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Washington lauds McCain as one of America's 'bravest souls,' Trump absent


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4 hours ago, milwaukeeboy said:

Shame on Trump for not directing an appeal to the Pope to fast track John McCain to sainthood for all of his noteworthy and angelic actions and deeds in life.

/sarc off

Can't say what I and many others think here.

umm, you just have!

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12 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Americans are more divided than I can ever remember.

Yes, I am afraid that is so. And, the harbinger of doom is the Trump. I find it ironic that he has so many supporters who somehow believe the entire government and civilian establishment, including many conservatives, are against Trump and standing in the way of his making America great again. It seems any sensible person would ask, how did he become POTUS if everyone in power is against him?


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1 minute ago, pedro01 said:


Yes - it is getting a bit much now, isn't it.


Simple fact is - he's being lauded mostly because of his stance on Trump. The media want to big him up to humiliate Trump.


Look at the fake headline above "Trump absent". McCain was so bitter about the fact that Trump became president and he didn't. Excluding someone from your own funeral is not the act of a level-headed individual.


Then making the funeral all about Trump too - well that just shows how much head space of these people Trump is occupying. All of this plays into the "anti mainstream media underdog" narrative that Trump spouts and is more likely to benefit him in the mid-terms and 2020.


Bottom line is that this approach by the MSM and the elite is a big part of what got him elected. A new strategy is required if they really don't want 6 more years...

Because Trump is so popular?

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Because Trump is so popular?

No - not at all - but because everyone else is so unpopular.


He didn't win because people like him.


He'll not win next time because people like him. He'll win because economy is doing better, he's taking a line on immigration, his tax policy put money in people's pockets.  It's the perception that he's making things happen. Now - whether you agree or disagree that he's making things happen is rather irrelevant. It's a matter only of whether perception is that he is.


And remember - this came off the back of Obama and his "hope and change", which (regardless of the reasons), was more "bait & switch" and he got nowhere with it. 


All of this stuff feeds one of Trumps key narratives - that he's an outsider and 'they' are out to get him.

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2 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

No - not at all - but because everyone else is so unpopular.


He didn't win because people like him.


He'll not win next time because people like him. He'll win because economy is doing better, he's taking a line on immigration, his tax policy put money in people's pockets.  It's the perception that he's making things happen. Now - whether you agree or disagree that he's making things happen is rather irrelevant. It's a matter only of whether perception is that he is.


And remember - this came off the back of Obama and his "hope and change", which (regardless of the reasons), was more "bait & switch" and he got nowhere with it. 


All of this stuff feeds one of Trumps key narratives - that he's an outsider and 'they' are out to get him.

His immigration stance is unpopular according to the latest major poll. I will concede that the poll may be unreliable since it was run by those Socialists at Fox News.

Similarly, Republicans have given up running on the tax cuts because most people say they don't notice much of an increase. Which isn't surprising since lower tax brackets get very little benefit out of it. And while earning are soaring for the 10 percent, hourly wages for the working class are barely holding level with inflation. So whilte the economy may be doing better in terms of GDP, for most workers so far the promised benefits haven't arrived. Which is shocking because you would think corporations wouldn't want to glom onto all that money just for their executives and stock holders. But would rather share it with workers as they haven't done for the past 20 years or so.

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12 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

No - not at all - but because everyone else is so unpopular.


He didn't win because people like him.


He'll not win next time because people like him. He'll win because economy is doing better, he's taking a line on immigration, his tax policy put money in people's pockets.  It's the perception that he's making things happen. Now - whether you agree or disagree that he's making things happen is rather irrelevant. It's a matter only of whether perception is that he is.


And remember - this came off the back of Obama and his "hope and change", which (regardless of the reasons), was more "bait & switch" and he got nowhere with it. 


All of this stuff feeds one of Trumps key narratives - that he's an outsider and 'they' are out to get him.


First class.  It's sadly all too rare to find such clear-sighted views on TV.  There are far too many knee-jerkers who have absolutely no idea what's going on in the larger picture.

It's SO easy to call Trump names and think you have made an intelligent contribution to what is laughably called "debate" here.  But any idiot can see that Trump is a terrible human being.  What so many fail to realize is that he strikes fear into the bank accounts of all the swamp dwellers. (The fact that he too is a swamp dweller is beside the point.)  This fear is the source of all the hysteria and the resort to McCarthyism as everyone rushes to the barricades to declare their "patriotism".

If only more people had read Catch-22....

Edited by blazes
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20 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I agree with you, Trump is a terrible human being with literally no socially redeeming values. 


But this I don't agree with.  He's lining the pockets of these swamp dwellers, including himself.  The tax cut, for example, arguably Trump's only legislative achievement.  I wouldn't even call it Trump's tax cut, more like the GOP's gift to their donor class.  That's all fine, except who the heck is going to pay for it?  Nobody.  So the US goes deeper into debt.  Trump is putting a band-aid on it, for example, by freezing the pay of federal workers (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/08/30/federal-pay-freeze-trump-cancels-2-1-percent-pay-raise-federal-workers-citing-budget-deficit/1145355002/).


Just think about that.  Trump gives the wealthy and corporations a huge tax cut (or a pay raise) while screwing the middle class, i.e., federal workers.  Make sense?


makes perfect sense,

that is probably why he will be re elected unless this FBI chap takes him down


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2 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


makes perfect sense,

that is probably why he will be re elected unless this FBI chap takes him down


So in your bizarro brain, this will help Trump also....


[President Donald Trump has done more to hurt American workers than help them, the leader of the largest federation of unions in the nation declared on Sunday. Union workers will likely support Democratic candidates in November, predicted AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.]




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4 hours ago, Berkshire said:

So in your bizarro brain, this will help Trump also....


[President Donald Trump has done more to hurt American workers than help them, the leader of the largest federation of unions in the nation declared on Sunday. Union workers will likely support Democratic candidates in November, predicted AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka.]





my guess is that it certainly will,

not the kicking of American workers as such - but what has taken place before union leaders conclude that American workers are hurt


less job security

less health coverage

tax incentives for the rich - not for the workers


beneficial for employers, rich, establishment


not beneficial for commoners


that will help him being re elected


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Some more thoughts on the historical context of the McCain funeral.




Washington feels like the capital of an occupied country


As in a dictatorship, people spoke in code: President Trump’s name was not mentioned, yet everybody understood that praise for McCain, a symbol of the dying values of the old Republican Party, was also criticism of the authoritarian populist in the White House. As in an occupied country, people spoke of resistance and renewal in the funeral’s wake.





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On 9/1/2018 at 4:00 AM, sukhumvitneon said:

Sang like a canary to the North Vietnamese

Did propaganda for the North Vietnamese

Pushed for the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq that killed tens of thousands of Americans/foreigners while lining his own pockets and that of his defense contractor buddies

Introduced the biggest political retard in American history known as Sarah Palin to the world stage

Voted against repealing Obummercare out of spite to Trump


No one will miss McCain and thankfully his brand of "conservatism" (selling out the country whilst not really conserving anything) is rapidly becoming obsolete

" His arms were stiff because they had been broken when he fell out of the sky in his bomber, then yanked up by ropes in prison day after day. Released from the “Hanoi Hilton”, after five and a half years of sporadic torture and solitary confinement, he could no longer reach up to comb his hair."


" Vietnam brought the best moment of his life, when he refused early release from prison and gained, for the first time in his self-indulgent life up till then, a serious sense of a shared purpose larger than himself. And Vietnam brought the worst moment, when he signed a forced confession admitting that he was a “black criminal”. He never quite got over the disgrace of that. "   https://www.economist.com/obituary/2018/08/30/obituary-john-mccain


I don't know how I would respond to years of torture, thankfully I'm unlikely to ever find out.  I also disagreed with McCain on many things, but I respect his service and sacrifice.  Trump knows nothing about service and sacrifice.

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