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Go Fund Me. for refugees

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I have been knocking this idea about for a while need to see what others think

  With the refugees becoming more in the news. And leaders letting them in to their own countries by the millions. Perhaps it is time to bring the reality of what the leaders are really doing their own countries. So I have a plan that may help them understand.

  This plan will need people in the countries that wish to do this and are  willing to participate. 

   The plan is simple. Set up a Go Fund Me for refugees help. 

  With this money we pick up refugees where ever they are in the country and bus them to the neighbourhoods of the rich,influencial and where the nation leaders live, people like Merkel etc. We use all green space available in these areas to set up refugee camps. We supply the camp with every thing they need. Tents sleeping bags,food cooking facilities etc. We have portable bathrooms brought  in and regularly maintained. Water and food is regularly brought in. The refugees can stay for a long time.

  We hang banners saying  All For One One For All. or We Are One Nation We must Stand Together or some like that you get the idea.

  Would be great to see what would happen with this. How it would be accepted  

   Does any one think it could be organized if Go Fund got the cash.

I forgot to add bring mostly the young strong men to these camps.

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Sure, at the same time set up few more GFM schemes to cure all cancers of the world, feed the hungry and stop all wars... and then, we all sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya my lord...

1 hour ago, champers said:

You and I and everyone else already fund the resettlement of refugees. It's called taxes.

Did you read my post.

  It is about placing refugees in people like Merkel's back yard. See how they like having young strong refugee men camping out in their area where they live.and doing the activities they have been doing else where. Let people like Merkel experience what it is like.

   Give the leaders a taste of what they put others through. Maybe then they will rethink their open door policy.

. Perhaps it is time to bring the reality of what the leaders are really doing their own countries. So I have a plan that mayhelp them understand.

    The above sentence is basically what the post is about

1 hour ago, ezzra said:

Sure, at the same time set up few more GFM schemes to cure all cancers of the world, feed the hungry and stop all wars... and then, we all sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya my lord...

Two responses and both of topic of what the post was about. 

Post not doing do well huh.

  My post is about putting the refugee problem in the back yard of the leaders . Not just in poor working class neighbourhoods with no say.

   I would like to see Merkel deal with young refugees wandering around her neighbourhood . Perhaps they can wonder in her yard. Urinate on her driveway or tress etc.  Would it be an issue or would she welcome them with open arms.


  • 3,820 

. Perhaps it is time to bring the reality of what the leaders are really doing their own countries. So I have a plan that mayhelp them understand.

  The above sentence copied from Op is basically what this action would entail.


55 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Did you read my post.

  It is about placing refugees in people like Merkel's back yard. See how they like having young strong refugee men camping out in their area where they live.and doing the activities they have been doing else where. Let people like Merkel experience what it is like.

   Give the leaders a taste of what they put others through. Maybe then they will rethink their open door policy.

. Perhaps it is time to bring the reality of what the leaders are really doing their own countries. So I have a plan that mayhelp them understand.

    The above sentence is basically what the post is about

Ever though about that you might need a license to setup a camp somewhere?

1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

Ever though about that you might need a license to setup a camp somewhere?

Do they have a license to squat where they squat  at present time? I doubt it.

  Look at you tube see  the messes they leave where they squat . Mattresses left laying on the sidewalks ,empty water bottles every where. etc.

  But you do bring up a good point. If what I wanted t do was stopped because of no permit or license. Why could the people in the neighbourhoods that  they are doing it in at present not stop them from doing it the same way?  And ask where is the license?Or is it privileged laws? So if only privileged neighbourhoods could demand a license what is that? Fascism perhaps.

  That is what I am trying to say in this post. It is peaceful rebellion that would in all probability show  the leaders think nothing of subjecting their citizens to things they themselves would not tolerate.



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