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Hello all, I have been suffering from chronic insomnia for over 15 years. I have tried everything from meditation to hypnotism and everything in between, My GP in U.S has prescribed Xanax and Zolipdem which i have been taking. Is This medication available in Thailand ??? Do  i need to got to a hospital to obtain it ???? I have a U.S. prescription and a letter from my doctor. Can anyone recommend where i can have these prescriptions filled ??? Thank You 


Xanax is no longer sold over the counter over here,not so long ago not a real problem to get it but now they don't sell it anymore.

You will need a prescription from a Doctor,you can go to a clinic or a hospital .



It will help if you tell us where you are located but meanwhile I will move this topic to the health forum

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Xanax and related drugs can only be gotten, on prescription, from a hospital or licensed clinic.  Your US prescription has no validity here but that and the doctor letter may help in persuading a Thai doctor to prescribe it.


It appears there is no longer any brand of Zolpidem registered in Thailand.


I assume you know the xanax is highly addictive. I would suggest you try not to take it every night. In addition to the addiction issue, if taken every night  you may develop tolerance so that it no longer works, or needs increasing doses to work -- more than a few people have ended up both physically addicted and no longer getting much insomnia relief  after taking this nightly for some time.  If you can manage to take it no more than every other night (or better still just 2-3 times a week and not 2 days in  a row) this will both decrease the risk of  physical dependency and also usually avoid the problem of tolerance.


Have you tried atarax and similar drugs?





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Thanks, yes i have tried other drugs such as lorzepam, restoral, temazepam, Dormicum and trazodone. 

Not being able to sleep brings on anxiety issues. It's a terrible feeling not knowing if your going to be able to sleep when you go to bed.


My GP in America suggested at my age 70, why continue trying to fight insomnia. Just take a pill and  don't get anxiety over it.

Your suggestions please. I live in Buriram but can travel to BKK to see a physcian if necessary


Atarax is unrelated to the drugs you mention and can be bought OTC at any pharmacy. Get the 25mg strength and can take 25 - 75 mg as needed. Start with 50. Don't take it late if you have tyo get up early, at l;east until you see how you react, as many people find they are groggy next morning of they do nto sleep at least 8 hours after taking it.


Some people alternate benzos (e.g. xanax) with atarax so as to avoid developing tolerance and addiction to the benzo..


Besides atarax another OTC med of similiar action is Sominar, some people find it works better than atarax for them. This too, any pharmacy should have.


I am surprised Xanax works for you if lorzepam, temazepam and  dormicum  did nto as they are the same family of drug (benzo).


Is your problem falling asleep or staying asleep (i.e. waking up often) or both? If you are troubled by waking up during the night sleep apnea is a possibility, have you had a sleep study?


Have you tried melatonin (available without script, buy online from Lazada)? Can be taken together with other meds. In older people especially it can be very helpful as the insomnia of older people - -especially early morning awakening - is directly related to lower melatonin levels. I take it every night and repeat it if I awaken too early. For me, I can take it in early morning as long as there is still at least 2-3 hours left to sleep but everyone is different, it seems to last longer in some people. I need 6-10 mg doses but that too is very individual. It is pretty much free of side effects except for vivid dreams.


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Hi Sheryl, thank you for your advise i will try these other medications very soon. As far as these other medications i have used always try to stop keep using the same meds all the time hence the rotation. I have had several sleep studies done in U.S and no ine can find the problem.


I have trjed mediitation hyptnotism, sleeping with relaxing music.


I never sleep a full nite thru. uaually wake up after a few hours and cannot fall asleep again without more meds


I have tried melatonin,  some people have  good luck with it  but i have not. I tried it several times over the years snd i never felt right. 

I really appreciste your advise. Thank you

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