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An Amish woman and her son are walking through a mall for the first time, totally stunned by everything they see.

They are especially fascinated by two silver walls which slide together and then apart.

They both walk up closer to the sliding silver walls. They see a fat, little old man waddle inside and watch as the doors close behind her.

The mother and son can't believe their eyes when minutes later, the silver doors open and a tall, well-built stud strides out. The mother then turns to the son and says, "Son, go and get your father."

posted last week (several times)

Young James seems intent to get his post count to stratospheric levels, isn't the board 'flood control' supposed to limit this :o

I must admit that several of his joke [sic] I've not seen before, others return with monotonous regularity.

James -- quality not quantity, please :D

Come back Libby, all is forgiven.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


yeah, i'd rather he spent a few moments to read his own jokes before posting them, he does seem to post the same jokes several times or post jokes that others have posted a day or two previously.

i agree, Jamesyboi, Quality not Quantity - thanks!

yeah, i'd rather he spent a few moments to read his own jokes before posting them, he does seem to post the same jokes several times or post jokes that others have posted a day or two previously.

i agree, Jamesyboi, Quality not Quantity - thanks!

I would suggest that Jamesyboi put his daily output of jokes into one post rather than 1 joke 1 post


What goes 'clip clop clip clop clip clop bang clip clop clip clop clip clop'?

An Amish drive-by shooting :o

Bruce Seinfeld -- My parents took me to Amish country, which to a kid, to see a bunch of people that have no cars, no TV, no phone you go, "So what? Neither do I." Who wants to see a whole community that's been grounded?

Ok OK, but is has to be on a par with the OP :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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