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Murdered beauty shot dead in Nakorn Pathom was playing the field in Pattaya


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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

She wanted to end their relationship and agreed to meet him one more time on the understanding that it would end the relationship and he would stop bothering her


After, I presume, she had milked the guy for some sizable amount of money...


Did he get what he paid for, or perhaps, he felt what he paid for hadn't been delivered.


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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


After, I presume, she had milked the guy for some sizable amount of money...

Did he get what he paid for, or perhaps, he felt what he paid for hadn't been delivered.


If he got mugged off , then its his own fault for being such a fool .

Western newbies have an excuse for not knowing how things work here , he has no excuse

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25 minutes ago, ravip said:

 "what Thai girls do best"


You mean ALL the Thai girls? All of them, 100%?


In all countries there are people that get played and taken in by scammers. Whether it be fake business get rich quick schemes, catfish and romance scams.


They prey on the vulnerable, the desperate and the gullible. These girl scammers know all the right buttons to press and the right moves to draw them in. It`s a kind of grooming, like the mouse that gets conned into trusting the snake until it gets eaten. In-fact it`s an evil practice, perpetrated by those with no moral compass. It could be said that when a scammer comes unstuck, it is karma, only this romance scammer paid the ultimate price.

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Women can cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, and husbands and boyfriends can cheat on their girlfriends and wives. Is it a nice thing to do? Absolutely not. Is it illegal? In no way, shape or form.


If you find your partner has being doing the dirty on you, you have two choices; take it on the chin or walk away from the relationship. Get away from this mindset that you're owed decency simply because. If you want a decent partner,  be a decent person and make the effort to find one. 


RIP to the girl. May old fatso be arrested soon and have plenty of time to think about what he's done in prison. 

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1 hour ago, mizou198 said:

It's not about justify. It's trying to explain and share opinions about what leads her to her death.


This is crystal clear for me :


If you always drive too fast, expect one day to get an accident 

If you like to fight, expect one day to get beaten

If you use drugs, expect one day to make an overdose


And if you repeatedly scam people, expect one day to meet a bad one...


She is partly responsible, for what happen to her.


It's not victim blaming, it s statistics. The more dangerously you live, the more problems you get

If you live you will die. So you are partly responsible for your death because if you didn't live in the first place you wouldn't die .

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12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It was reported in the original report , that she went to meet him to finish the relationship

Makes sense as the report indicated the Thai boyfriend saw them together  in a house.  I am sure a lot went on that we don't know.  The Western boyfriend probably had the deeper pockets and she made up a story about an ex boyfriend bothering her.


As I said before:  Let the Buyer Beware!!!

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

in no way do i condone girls taking advantage of guys.. it certainly does not justify murder. I can understand the frustrations but if your paying for love you have to understand that it might be fake. Guess the guy in Holland was just a mark.. same as this guy.. its bad what she did but does not mean she should be killed for it.


I hope the guy goes to jail for a long time.

This 'smart' girlie is born and raised in thailand. She should have known better 'bout the risks of playing this poker. Here upcountry Thai guys beat the brains out if gf even looks too much at another man. It is ALL in the culture.

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38 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Women can cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, and husbands and boyfriends can cheat on their girlfriends and wives. Is it a nice thing to do? Absolutely not. Is it illegal? In no way, shape or form.


It is morally discutable when you build a relationship without saying that you already have multiple partners, but it's totally legal of course.


It start to be pretty ugly when the purpose of this is to get money from your partner(s). But it is still legal until here


It turn to be illegal when you exploit weaknesses of your partner to get your way. 




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57 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

She was shot in her new car according to the news report. There was  also a report that he found her with the other guy.  There was no report that she met him one last time to end the relationship- although if she and her other gig were caught- I would imagine that was going to happen.  Unfortunately, he ended it his way.


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we pratice to deceive

                                                                                                              Sir Walter Scott


Let the buyer beware!!!

I got a rental car Europcar the other day, red plated. Doesn't say anything if it was hers. A Dutchman sending money raises my eyebrows, a Click perhaps. Or an immigrant with real $$.

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Just now, mizou198 said:

It is morally discutable when you build a relationship without saying that you already have multiple partners, but it's totally legal of course.


It start to be pretty ugly when the purpose of this is to get money from your partner(s). But it is still legal until here


It turn to be illegal when you exploit weaknesses of your partner to get your way. 




Expolit weaknesses? Like what? Putting a gun to their head and demanding money? Sure, that’s illegal. Telling them you’ll leave them if they don’t give you money? No, that’s not illegal. 


No one cares about your feelings. No one owes you anything and no one is olbliged to be loyal to you cos you give them money or show them love. Your feelings don’t trump people’s free will. 

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10 hours ago, BestB said:

Not blaming the girl as murder is way out of line but these girls have to understand when you play with someone feelings their reaction is unpredictable. 

Nothing to do with feelings..

here in Thailand if someone supports you they own you... pure and simple.

Not western culture, get used to it.. she was young, attractive and got the attention of someone who funded a good lifestyle, she chose to seek the affections of others which is not tolerated.. she played with fire and got burnt..

I'm not condoning murder, just saying she got what was coming here in Thailand!!

She must have known she was on thin ice!

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6 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Expolit weaknesses? Like what? Putting a gun to their head and demanding money? Sure, that’s illegal. Telling them you’ll leave them if they don’t give you money? No, that’s not illegal. 


No one cares about your feelings. No one owes you anything and no one is olbliged to be loyal to you cos you give them money or show them love. Your feelings don’t trump people’s free will. 

If we follow your reasoning, this one is legal.... Nobody put a gun on the head of these thai women after all...



You exploit weaknesses to get money = you are a scammer = it's illegal. Like it or not the law apply the same for the couples.

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1 minute ago, mizou198 said:

If we follow your reasoning, this one is legal.... Nobody put a gun on the head of these thai women after all...



You exploit weaknesses to get money = you are a scammer = it's illegal. Like it or not the law apply the same for the couples.

No: that’s people asking for money with the promise of giving them more money in return. That’s a con and it’s illegal. 


Me, or anyone else, asking someone for money because we don’t have any or we want to buy something isn’t illegal. The person we are asking can always say ‘no’. We haven’t promised any monetary returns. 


Bit of advice; if someone you like says they like you and they keep asking for money - they don’t really like you. They like your money. Get good at hearing no and get good at saying no. 

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Women can cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, and husbands and boyfriends can cheat on their girlfriends and wives. Is it a nice thing to do? Absolutely not. Is it illegal? In no way, shape or form.


If you find your partner has being doing the dirty on you, you have two choices; take it on the chin or walk away from the relationship. Get away from this mindset that you're owed decency simply because. If you want a decent partner,  be a decent person and make the effort to find one. 


RIP to the girl. May old fatso be arrested soon and have plenty of time to think about what he's done in prison. 

If a couple are legally married and one partner cheats, at least the deceived partner can go through the courts, file for divorce and make a claim for any assets he/she believes belongs to him or her.


In the case of the OP, she was operating a romance scam and if that is not illegal, then it should be. Your comparison is nonsense.

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

No: that’s people asking for money with the promise of giving them more money in return. That’s a con and it’s illegal. 


Me, or anyone else, asking someone for money because we don’t have any or we want to buy something isn’t illegal. The person we are asking can always say ‘no’. We haven’t promised any monetary returns. 


Bit of advice; if someone you like says they like you and they keep asking for money - they don’t really like you. They like your money. Get good at hearing no and get good at saying no. 

You re wrong, it has nothing to do with an investment or buying anything. The name offence speaks by iteself : it's Romance scam.


These people promise nothing than "a good life", "love" ect...with a good looking man. (It's actually what the girl in this case was doing as well).


And in between, they request some money for an hypothetical problem... which is something very common from "pretties" or "lady bars". you know ....mama sick.... motorbike broken.... brother hospital


By the way, i never saw a bar girl pictured on the medias for "romance scam" although it's very common in thailand. 



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4 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

If a couple are legally married and one partner cheats, at least the deceived partner can go through the courts, file for divorce and make a claim for any assets he/she believes belongs to him or her.


In the case of the OP, she was operating a romance scam and if that is not illegal, then it should be. Your comparison is nonsense.

Ha ha. Thanks, but I didn’t make a comparison. 


She was a good looking girl and realized she could get money from guys because of it. It’s called the ‘honey trap’. Easiest way to not fall for it is to not give money. It’s really that simple. 


Yes, if your spouse cheats on you you can have the courts look on you favorably. Don’t know what that’s got to do with the legality of cheating. Don’t know what that’s got to do with anything. 

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11 minutes ago, mizou198 said:

You re wrong, it has nothing to do with an investment or buying anything. The name offence speaks by iteself : it's Romance scam.


These people promise nothing than "a good life", "love" ect...with a good looking man. (It's actually what the girl in this case was doing as well).


And in between, they request some money for an hypothetical problem... which is something very common from "pretties" or "lady bars". you know ....mama sick.... motorbike broken.... brother hospital


By the way, i never saw a bar girl pictured on the medias for "romance scam" although it's very common in thailand. 



You just said the promise of a good life - what do you think a ‘good life’ means? Lots of hugs, kisses and merry walks around the park? No, it means money. These Nigerians aren’t proclaiming to be poor. The scam wouldn’t work if they did. And as for the actual scam; I have very little sympathy for people who fall for it. If people are looking for romance, they shouldn’t be sending money. That’s not romantic. Usually they’re just looking for a rich boyfriend who can offer them the ‘good life’.


I’m sure there are many bar girls who have broken laws concerning money. If they have, I hope they’ll be dealt with. But if they simply batted their eyelashes and asked for money for a broken motorbike, etc, and were lying, that’s on the person who gave the money. You were stupid and you were taught a valuable lesson. Learn from it or don’t. That’s up to you. 


Again, if you’re paying money for a gf, she doesn’t love you. And if you happen to be in the case where she’s genuinely poor and really does love you but needs money, know that you’re in a relationship where if you stop paying, she might not stay with you. In fact, one day she may fall out of love with you and leave you anyway. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do other than accept it, or do something stupid because you think your feelings are more important than another person’s free will. 


Again, take control of your life and feelings, and get good at hearing no and saying no. 

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With a body and face like that I m sure she could make lots and lots of money just from one guy needn't have to get into this kind trouble. How much are these men giving her? Probably peanuts that 's why she had to source everywhere for more.

I sometimes think prostitutes are honest. They told me the price and services. They never say they love me nor do they want me to love them. Some joker print a card as a gift for my favorite darling. It 's pin on the wall, "Strictly Business".(does that put you off you romantic Farang)

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24 minutes ago, rkidlad said:


Again, if you’re paying money for a gf, she doesn’t love you. And if you happen to be in the case where she’s genuinely poor and really does love you but needs money, know that you’re in a relationship where if you stop paying, she might not stay with you

I wonder how many on TV don't pay for their GF.


Oh wait don't bother to answer, as i have read in the past that majority is involved with ladies who have a few bachelor degrees and/or their own business etc.


I even remember " some guy from another forum " who's Thai wife covered all expenses. He is now back in his home country and not willing to return any more.


I actually wonder sometimes where the tens of thousands hookers in Pattaya still find a customer with everyone in a sincere relationship

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4 hours ago, Cranky said:

No, she contributed nothing, totally innocent, an angel.  Apart from the small matter of going on the game behind her boyfriend's back.



She made her choices. 


Her “boyfriend” didn’t own her and had no say in her choices. 

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