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Visa application /application exceeded given timeframe

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Good Day. I applied the uk visa in the VFS office in trendy building last July 12, 2018. Affter the succesful process I was given a reciept regarding on when will they deliver my passport back as i paid extra for the courier fee as i stay in the north and im afraid that i might not be available when the result will be ready as i have duties in my school. On the given reciept It was clearly indicated that the processing timeframe will be 10 to 15 working days, It was more than the expected timeframe and Im having a problem with my immigration officers as i have to do 60 days reporting and im afraid that i might pay my over stay while they are not processing my 60 days reporting due to incomplete papers which is my passport. By the way I am a pilipino working here thats why i have to do my reporting every 60 days. My question is, The timeframe given by he VFS was just applied for the thai national or in general?

Edited by krissy1985
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My wife's application was dated end of July so now 16/17 days. VFS said it would be 15 days but in all honesty I'm not holding my breath on it. Maybe another 5/6 days we might call and ask if no news.

It's her third tourist/visit visa for a third two week holiday in 3 or 4 years so I don't envisage any problems. Just going on the 'might be over 15 days'  statements.

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26 minutes ago, puchooay said:

My wife's was dated 11th July. Passport received,with visa, in 13 working days. This is her first visa.

I'm not sure when the might be over 15 days info started being issued or how long it would be before going back to normal.

Good to hear your wife's got her visa.

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Just checked through all dates.

Submitted 31/7

Passport with visa EMS to BBK house 16/8 so near enough 15 days.

On the app' form we had holiday dated for 12 to 24/10/2018 and the visa is dated 11/10/2018 til 11/4/2019, which is good as we now have decided Japan later this year and UK March next year.

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It must be remembered that the processing time given is in working days, not including weekends and public holidays, and is a target, not a guarantee.


There are factors which can affect the length of this, such as demand; apply at a busy period and it will take longer for your application to reach the top of the pile and be processed.


There may also be individual factors which can delay the processing of an application while the ECOs check on something. For example, if checking an applicant's employment status they may be waiting on a reply from the employer; although they do usually check this by phone.


Visa processing times is not much help at present as it hasn't been updated since May!

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44 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

It must be remembered that the processing time given is in working days, not including weekends and public holidays, and is a target, not a guarantee.


There are factors which can affect the length of this, such as demand; apply at a busy period and it will take longer for your application to reach the top of the pile and be processed.


There may also be individual factors which can delay the processing of an application while the ECOs check on something. For example, if checking an applicant's employment status they may be waiting on a reply from the employer; although they do usually check this by phone.


Visa processing times is not much help at present as it hasn't been updated since May!

you forget to add that it may be delayed because they're just crap at doing their job and that you can't really do anything about it anyway - No accountability.

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1 hour ago, darren1971 said:

you forget to add that it may be delayed because they're just crap at doing their job and that you can't really do anything about it anyway - No accountability.

 Based upon your experience.


Based on mine, I disagree. 4 visit visa applications in the last 5 years made in Bangkok: all successful and all issued within the target; one actually the day after submission!


Which only goes to show that we cannot use one person's experiences to judge the whole system.


Of course, we all have bad days and not everyone is as efficient as they could or should be; but with a 95% issue rate in Bangkok and most of those being issued within the target of 10 working days, I don't think they've done too bad.


It's too soon to compare that past performance with performance since processing was moved to the regional hub in New Delhi in June. UKVI promise greater efficiency; we'll have to wait and see.


You may say that the evidence of this topic shows things are worse since the move; but those who have posted here are a tiny fraction of all visit visa applications submitted in Thailand in the last two months.


I do sympathise with all those experiencing difficulties, including excessive waits and unjust refusals, especially when it is not their fault. I will continue to offer advice on overcoming these difficulties as and when I can; as I have done for the last 10 years.


But for the benefit of others, it is worth pointing out that such difficulties are the exception, not the rule.

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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

 Based upon your experience.


Based on mine, I disagree. 4 visit visa applications in the last 5 years made in Bangkok: all successful and all issued within the target; one actually the day after submission!


Which only goes to show that we cannot use one person's experiences to judge the whole system.


Of course, we all have bad days and not everyone is as efficient as they could or should be; but with a 95% issue rate in Bangkok and most of those being issued within the target of 10 working days, I don't think they've done too bad.


It's too soon to compare that past performance with performance since processing was moved to the regional hub in New Delhi in June. UKVI promise greater efficiency; we'll have to wait and see.


You may say that the evidence of this topic shows things are worse since the move; but those who have posted here are a tiny fraction of all visit visa applications submitted in Thailand in the last two months.


I do sympathise with all those experiencing difficulties, including excessive waits and unjust refusals, especially when it is not their fault. I will continue to offer advice on overcoming these difficulties as and when I can; as I have done for the last 10 years.


But for the benefit of others, it is worth pointing out that such difficulties are the exception, not the rule.

Based on the Home office figures, not my experience.

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The recent debate in Parliament makes it very clear that there are widespread problems with the system, but people still believe because their visa was granted that everything is rosey...



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13 minutes ago, darren1971 said:

The recent debate in Parliament makes it very clear that there are widespread problems with the system, but people still believe because their visa was granted that everything is rosey...



 No, the debate, prompted by e-petitions, makes it clear that there are problems; which no-one, certainly I, has ever denied.


The Chief Inspector also discovers problems; but whilst some of the figures are alarming, they still represent the minority of decisions.


Anyone can take an individual application and use it as evidence of the performance as a whole, as MPs in that debate have done; but that gives a false impression; one has to look at the overall performance over a period of time to get the accurate picture. 


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On 8/27/2018 at 11:01 AM, darren1971 said:

Based on the Home office figures, not my experience.

Really? If I remember, your experience was very, very good with the visit visa that Ket was granted. 


Here is what you emailed to me after Ket received her visit visa.?


"Visa granted today, can’t thank you enough for the help Richard, Only 9 days from dropping the application off to getting Ket’s passport back today… "


It hasn't been that bad at all for you has it?

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On 8/28/2018 at 12:50 PM, rasg said:

Really? If I remember, your experience was very, very good with the visit visa that Ket was granted. 


Here is what you emailed to me after Ket received her visit visa.?


"Visa granted today, can’t thank you enough for the help Richard, Only 9 days from dropping the application off to getting Ket’s passport back today… "


It hasn't been that bad at all for you has it?

That doesn't make it right, an idea you are unable to take on. 

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On 8/27/2018 at 11:32 AM, 7by7 said:

 No, the debate, prompted by e-petitions, makes it clear that there are problems; which no-one, certainly I, has ever denied.


The Chief Inspector also discovers problems; but whilst some of the figures are alarming, they still represent the minority of decisions.


Anyone can take an individual application and use it as evidence of the performance as a whole, as MPs in that debate have done; but that gives a false impression; one has to look at the overall performance over a period of time to get the accurate picture. 


I agree, so the accurate picture is very bad. 

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6 hours ago, darren1971 said:

That doesn't make it right, an idea you are unable to take on. 

I never said that there weren't issues. Ever. And it is only a small minority of cases.


You simply can't get your head around that Ket failed her A1 language test and now the whole system is bad. (Shakes head).


If she had spent a day of her extended five month visit doing the A1 test in the UK, you might not be in the situation you are in now.



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8 hours ago, darren1971 said:

I agree, so the accurate picture is very bad. 

That is not what I said; I said the opposite in fact!


Yes, some people do have bad experiences. No system which employs human beings is perfect; especially when those human beings have to make important decisions within a very short time frame due to pressures outside their control. But for most applicants the accurate picture is fine.


If the government spent some of the vast profits they make from visa, LTR and naturalisation fees on improving the actual service to those paying those fees, employing more staff and better training for all staff would be a start, the improvements noted as required by the inspector would actually occur!


Of course, it doesn't help to give an accurate picture when people blame the system for their own shortcomings!

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2 hours ago, darren1971 said:

If you can't take those ideas on board then why even keep with this constant taking offence to views that are opposed to your... jeez

I haven't taken offense to anything at all. Just listening to you bashing a system because your girlfriend didn’t pass a test is simply boring. Not sure why you bother coming on here any more. Nobody bothers contributing to your posts with any help because you have upset them all.


I have said that the A1 in the UK seems to be easier than the comparable test in Thailand because it is only a candidate and an examiner here.


I remember a while back on here that a guy's girlfriend took the test in Thailand and the partner in the test was a lady boy who spoke very quickly. He posted on here because he was worried that she had failed because his GF didn't understand a word that the lady boy had said. She passed if I remember.


It was a moot point by then for us as my wife did A1 while she was here in the UK a few months before. It prompted me to take a look at the Thai system. My opinion still is that test in the UK is better from a nerves point of view for an applicant.


By the way, I hope that Ket does get her visa this time to stop all the whining. You will think the visa system is great again.?



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3 hours ago, darren1971 said:

I accept your shortcomings, but you seem to think only your opinion is correct. The figures are quite clear that there are major flaws in the current system hence the petition to parliament.

The figures are not quite clear; they are very clear!


I suggest you actually look at them to avoid making a fool of yourself yet again.

On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 11:22 AM, 7by7 said:
On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 11:01 AM, darren1971 said:

Based on the Home office figures, not my experience



Summary of latest statistics tells a different story; as do the detailed figures!


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I am currently awaiting the result of my wife's visa application made on 20th August so we are right at the end of the 15 working day turnaround time with nothing heard yet.  


Has anyone here applied in the last few weeks and have up to date information about how long it is taking in reality with the new scanning system, the Government website is still showing the performance figures for May which was before the change to India.  


My wife's application should have been straight forward with five 2-3 week visits in the last 6 years and no reason to anticipate problems.

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1 minute ago, gmac said:

I am currently awaiting the result of my wife's visa application made on 20th August so we are right at the end of the 15 working day turnaround time with nothing heard yet.  


Has anyone here applied in the last few weeks and have up to date information about how long it is taking in reality with the new scanning system, the Government website is still showing the performance figures for May which was before the change to India.  


My wife's application should have been straight forward with five 2-3 week visits in the last 6 years and no reason to anticipate problems.



Monday is 15 working days assuming no bank holidays - and there were 2 in India.

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