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As part of an effort to crack down on terrorist activity within Britain, Prime Minister Tony Blair has instituted a new series of tests that any applicant for British citizenship must pass:

  • The ability to express the full range of human emotion by gentle throat clearing.
  • The ability to drink a full pint of warm flat beer (non-alcoholic beer is permitted, but in this case two pints must be consumed).
  • The ability to complement the cook after consuming a dinner of cold mashed potatoes, cold peas and cold burnt meat.
  • The ability to instinctively know if it’s tea first or milk first.
  • The ability to praise the French while clearly indicating that since 1066 they’ve pretty much been a bunch of losers.
  • The ability to praise the Americans while clearly indicating that they got lucky that one time in the late 1700’s.
  • The ability to colour in red those bits of the globe that still should properly belong to Britain (extra credit if the United States is included).
  • And finally
  • The ability to utter the phrase “British Way of Life” without cracking even the hint of a smile.

Posted by a Brit who can relate to every b00dy one of them :o:D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The ability to assign the phrase "This is <insert country>" to any situation that isn't in perfect harmony with how they do it in England.

I do admit to having resorted to this at times. :o

The inability to grasp why the scruffy little fuzzy wuzzy in the taxi outside Nakon Nowhere bus station cannot understand the Queen's English even when bellowed at 120 decibels.

I consider myself culturally aware not to fall in this trap :D but have encountered those who do.

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