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Thai man shoots his young neighbor dead because he wouldn't turn down the music


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5 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

I really feel for Somboon. We should start some fund raising to help him get a good lawyer. Well handled a case like this one could help many of us...

The noisy, shitty, little no hoper is a loss for no one.

What if it was your son? You would have the same view if someone shot him dead for playing music too loud? Prick deserves life without parole. 

Edited by Rossworth1
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47 minutes ago, RobertH said:

I also sympathize with Somboon. Too many people in Thailand and this region have ZERO consideration for others, especially when it comes to noise. I'm not condoning murder. I would have shot out his speakers and his sound system. Of course, then the little shit would probably have come back with a gun and a bunch of friends.

I agree...  So it was pre-empted self defense...

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6 hours ago, Esso49 said:

If more Thais were to adopt this senseless action it would put a stop to the hideous audio din coming from the crap pick-up trucks on Thailands roads also eventually

Worse  still when they get to some beauty spot, open all the doors and sit there with that shit e going  full blast

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1 hour ago, PatOngo said:

To eliminate everything that disturbed your sleep in this country, you would have to take out every person, dog and mo-cy in the country!

sounds ( no  pun intended)  good  to me!!

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6 hours ago, Ugothai said:

nobody can deny that this is a big problem in thailand.....thai people don't care the others and they think they can do what they want without respect.....

i went next door to turn down the music once and a angry crazed Thai came at me with a meat clever from next do or.  the people at the restaurant where stunned.  kept my cool.  for a country that is supposed to practice respect/conscientious i found this peculiar. maybe half of the population is deaf?

Edited by malibukid
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1 hour ago, Rossworth1 said:

What if it was your son? You would have the same view if someone shot him dead for playing music too loud? Prick deserves life without parole. 

Id  disown my son if he did this and considered myself a  failure as a  parent..............but guess  accepting any responsibility for your actions is something you dont understand

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34 minutes ago, Aupee said:

You may have only been in Thailand a short while therefore your post is only laughable .  But if you have been in the country for awhile you post is a down right insult you may have deep enough pockets to get anything done by the police but most of us prefer our Bank accounts to be as full as possible not in the brown envelopes

issues with the police are a different topic entirely and if you read my original post here on this thread you would have notice that I did point to the police and their possible inaction, if you find anything I have said as funny or laughable they you are a very strange disturbed and scary person indeed - I sure would not like to be living next door to you 

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Feel sorry for the guy having his sleep disturbed.. murdering the culprit sorted it out but has ruined the rest of his life...

a little more fore thought might have been applied..

from the 3rd floor an anonymous bottle of petrol dropped into the back of the pick-up would had the desired effect

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