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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :D

The 357 bit was kind of racionalist against us Americans. :D

oh dont worry about it mr G as your on my side my old mate and i'll protect you. :o

cheers :D

anyway the poms are shocking shots mate. :o


No it wasn't intended as a racist jibe against anyone, it just easier on the keystrokes doing .357 than say Lee Enfield or whatever other guns are made in the UK (probably none - all made in China now). I suppose I could have said AK47 but then I'd have the rest of the world at my throat. :D

We in the UK also have our nutters and even with the tight gun controls events like Hungerford still occur. :bah:

Terry, never underestimate the shooting skills of us pommies, we hit our foot every time. ;)

Also mate, if we ever contrive to be in Pattaya same time I'll stand you a beers and if you are passing through KL in the next couple of months drop me a line there's always cold Tigers in the fridge. After that I'm afraid it'll have to be Dung Quat, central Viet Nam and there's sod all there in terms of entertainment...............YET! :bah:

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

Nope. You can volunteer, and when the officials are checking your visa and ask "what have you done to help our country?", you can say I did this...

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :D

Gotta love the irony

but he is utterly oblivioius of it himself.

I recall a saying...something about 'being short' & 'a couple of 'roos (kangaroos) in the top paddock'.


i dont like kangaroos as one broke my windscreen when it smashed into my car at 120 klm p/h.

i got to tell you mate, i was bloody dark on that roo, so ive made a decision to only like sheep. :D

and my sheep are in the bottom paddock. :o:D

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First off, if you come to stay in Thailand, you must know you have no rights, no priviledges, no welfare, medicare, judicial equality. You are a guest. And, they can change the rules about your status anytime they dam well please.

No, I'm not, I'm a paying guest.

I have the right to pay tax and the privilege to pay national insurance.

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First off, if you come to stay in Thailand, you must know you have no rights, no priviledges, no welfare, medicare, judicial equality. You are a guest. And, they can change the rules about your status anytime they dam well please.

No, I'm not, I'm a paying guest.

I have the right to pay tax and the privilege to pay national insurance.

fair enough, but you are still a guest in this country and must play under there rules.

if one wants things to be as they are at home, one should just go home.

easy as that really. :o

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

Nope. You can volunteer, and when the officials are checking your visa and ask "what have you done to help our country?", you can say I did this...

And when the officials find you volunteering without a work permit you'll be fast tracked out of the country. They even threatened tsunami relief volunteers with this.

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Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :o
The 357 bit was kind of racionalist against us Americans. :D

No it wasn't intended as a racist jibe against anyone, it just easier on the keystrokes doing .357 than say Lee Enfield or whatever other guns are made in the UK (probably none - all made in China now). I suppose I could have said AK47 but then I'd have the rest of the world at my throat. :D

Don't worry. I was just doing an Ali G. there! :D

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

Check out the meaning of "Utopia" and you'll know why you're not living there

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

you got something to be ashamed of ?

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

you got something to be ashamed of ?

Hey Goshawk was your name Bianca in an earlier life your photo is the spitting image of one of my earlier hunting birds ,or maybe you copied it out of one of my publications :o Nignoy
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