

It's not "spinning" to directly challenge a statement that states that a good formal education "is essential", which was the post to which I was replying.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Daily Mail? LoL!


Has one attack on British Jews been identified as being perpetrated by ISIS/Moslems? No. (please provide evidence if you disagree). Have there been a number of attacks on British Synagogues, Jewish graveyards, Jewish people in the UK? Yes. Have virtually all of them been accredited to right wing extremists, neo Nazis et al? Yes. (Please provide evidence if you disagree.)

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22 minutes ago, Morch said:


So, basically, your "list" included these two pointless factoids attached to both persons. Neither is relevant, and the only "value" they represent, seems to be in casting some doubt as to the credentials associated. Try harder.


And if you wish to claim not to "spin" but to "directly challenge", might as well get the statement you're challenging right. Not quite what you assert.



The whole issue of Corbyn's educational background is irrelevant. As has been pointed out, educational achievement is no pointer to who will become a competent politician. On the flip side, Cameron, Boris Johnston and Osbourne to name but 3.


Yes, he's a career politician, most politicians are. A notable exception is Trump...oy vey!

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Troll posts containing invalid links have been removed as well as the replies.  If you do not know how to link to a specific article to justify your claims, don't bother posting.  


An off topic post about Truman and Churchill has been removed. 

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58 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The whole issue of Corbyn's educational background is irrelevant. As has been pointed out, educational achievement is no pointer to who will become a competent politician. On the flip side, Cameron, Boris Johnston and Osbourne to name but 3.


Yes, he's a career politician, most politicians are. A notable exception is Trump...oy vey!


Could you possibly make an effort and follow the topic before posting irrelevant replies at random? The original comment made wasn't focused solely on academic achievement. It also mentioned real life experience and pragmatism.


There was nothing "pointed out". Coming up with specific "examples" is all very well, but overall, I think you'll have a hard time convincing people that having an education and/or real life experience are irrelevant. Perhaps not if one is set to become a "competent politician", but this was more to do with having the capacity to lead on a national level.



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3 hours ago, Spidey said:

Daily Mail? LoL!


Has one attack on British Jews been identified as being perpetrated by ISIS/Moslems? No. (please provide evidence if you disagree). Have there been a number of attacks on British Synagogues, Jewish graveyards, Jewish people in the UK? Yes. Have virtually all of them been accredited to right wing extremists, neo Nazis et al? Yes. (Please provide evidence if you disagree.)

Maybe while you are at it you would also like to suggest that the terrorist attacks in the UK to date have not been carried out by Islamists. Take your time. Meanwhile the rest of us are only too aware of two things: 1. that Corbyn has associated with terrorist movements and 2. the Hard Left, in order to opportunistically tail-end the Islamist movement is prepared allow an anti-Semitic card, all justified in the fight against Western Imperialism. That is the reason why Corbyn drags his heals. The Hard Left formula is 'taking sides' and it is increasingly clear that is where Corbyn stands, foot-dragging or no. And that is the space that nasty anti-Semites are occupying in the Labour Party. And guess who Corbyn's new friends are?  Yes. Good old time fascists. The type associated with the Daily Mail back in the 30s. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/24/opinions/jeremy-corbyn-british-zionists-opinion-intl/index.html


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10 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Maybe while you are at it you would also like to suggest that the terrorist attacks in the UK to date have not been carried out by Islamists. Take your time. Meanwhile the rest of us are only too aware of two things: 1. that Corbyn has associated with terrorist movements and 2. the Hard Left, in order to opportunistically tail-end the Islamist movement is prepared play an anti-Semitic card, all justified in the fight against Western Imperialism. That is the reason why Corbyn drags his heals. The Hard Left formula is 'taking sides' and it is increasingly clear that is where Corbyn sits. And that is the space that nasty anti-Semites are occupying in the Labour Party. And guess who Corbyn's new friends are? https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/24/opinions/jeremy-corbyn-british-zionists-opinion-intl/index.html


All terrorist attacks in the UK have been carried out by Islamist terror groups in the last 20 years. None by Hezbollah. None on British Jews.


1. Not associated with terrorist groups, associated with freedom fighters.

2. Not playing the anti Semite card, playing the anti Zionist/anti Israeli government card.


You really need to learn to define the difference between anti Semite and anti Israeli. Something that Israel and it's supporters want to confuse you about.

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

All terrorist attacks in the UK have been carried out by Islamist terror groups in the last 20 years. None by Hezbollah. None on British Jews.


1. Not associated with terrorist groups, associated with freedom fighters.

2. Not playing the anti Semite card, playing the anti Zionist/anti Israeli government card.


You really need to learn to define the difference between anti Semite and anti Israeli. Something that Israel and it's supporters want to confuse you about.


The so-called military wings of both Hamas and Hezbollah are designated as terrorist organizations by the UK.



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8 minutes ago, Morch said:


The so-called military wings of both Hamas and Hezbollah are designated as terrorist organizations by the UK.



Not by Jeremy, not by me. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


BTW. The Jewish "freedom fighters", Haganha, Irgun and Lehi were all designated as terror groups by the British.

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8 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Not by Jeremy, not by me. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


Your personal position is immaterial. Corbyn's as well, unless he gets into office and manages to change the designations. And no, I think blowing up civilians doesn't come under freedom fighting. Same goes for indiscriminate launching of rockets on civilians.


The fact stands that military wings of both outfits are designated as terrorist organizations.  

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:

The fact stands that military wings of both outfits are designated as terrorist organizations. 


18 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The Jewish "freedom fighters", Haganha, Irgun and Lehi were all designated as terror groups by the British.

Menachem Begin was the leader of Irgun and specifically targeted British peacekeeping troops. As I said in a previous post, was responsible for hanging my Father's sergeant.

Went on to be Prime Minister.

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13 minutes ago, Morch said:

no, I think blowing up civilians doesn't come under freedom fighting. Same goes for indiscriminate launching of rockets on civilians.


As the Israelis do in Gaza.

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33 minutes ago, Spidey said:

As the Israelis do in Gaza.


No, it doesn't quite work this way.

The key words would be either specifically targeting civilians or incrementally attacking civilian targets.

If you need a reference, there are plenty of past topics detailing these issues in length. This topic ain't about that, really.

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