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U.S. President Trump facing a 'coup' - Bannon


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3 hours ago, RickBradford said:

There are also 50 million+ people who voted for him, a great many of whom regard him as "their guy". And if we are to believe the media, a great many of them are ignorant rednecks, armed to the teeth.


How do you think they are going to react if "their guy" is unhorsed by some insider Washington legalistic maneuvers? Not quietly, in my estimation.

He won't be "unhorsed" by legalistic maneuvers.  If the Mueller report shows that he clearly committed crimes and has serious conflicts of interest regarding Russia he may be impeached.

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19 hours ago, heybruce said:

The man was elected by the Electoral College

Yes same as all US Presidents of the past few centuries....

Want to change it? Go for it that possibility/path is there if enough Americans agree with you

Edited by meechai
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13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

So in your opinion "mob rule" trumps "legalistic maneuvers?" Anyway, I think the threat of that happening is just a bogeyman raised by the desperate Right.

Actually mob rule has been trying to run amuck since he got elected.


I don't care for the guy but cared for the alternative even less.

Don't know where you live but I live in a Democrat dominate State & we are not as bothered by him as the "media" likes to make out.

Checks & balances always exist in US politics

If he is not supported he will not be reelected nor allowed to pass much of anything. That is how it has always worked




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1 hour ago, meechai said:

Actually mob rule has been trying to run amuck since he got elected.


I don't care for the guy but cared for the alternative even less.

Don't know where you live but I live in a Democrat dominate State & we are not as bothered by him as the "media" likes to make out.

Checks & balances always exist in US politics

If he is not supported he will not be reelected nor allowed to pass much of anything. That is how it has always worked




But the “checks and balances” aren’t working are they? From awarding the rich the highest tax break ever to allowing corporations to poison the earth, to rescinding the Paris agreement, the Iranian nuclear deal and start a trade war with China, every week sees a roll back of Obama’s policies for no more a reason it seems than it was Obama’s so let’s roll it back. A Republican controlled Congress is selfishly supportive at worst, indifferent at best. 

I have a very good American friend who like yourself thought the “checks & balances” would keep Trump in place but his executive power is far greater than most imagined and he is weilding it at every given opportunity. 

Want to know the worst thing? He’s not done yet. 

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

But the “checks and balances” aren’t working are they? From awarding the rich the highest tax break ever to allowing corporations to poison the earth, to rescinding the Paris agreement, the Iranian nuclear deal and start a trade war with China, every week sees a roll back of Obama’s policies for no more a reason it seems than it was Obama’s so let’s roll it back. A Republican controlled Congress is selfishly supportive at worst, indifferent at best. 

I have a very good American friend who like yourself thought the “checks & balances” would keep Trump in place but his executive power is far greater than most imagined and he is weilding it at every given opportunity. 

Want to know the worst thing? He’s not done yet. 


Sorry but sounds like your not an American citizen as you say "your American friend"


You don't see that the checks and balances are in fact working.  A Republican controlled Congress??  You think that was a god given right or a Congress chosen by the American Voters?


Your comments on Obama's policies supposes American voters agree they were good policies. If they did Hillary would be president now.


We the People do in fact hope Trump is not done yet. There is much to be done & believe it or not those who elected him must have liked what they heard in the way of promises. Not that any politician ever keeps said promises.  Look at Obama for the big yes we can then  later... ummm oh.  Again Trump may not have been who we would choose but then again who we would choose is usually not allowed in the finals are they?


Look at it this way...When was the last time we (The American People) actually voted for who we wanted & not the less evil in our opinion of two terrible candidates?  Would be nice if they added "None Of The Above" to the ballots



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6 hours ago, meechai said:

Yes same as all US Presidents of the past few centuries....

Want to change it? Go for it that possibility/path is there if enough Americans agree with you

Yes, but most of them were elected by the popular vote as well.  Both 21st century Republican Presidents came to office after losing the popular vote.


The majority of Americans want to change the electoral college system, but the minority that finds it works to their advantage will make that difficult.

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6 hours ago, meechai said:

Actually mob rule has been trying to run amuck since he got elected.


I don't care for the guy but cared for the alternative even less.

Don't know where you live but I live in a Democrat dominate State & we are not as bothered by him as the "media" likes to make out.

Checks & balances always exist in US politics

If he is not supported he will not be reelected nor allowed to pass much of anything. That is how it has always worked

The mob has been trying to run amuck?  Are you referring to the fascists and white supremacists, or do you have something else in mind?


When the minority party controls the Presidency, both houses of Congress, is stacking the courts, and is "trying to run amuck" with laws, policies, cozying up to dictators and estranging the country from allies, it's safe to say that checks and balances aren't doing to well.

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8 hours ago, meechai said:


Sorry but sounds like your not an American citizen as you say "your American friend"


You don't see that the checks and balances are in fact working.  A Republican controlled Congress??  You think that was a god given right or a Congress chosen by the American Voters?


Your comments on Obama's policies supposes American voters agree they were good policies. If they did Hillary would be president now.


We the People do in fact hope Trump is not done yet. There is much to be done & believe it or not those who elected him must have liked what they heard in the way of promises. Not that any politician ever keeps said promises.  Look at Obama for the big yes we can then  later... ummm oh.  Again Trump may not have been who we would choose but then again who we would choose is usually not allowed in the finals are they?


Look at it this way...When was the last time we (The American People) actually voted for who we wanted & not the less evil in our opinion of two terrible candidates?  Would be nice if they added "None Of The Above" to the ballots

It's called Rank Order Voting, used in Australia and a few other countries, and being tried in a couple of states.  It allows people to pick a first, second, third, etc. choice. 


It allows voters to make a third party candidate that is unlikely to win their first choice, choose a backup candidate that they feel is the lesser of the two major party evils, and let the worst party know what voters think of it.


I would probably have changed the outcomes of the 1992, 2000, and 2016 Presidential elections.

Edited by heybruce
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