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Thai agriculture minister says paraquat cannot be banned now


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Agriculture minister says paraquat cannot be banned now




Agriculture Minister Grisada Boonrach said he is ready to ban the use of three dangerous substances namely paraquat, glyphosate and chlorpyrifos in agriculture if this is legally permissible.


Although the three dangerous chemicals cannot be legally banned now, he, however, said that import of the three chemicals had been substantially cut down to 13,000 tonnes from 50,000-60,000 tonnes and that the use of these chemicals had been limited to certain crops and in certain areas.


The minister explained that the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control.


Full story: http://www.thaipbsworld.com/agriculture-minister-says-paraquat-cannot-be-banned-now/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2018-09-14
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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Agricultural minister says paraquat cannot be banned, because he will lose loads of dosh if iit is banned.

...and his accumulated dividends from the manufacturers will only be paid out once a year. Unfortunately in August next year that is. 

Edited by Lupatria
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3 minutes ago, fullcave said:

No way of tracking the death count. It's accumulative, someone gets cancer and dies end of story. You can't prove it was the chemicals.  

That's what they used to tell us at the Esso refinery where I worked, lot of my co workers never made it to the age of 65 - cancer saved the company a lot in retirement payout benefits.

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Agricultural minister says paraquat cannot be banned, because he will lose loads of dosh if iit is banned.

The bottom line, ain't it? 


When in doubt, follow the intuitive profit motive.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

The minister explained that the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control.

That's not a reason to not ban them.  That's a weak excuse used to deflect blame while embracing dangerous substance that should be outlawed.  Which means that the corporations producing this stuff has more control over the government than the government (looking out for the welfare of the citizens) have over the corporations. 
Follow the money...

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9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Totally predictable outcome. Chemical companies, politicians and senior civil servants can continue to line their pockets at the expense of those exposed to these chemicals.

Thailand will never change; corruption and personal selfishness reigns supreme. People's welfare comes last.

It is not only Thailand that succumbs to big company pressure, graft and crooked politicians. Read these articles and be saddened...…..








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8 hours ago, tso310 said:

Are the farmers fully aware of the risks and have they been advised about covering their body when using and washing themselves after ?


Mostly farmers are not interested to know anything but how much cost the new pickup that they want to buy...



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8 hours ago, amdy2206 said:

What sn amazing statement. It just shows how much Thailanđ is a 3rd world country. Most civilised countries banned it years ago, but Thailand, as usual, know best.

On the contrary, most of your so called civilised countries still allow it's usage freely. 


You might check again and update your "facts".

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20 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Over 1700 deaths in the past 3 years from toxic farm chemicals, I guess now the deaths will only be certain people in certain areas!

24000 a  year on the roads, some perspective I guess. Its the idiots using the stuff who are  killing themselves, once  again laws  will be brought in because of these  morons who spray with  no proper  equipment, who mix it "stronger" thinking it  will work  better, who leave the empty cans lying  in the fields or tip it down the drains etc etc. 

The  morons in society bring these  rules on everyone else!

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Agriculture Minister Grisada Boonrach ....explained that the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control.


It makes one wonder if the honourable minister has ever been out of the city limits.   Perhaps he should get out in the paddies and apply these chemicals wearing the standard Thai safety equipment.  (Flip flops and a dust mask!)  BTW herbicides are not used for pest control!  (Although some weeds and grasses are pesky!)


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14 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

If you won't discontinue the use of these substances, then for goodness sake educate the users in the safe, economic and efficient use of them. 

the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control.


This is the reason why no education will change the way farmers use the chemicals...

Tell them to use the correct amounts and they will always add a bit more for good luck...

tell them to spray once only and they will spray 3 times to make sure !

you can't educate the un-educatable!!

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12 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control.


Is that pest control or Thai population control? I can't see the difference in that.


Is he going to make a sincere effort to phase it out if it is not immediate? So at the moment, the Thais will just keep on having pesticide load on their body to a even higher level and die from it. 

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15 hours ago, Kurtf said:

Truly ridiculous reasoning. Can’t ban them because they are so effective for pest control. Only problem is.....they aren’t pesticides. They are weed and grass killers. Idiotic.

"The minister explained that the three chemicals could not be immediately phased out because many farmers have been using them in their cultivation due to its low cost and effectiveness in pest control."


I don't believe this minister could make a statement like this. All it does is prove how little he knows about chemicals such as Paraquat seeing it is not a pesticide but a herbicide. Perhaps I should  send him the details of what I went through 12 months ago (not from spraying) and now with a more serious condition attributed to Paraquat poisoning.


Another thing that I have seen is whole areas sown with Soy beans being

sprayed with chemicals such as the 3 mentioned to kill off the plants before harvesting, brilliant. 




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4 hours ago, gunderhill said:

Its the idiots using the stuff who are  killing themselves, once  again laws  will be brought in because of these  morons who spray with  no proper  equipment, who mix it "stronger" thinking it  will work  better, who leave the empty cans lying  in the fields or tip it down the drains etc etc. 

The  morons in society bring these  rules on everyone else!

Read up on the aerial spraying that has taken place in Argentina and which, it is claimed, has seriously affected and killed many.


Monsanto has big bucks and clout in the industry and finds doctors and scientists who put the unusually high number of cancer cases down to the "cluster" phenomenon...………….strange that these "clusters" occur where most of the spraying is done?

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