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9 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Santa Claus exists, this is the proof


For proof that God exists just look up next time you are in the Sistine chapel.    I remember that one of the great historical uses of the "F" word was some painter (Micheal someone or other) saying  "You want "<deleted>"  what,  "<deleted>" where?"

3 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

For proof that God exists just look up next time you are in the Sistine chapel.    I remember that one of the great historical uses of the "F" word was some painter (Micheal someone or other) saying  "You want "<deleted>"  what,  "<deleted>" where?"

I find your post a bit confusing, but personally, i can see proof of God ( intended as intelligent design) everywhere.

10 hours ago, attrayant said:


I'm going to stop you right there, because I wouldn't declare that something does not exist unless its existence would violate known laws of nature.  This is how we know free energy devices don't exist.  If somebody claims that such a thing exists, it's up to them to provide evidence.



Which is why people need to stop claiming, without evidence, that deity X exists, fairy rings exist, karma exists and so on.  This is Hitchens's razor: "Whatever is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".

Live and let live... Why take on others headaches?

1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

I find your post a bit confusing, but personally, i can see proof of God ( intended as intelligent design) everywhere.

I agree with you. It's when we try to humanise it or put a face on it, is where people get defensive.

Clearly there is intelligent design, it is everywhere. It can't just be put down to sheer luck and happinstance.


There is something bigger and more important than all of us, we just happen to call it God. Call it what you want, but it certainly exists. To think otherwise is just ignorant.


I am not a Bible thumping Christian by the way.


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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

I find your post a bit confusing, but personally, i can see proof of God ( intended as intelligent design) everywhere.

Yes, religion frequently does that to believers.   I gave up believing in ghosts, prayer, spirits, gods and personal saviours decades ago.   I still find it amusing that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same Abrahamic god (God) and yet in varying degrees all think the other two including innumerable splinter groups have got it wrong, (in some cases all wrong) and in many/most cases think they are the chosen ones, not the others who nonetheless do worship the same Abrahamic god.   

But each to his own.  The two good things about my (dis)belief system are that none of us will ever find out who was right or wrong; and we can relax in most western countries in the certainty that blasphemy is a victim-less crime.  As long as you don't try it in a Muslim country or some parts of the southern U.S.A

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19 minutes ago, thequietman said:

I agree with you. It's when we try to humanise it or put a face on it, is where people get defensive.

Clearly there is intelligent design, it is everywhere. It can't just be put down to sheer luck and happinstance.


There is something bigger and more important than all of us, we just happen to call it God. Call it what you want, but it certainly exists. To think otherwise is just ignorant.


I am not a Bible thumping Christian by the way.


No.  You are strictly speaking a "Theist."   I am an A-theist, the "a" referring to an absence of......... belief in any god, in this instance of use.   Despite forthrightly denouncing religion, Einstein (possibly the earlier Einstein) had a soft spot for Theism.  So you are in good company.  So did I for a while back there, but it passed.  Theism is a "Claytons" religion.  "The religion you have when you are not having a religion."  Like the "Clayton's" non alcoholic drink.  Eventually you may want to put a name to "it" and become converted to something that promises you can cheat death.  Or you will ditch it like I did when I finally realised that I had to face up to the facts.

37 minutes ago, ravip said:

Live and let live... Why take on others headaches?


That is my lot in life.  Education is the cure to so many of the world's problems.  To quote Lawrence Krauss:


"The purpose of education is not to validate ignorance, but to overcome it."


I share Lawrence's passion about overcoming ignorance.  He argues that teaching children competing theories of established facts (like flat Earth, young Earth "theory", intelligent design/creationism and so on) is tantamount to child abuse.


His full statement is here.  It's just three and a half minutes.  WATCH IT: 






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