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Anti-immigration party set for election gains as Sweden swings right


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SD is somewhat different from the far right parties in the two other Scandinavian countries.

SD is to a large extent built on unhappiness re immigration.


The far right parties in Denmark and Norway started with unhappiness re taxes and fees,

although today immigration is an important part of their  politics.


The initial name of the far right party in Norway was:

Anders Lange's political party for reduction/removal of taxes and fees.


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11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What I find so surprising is that so many people are surprised by a "swing" to the right. There was no swing as the views have been present all along. It's just that these people did not have a political party with which to express their views.

Sweden has a long history of extreme right wing views. What it has done so well is to cover up those sentiments and its nasty history with the veneer of social righteousness.


I doubt anyone in TVF is aware that Sweden actively persecuted Romani people until the EU forced it to curtail these human rights violations in the mid 1990's and to stop in 2000. Up until the mid 1950's, there was a eugenics policy in effect against the Romani. Discrimination and government sanctioned bias is nothing new in Sweden. Even Swedish people do not wish to accept this, because it is a subject that is taboo.


People have the impression that Sweden is a beacon of social responsibility, a peaceful people.   Not really.  It becomes even more laughable when Swedes wag their fingers at others;

Swedish exports of military equipment came to a total of 11.3 billion kronor ($1.38 billion) in 2017, up 2 percent from the year before. Markets include the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. https://www.thelocal.se/20180226/swedish-arms-exports-topped-11-billion-kronor-last-year

 I don't have an issue with those sales, but what I do have an issue is the hypocrisy of the country that criticizes others for making similar sales. This illustrates the PR spin that supports the false claim of moral superiority and covers up the presence of these extremist sentiments.


The most blatant example of extremist actions was Sweden's history of active collaboration with Nazi Germany. It allowed the transport of the German military  through Sweden to attack and enslave Norway. It sold the iron ore needed to build the  munitions and  weapons of war that killed kill millions. Unlike the brave and courageous people of Denmark, there was no resistance, just profiteering on a  national scale, and because of that many Swedes made their fortunes; Fortunes which still exist today.. After the war,  little was done to confront this shameful part of Sweden's conduct. Instead it was actively covered up. 


In TVF we often read about the ignorance of Thais and their nation's role in WWII. well, Swedish school children and its adults are for the most part unaware of Swedish history. In the past these extreme "right wing" views manifested as extreme "left wing" views. Nothing much has changed except that instead of attacking minorities under the banner of social democracy, they will do it now under the banner of national identity.

Correct GK. It only proves how much the Social Democratic party has to answer for. It's not SD that are the Nazi, S has been there long before.

Edited by SpaceKadet
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15 hours ago, nong38 said:

The Establishment parties will keep the new kids out for now but they have made significant gains and it will likely continue to do so if the Government cannot put its own people first. 

The next election could be very interesting if Sweden wants to stay in the EU it will have to switch from the Krona to the Euro and I am not sure the Swedes will like that and by that time the UK will have been gone for 6 years how will the UK's fortunes effect the Swede's view of the future?

Bottom line is that non-hard right/anti immegration parties won >82% of the vote. Posts and media arguing how this political sector is of great significance is nonsense. Social democrats have been in the 1st position in party size every election since 1917. They are the ones who have made Sweden one of the top counties in the world in so many categories. Just like the Labour Party in neighbour Norway. This will be worked out without the hard right party just like Germany. 

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On 9/10/2018 at 3:15 AM, geriatrickid said:

What I find so surprising is that so many people are surprised by a "swing" to the right. There was no swing as the views have been present all along. It's just that these people did not have a political party with which to express their views.

Sweden has a long history of extreme right wing views. What it has done so well is to cover up those sentiments and its nasty history with the veneer of social righteousness.


I doubt anyone in TVF is aware that Sweden actively persecuted Romani people until the EU forced it to curtail these human rights violations in the mid 1990's and to stop in 2000. Up until the mid 1950's, there was a eugenics policy in effect against the Romani. Discrimination and government sanctioned bias is nothing new in Sweden. Even Swedish people do not wish to accept this, because it is a subject that is taboo.


People have the impression that Sweden is a beacon of social responsibility, a peaceful people.   Not really.  It becomes even more laughable when Swedes wag their fingers at others;

Swedish exports of military equipment came to a total of 11.3 billion kronor ($1.38 billion) in 2017, up 2 percent from the year before. Markets include the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. https://www.thelocal.se/20180226/swedish-arms-exports-topped-11-billion-kronor-last-year

 I don't have an issue with those sales, but what I do have an issue is the hypocrisy of the country that criticizes others for making similar sales. This illustrates the PR spin that supports the false claim of moral superiority and covers up the presence of these extremist sentiments.


The most blatant example of extremist actions was Sweden's history of active collaboration with Nazi Germany. It allowed the transport of the German military  through Sweden to attack and enslave Norway. It sold the iron ore needed to build the  munitions and  weapons of war that killed kill millions. Unlike the brave and courageous people of Denmark, there was no resistance, just profiteering on a  national scale, and because of that many Swedes made their fortunes; Fortunes which still exist today.. After the war,  little was done to confront this shameful part of Sweden's conduct. Instead it was actively covered up. 


In TVF we often read about the ignorance of Thais and their nation's role in WWII. well, Swedish school children and its adults are for the most part unaware of Swedish history. In the past these extreme "right wing" views manifested as extreme "left wing" views. Nothing much has changed except that instead of attacking minorities under the banner of social democracy, they will do it now under the banner of national identity.

I do think you're being overly critical of Sweden during WW11. Swedish actions were in compliance to its neutrality and assisted both the Nazis and the Allies, including hosting and saving the lives of Jewish refugees from Norway and Denmark. In addition, in comparison to Norway and Denmark, very few Swedes volunteered for service with the German military.




I do agree Sweden has a history of citizens supporting the far right / neo Nazis. Whether the core of Sweden Democrats has truly changes their ideological spots for the longer term is an open question.

Edited by simple1
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