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Work permit - home address

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I’ve been working in Thailand for years and always had my home address on a dedicated page towards the back - useful for Thai Driving Licence renewal


Just changed employers and just got my new work permit back. I can’t see any page for home address in the book and yes I’ve combed every page.


Got HR to go back to labour office and double check and they say no more home addresses??


Has anyone received a new work permit within the last month with their home address in it?






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Yes, same here in Chiang Mai. Recently received work permit, does not include home address. Our HR head was surprised as well, and found out this is the way work permits are being issued starting this year. 


It's a hassle for all new staff, as we all work full time M-F, and will now need to go through the extra hassle of getting residency certificates from immigration for things like driving licenses, green book transfers, etc.


Any ideas on alternatives to this would be much appreciated. Will 1 residency certificate suffice to make copies, or will a separate certificate be needed for each use?  

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Your home address is the address in the country where you have your permanent residence.


Your address in Thailand is your address during your temporary stay in Thailand.


A residence certificate from your immigration office will serve for your application for a Thai driving license.


I don't know what you mean with "green book transfers, etc."

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By "green book transfers" I mean transferring ownership of motorbikes, sorry. It is my understanding that work permits used to suffice for a foreigner's proof of residence (address in Thailand) when transferring vehicle ownership, or getting a Thai driving license. Now that our Thai address is not listed in the work permit it will not be accepted. This requires a trip to immigration for a residency certificate, which I was told will take a month to process for 100 baht, or 2-3 days to process for 500 baht. Once issued it is only good for 30 days. It's a real hassle for those of us that work all day M-F, as we need find time for 2 immigration visits - once for application, once for pickup. All this for a document that is only valid for a month. Not to mention the new immigration near the airport isn't super efficient... 

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  • 2 years later...



I know this is an old topic but it is relevant to me now.


My new work permit (issued in BKK) does not show my home address, my old one did (different city), is this normal.

If it is normal to not show do places such as banks and DLT take other things for proof of address such as TM30, I am aware of the Certificate of Residence but it is a pain as work m-f.



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Luckily I have had the old style with address for the last 15 years but I'm running out of pages and am concerned they will insist on moving to the new one.


I heard some reports of getting a printout from the Bangkok labor office that includes the address to go along with the new style work permit which will be accepted at some places instead of the residency certificate.  Has anyone done that? 

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