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Is going back home easier said than done?


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Is going back home easier said than done?

By Dan Cheeseman




Before I start this blog let me be clear: I am a happy expat. Previous blogs have allured to the possibility of a return back to the UK, but I was just being open in sharing some of the questions expats, like myself, inevitably have had. What is our end game – will we ever return back ‘home’ and will there ever come a time in the short term where one would need to go back?


The longer I spend living abroad, the less likely it is that I will ever go back to live again. The reality is there is very little back in the UK for me to go back for, I have my two brothers but see them when they come over on whenever I go back to the UK for a vacation. I have friends but we have all moved on from when I last lived in the UK over a decade ago. We are certainly still friends, but our mindsets have shifted in opposite directions.

Can you fit back in with a society that you left?


One of the biggest reasons for why I don’t think I will end up back in the UK is that I no longer fit in and no longer think aligned to the UK culture, friends and family. During August I saw on my Facebook feed all my friends back in the UK having their summer holidays – as it was half term for their children. So, every family gets away as the kids are off school. And they all jump on plane to British areas abroad in Europe and surround themselves with fellow Brit holiday makers. If ever I wanted reminding of the structure and routine to UK living that was it.


Full story: https://danaboutthailand.com/2018/09/10/is-going-back-home-easier-said-than-done/



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2 hours ago, markaoffy said:

“Fit in and alligned to English culture “ would be the easiest part of moving back ! One thing I’ve never done (only parts I had to) is be part of or engage in Thai culture !

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do".... or you know better than 2,000 plus years of history???

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Yeah after six years here, i don't see my self going back to Australia,the UK,well i left 22 years ago,went back once for about 10 days in 2008,knew then would probably be the last time,was thinking of moving to Philippines couple of years ago,after a month came back here and met my now wife. The cold hard facts were she was far better looking than the Filipina i had been with,and all the hassle of relocating to another country swung it for me.

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26 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The only way I can see of going back to Australia would be to purchase a motorhome. All other forms of abode are too expensive.

Hopefully health issues won't drive me back there.

If Thailand plans don't work out for Mrs Rasi and I, we've discussed the same as an option. Sell the house and become nomads. ?

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Couldn't do it. The UK is an absolute monster in terms of rules, regulations, and prices that are spiralling out of control for everything.

And that is before you add in the dire weather to the mix.

Asia is where its at, all the comforts of home, and moee, but without all the BS.


I couldn't think of even 1 reason to go back there

Camra bitter, Hollands steak puds, there's 2. But agree with you, I will never go back for more than a month's holiday, that's if they'll let me in after Brexit!

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I can tell you from hard experience that going home is easier said than done. Don’t leave it till the last minute, make sure your lights are working, and even if it’s a familiar route, one more for the road won’t make it easier or safer.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

You could also rent a place, rather then buy one.



Not anywhere near a capital city, rents are just too expensive. A month's rent in Thailand will only stretch to one week in Australia.

Rents will be cheaper in towns that are dying; however, they are dying because they are losing services which one then has to drive a long way to access.

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2 hours ago, mstevens said:

If you don't want to leave Thailand however, but are somehow forced to leave then I think adjusting to life back home could be kinda tough!

Sure if they for some reason want to stay in Thailand, but dont have funds and are another one of the bones of thier arse expats.. They will constantly look at the new situation in a negative light. 

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3 minutes ago, HHTel said:

One of the common reports are that apart from accommodation and 'eating out', returning expats were quite amazed at how much cheaper it is than Thailand.  Even a large Chang can be bought cheaper in the UK than here!!

Yes it CAN be cheaper, but the reality is you have to search for the cheap items, rather than just find them anywhere. To use your beer example, a pint of IPA beer in most local pubs round my way costs from £3.50 - £5. In Weatherspoons (the exception) it's £1.99. So choice is limited to 1 out of 20 pubs if I want the economy. Obviously "up to me" but just putting some balance on it. 

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1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

Are they forgetting the council tax, utility bills, internet charges, parking charges, road tax and other taxes, parking fees, phone bills, water bills, hair cuts, public transport prices and the rest of the list?



I agree.  However that was the underlying statement from a number of people.  My half Thai daughter is included in that.  She's 20 years old and has been back in the UK (London) for 2 years.  Also my son who is in his 30's who also returned to the UK after living here for 12 years.

I can't comment personally as I've not tried it.  I can only repeat what those that have done it are saying. 

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