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U.S. halts funding to U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees


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9 hours ago, dexterm said:

The Palestinians' host country is Palestine.

How about the world making an effort in resettling them where they came from.


How about resolving this issue on the basis of justice, not on the basis of convenience for Trump's  administration or as a reward for Israel who created the refugee problem in the first place by palming the refugees off on other countries?


Last time I checked, Lebanon wasn't Palestine, and the same goes for Jordan and other countries which hosted or are hosting Palestinian refugees. That you feel the need to twist each and every related fact just goes to show how weak your "argument" is.


Your concept of "justice" amounts to two-wrong-make-a-right, something which you rile about whenever it suits your agenda. Then again, consistency was never the strong point of your posts. Kinda like that US president you criticize. I don't think most refugee situations in the world are actually resolved through disregarding reality in favor of ideal "perfect" solutions.


Israel didn't "palm" the Palestinian refugees off on other countries. That's your own version, based on Palestinian propaganda narrative. The fact stands that both Arab and Palestinian leadership were wrongly assured as to their upcoming victory (or in the next round, and so on) - which contributed to the situation dragging on. Not that this is ever acknowledged in your biased diatribes.

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7 hours ago, Tug said:

That’s our Donald throw a match into the pile and walk away.i wish I had the answer . I do know  forced poverty Isn’t the answere I feel it’s more along the lines of building bridges but sadly that is lost on this administration 


If you're against forced poverty, then you shouldn't be all that supportive of UNRWA. From several perspectives, it's an organization which essentially maintains the Palestinians in this state. Sort of like being on indefinite, inherited welfare program.

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5 hours ago, dexterm said:

Please give me a valid reason why a Palestinian would not want to return to his confiscated home within Israel just a few minutes from his UNWRA refugee camp?

Please give me a valid reason why Israel should not allow this Palestinian fully security vetted to return to his homeland in a gradual orderly process?


More nonsense.


Palestinians refugees cannot return to by now non-existent homes and villages. Palestinian refugees will need to fully accept Israeli sovereignty (not your version of such acceptance), and be deemed not having hostile intentions. Your post disregards, as usual, Prevalent Palestinian views on these matters. Mostly, accepting Israel in the manner required is frowned upon among Palestinians. A good example of this would be East Jerusalem Palestinian not exercising their voting rights - it is seen as some sort of "betraying the cause".


There can be no such "gradual orderly process" without agreement, and without support from the Palestinian leadership - based on the principals detailed above. Further, Israel is not obligated to commit national suicide in order to accommodate your perverse sense of "justice" or enact your social engineering fantasies.

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44 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

 Nothing you have said addresses the crux of the matter.


The Trump administration has stated they have a report that provides the reasons for removing US aid to the Palestinians.


This report has not been seen by Congress, the Senate or the People.


Arguments on other mattesr are meaningless to the core issue that Trump is claiming to have good reason to act without presenting evidence to back his claim.


That your pleasure in seeing further hardship placed upon the Palestinians causes you to skip questioning the justification for Trump’s decision is wholly in keeping with your post history on any matter relating to the Palestinians.




I doubt your pronouncements on what constitutes the "crux of the matter" amount to much, or bear much weight.


Other than in your repeated assertions that this is the case - were the reports alluded to kept confidential in the manner insinuated?

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Leave it to the Israeli government to impoverish the the Palestinians and/or keep them that way. They've been very successful at it.


Are you prepping for that old spin bit your were robbed of a while back?


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


Are you prepping for that old spin bit your were robbed of a while back?


Are you attempting to make a pejorative reference to facts that virtually no one who is knowledgeable about the economic histories of the West Bank and Gaza strip denies?

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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Its our money to spend as we please. Nobody outside the USA is entitled to a dime. 

Yes, the government of the USA is entitled to be extremely foolish when it comes to spending or not spending.

Therefore that means that any criticism of  the US government on the outcomes of spending or not spending is completely invalid.

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The US has given aid to Israel amounting to $38 billion over the last 10 years. It's the only country not to have been hit by the current cuts in aid. Team Trump have just asked for the annual budget for aid to Israel to be increased by a further $200 million for 2019.


Is Israel now considered as part of the US? Might as well be as Trump pays more lip service to them than he does to Putin.

Its our money. Guess we figure that Israel is worth more to us than other places. Thats surely based on fact.


Our money, our choice.

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Yes, the government of the USA is entitled to be extremely foolish when it comes to spending or not spending.

Therefore that means that any criticism of  the US government on the outcomes of spending or not spending is completely invalid.

Folks can critisize all they want. If loudly enough, maybe their country will be the next to get the spigot cut off.

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7 minutes ago, maximillian said:


Sometimes one has to ask who is master, who is the minion.  US or AIPAC ?

Sometimes one has to ask why is the onus of US support laid on AIPAC and not on the evangelical christians who vastly outnumber the members of AIPAC and that portion of the American Jewish community which shares its views? Hmmmm....

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Sometimes one has to ask why is the onus of US support laid on AIPAC and not on the evangelical christians who vastly outnumber the members of AIPAC and that portion of the American Jewish community which shares its views? Hmmmm....


It may be more about influence than numbers. Or intelligence.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The convenient thing about influence is that unlike money or voters, it can't be measured. So it's impossible to conduct a fact check.


Fact checks arent necessary.  In fact they are inconvenient.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The reports have been referred to but not been published.


Perhaps you too are blind to asking why.


Let me rephrase - other than in your posts, was the point you assert to be the "crux of the matter" taken up as such by relevant parties?

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41 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The US has given aid to Israel amounting to $38 billion over the last 10 years. It's the only country not to have been hit by the current cuts in aid. Team Trump have just asked for the annual budget for aid to Israel to be increased by a further $200 million for 2019.


Is Israel now considered as part of the US? Might as well be as Trump pays more lip service to them than he does to Putin.


You do know that the US Aid afforded to Israel is currently Buy-Made-In-the-US mode, right? And, of course, this doesn't exactly got much to do with the topic at hand, or even the comment replied to.

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8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

An argument worthy of a thug.

One is a thug when one takes from another by force, violence or threats.


A person who decides not to give you money anymore cuz hes not getting value for it is a realist.

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I don't think Trump will be winning many friends with this overtly anti Palestinian policy. It appears to be more like inhumane collective punishment  against a whole population of refugees as payback for some perceived slight by their (long time since elected and useby date) leaders. Simply playing political games with millions of people's lives.


"Gunness, the agency's spokesman, told Al Jazeera that if UNRWA didn't receive emergency funding in the next 30 days, when its funds are expected to run dry, a "doomsday scenario" could unfold.

"Let there be no mistake; this decision is likely to have a devastating impact on the lives of 526,000 children who receive a daily education from UNRWA, 3.5 million sick people who come to our clinics for medical care, 1.7 million food insecure people who receive assistance from us, and tens of thousands of vulnerable women, children and disabled refugees who come to us.

"If we don't fill a funding gap of $217m very quickly, they are all likely to suffer"."



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15 minutes ago, Morch said:


You do know that the US Aid afforded to Israel is currently Buy-Made-In-the-US mode, right? And, of course, this doesn't exactly got much to do with the topic at hand, or even the comment replied to.

We give them "loans". They buy weapons from us. They improve them, we then use the improvements. 


Plus they test the stuff for us. And spin off military technology for civilian use. 


We get no value from Palestinians. Along with a whole bunch of other countries/entities.



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