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Begpackers in Chiang Mai Night Bazaar


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Sammy T a bit naive, the majority of backpackers do not backpack that is what they keep their junk in. Yes a few are down and out, but most are legit travelers on a holiday with money to spend on beer and such but will nickle and dine a tut-tut driver or songtaw driver to death.

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1 minute ago, moe666 said:

Sammy T a bit naive, the majority of backpackers do not backpack that is what they keep their junk in. Yes a few are down and out, but most are legit travelers on a holiday with money to spend on beer and such but will nickle and dine a tut-tut driver or songtaw driver to death.

I wouldn't say naive. I've been here long enough to know what they're like, and obviously I use the term backpacker to describe low budget travellers. Not someone who literally lives from their backpack. Hell, I've even been a "backpacker" myself a few years back.

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1 hour ago, SammyT said:

but was out tonight in the CM Night Bazaar area and out the front of BK

BK ? - Bangkok Bank.


Give me a location and I will stop by tomorrow evening and see if I can get a pic. Oh excuse looks like you did a disclaimer and wont reveal the location ...  I have to ask is it real? you are not making this up are you?  The night market being boring as spit so I would not want to waste my time if just a fantasy.

Edited by LomSak27
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Sorry OP, but you really should enjoy your life rather then feeling outraged for some guy who is obviously down on his luck.

Would you like to be in his shoes ? No ? Count your blessings then.

Money is no cure for loneliness.

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Burger King would be the last thing I would think of when BK is put up. I always here about these behgpackers, wondered if they were an urban legend I guess.  Now that is the Night market BK - not the one up in the old Montri Hotel on Taphae square?


I just got a new Panasonic GX9 so what the hell, time for some action snaps.

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1 minute ago, SammyT said:

Speaking of being in someone else's shoes - put yourselves in the shoes of Thai vendors who work in the area. They see a guy who has had enough money to come here, have fun and then can't afford a ticket home so is sitting on the streets of their home town asking for money from tourists and locals that might otherwise go into the local economy. How do you reckon they feel about that when they see stuff like that? I reckon not sympathetic. About as sympathetic as most of the posters on here would feel if they saw it happening in their home country, I imagine

I don't think so, but i bet some of the vendors would be more sympathetic than you.

I'm not celebrating beggars here, but if you are not willing to give anything, why take cheap shots ?

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57 minutes ago, SammyT said:

You conveniently missed the point out where I said I wasn't going to grass him out, but I guess that's probably how you structure your arguments, for greater effect. Also, not overly sensitive, but I don't have much time for people wealthy enough to travel crying poor. 


My point is it's an embarrassment to see someone who has the money to travel sitting in an area heavily populated by street vendors best described as poor asking for money so he can get home. But I suspect you knew that point already but you just looked for a reason to get outraged. 


I'd say you're more outraged than I am, but live and let live as you say

If these are tourists I don`t think they are breaking any laws, except being a nuisance. All the police can do is check their documents to see if they are legally here and if in order can move them on. Unless they are begging with aggression or harassing passers by, then best to just ignore them and go on your merry way. 


I sometimes look at the craigslist ads and there are westerners advertising sexual and other services on there to financially support themselves in Thailand. Unless the police decide to clamp down on foreign beggars, doubt there is anything you can do about it and no point in getting irritated.

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3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I don't think so, but i bet some of the vendors would be more sympathetic than you.

I'm not celebrating beggars here, but if you are not willing to give anything, why take cheap shots ?

Because it's embarrassing as a westerner living in this country to see other westerners doing stuff like this. It almost certainly contributes to anti-western feelings that certain segments of the Thai population are so often accused on here of harbouring. As I said - if you have money to travel you have money for travel insurance. If you don't get travel insurance, you leave yourself in the hands of fate. 


It makes me laugh that people on here will quickly put the boot into Thais for doing stuff but heaven forbid someone criticises another farang. 

Edited by SammyT
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2 minutes ago, SammyT said:

Because it's embarrassing as a westerner living in this country to see other westerners doing stuff like this. As I said - if you have money to travel you have money for travel insurance. If you don't get travel insurance, you leave yourself in the hands of fate. 


It makes me laugh that people on here will quickly put the boot into Thais for doing stuff but heaven forbid someone criticises another farang. 

Ok, never mind, we can agree to disagree.

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2 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


Sorry Sammy but I think that's clearly stretching it a bit.      


No one has to give the panhandler anything and I'd for darn sure  prefer a person with a empty  cup on the street instead of going to a back alley and mugging  someone.


Is it actually though? You don't think a tuktuk driver or a somtum seller who sits there making not much more than minimum wage per night doesn't look at someone like that and feeling pretty pissed off? Because I know most people in western countries would be annoyed if Asian tourists came over and then sat in the middle of a main town with a cup and a sign. They'd probably be beaten up by the homeless/desperate in NZ. 

I'd personally prefer that people were accountable for their actions as most of us are and relied on insurance/family/embassies for assistance. But that's just me 

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24 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Burger King would be the last thing I would think of when BK is put up. I always here about these behgpackers, wondered if they were an urban legend I guess.  Now that is the Night market BK - not the one up in the old Montri Hotel on Taphae square?


I just got a new Panasonic GX9 so what the hell, time for some action snaps.

I can only presume if you see him tomorrow, you'll see all the compassionate people on here telling me to "give him a chance" lined up giving him some of their hard-earned or offering him a room at their house or something. Be sure to take pics of that happening. 

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32 minutes ago, SammyT said:


I would have thought BK was a pretty well renowned initials for Burger King. The one right in the middle. I wouldn't make a special trip if I were you. He was definitely there - I'm not in the business of making up stories to get attention on here. Was merely highlighting my annoyance at people like that. Clearly others don't share the same views, and that's cool. I guess some people are more compassionate than me. 

Sammy, you will probably learn fairly soon that there are good and bad posters and some guys just like to, as you mentioned previously, exert their perceived superiority by throwing out stupid arguments. I agree that a Farang begging money off of the locals is not a good look, as is a lot of other bad behaviour  by Farangs. Good luck with what ever it is you are doing.

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4 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

For you apparently but not for me and not for many others.

Do you always edit quotes that heavily? Horses for courses I guess. There are plenty of things I find embarrassing that westerners do over here (like girls less than half their age and then wonder why they lost all their money) that others don't. Maybe I'm different to other expats who post on here. Paint me unsurprised.

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