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Four in 10 believe allegations against Kavanaugh, three in 10 do not - poll


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Four in 10 believe allegations against Kavanaugh, three in 10 do not - poll

By Chris Kahn



FILE PHOTO: Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., September 27, 2018. Andrew Harnik/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Four in 10 Americans believe sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, while three in 10 do not and the rest do not know, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that split largely along party lines.


The poll, released on Sunday, follows an emotionally charged week in Washington, during which Kavanaugh's once-certain confirmation was jeopardized after three women made allegations against him, including accusations of assault and exposing himself in public in the 1980s.


Kavanaugh, a conservative federal appeals court judge nominated to the country's top court by U.S. President Donald Trump, has denied those allegations. The FBI has opened an investigation after Trump bowed to pressure from moderate Senate Republicans.


The poll found that 42 percent of adults said they believed the accusations, including about the same number of men and women. Thirty-one percent do not believe them and 27 percent said they "don't know" what to believe.


The responses were divided largely along partisan lines - about two-thirds of Democrats said they believed the allegations and nearly two-thirds of Republicans said they did not.


One of the women accusing Kavanaugh of misconduct, Christine Blasey Ford, told the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that when they were teenagers in 1982, Kavanaugh and a friend pushed her into a room and that he held her down and tried to take off her clothes.

Ford said she feared that she would be raped and accidentally killed.


Kavanaugh told the committee afterward that he considered the allegations part of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” from Democrats who do not want him confirmed. He said he did not know any of the women who have accused him of wrongdoing and he produced calendars from the time that he said exonerated him.


A recent YouGov poll found that the country was split over the testimony that Kavanaugh and Ford presented to the panel, with 41 percent saying that they believed Ford and 35 percent saying they believed Kavanaugh.


The Reuters/Ipsos poll, which was conducted after the allegations were publicized, also found that 41 percent of adults opposed Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. That was up about 5 percentage points from a similar poll conducted from Sept. 18-24.


When it came to the allegations of sexual misconduct, the poll found that Americans who are younger, more educated and single were more likely to believe the allegations than those who are older, less educated and married.


The poll was conducted online in English from Sept. 26-30 throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 2,478 American adults, including 983 who identify as Democrats and 818 who identify as Republicans. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 2 percentage points.


(Reporting by Chris Kahn; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-10-01
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Much as polls are a waste of time in my opinion (pun intended). 

The claim that less educated older married people leaned toward Kavanaugh says everything about what's wrong with this debacle, the States, and the world at large.

Idiots voting for their own subjugation.


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Why would someone purposely expose themselves to the wrath of trump the good doctor is not insane and putting that to the side he is to partisan judges are supposed to be neutral to hear him quote in reference to the democrats sir Arthur Harris (you have sown the wind and now you shal reap the worllwind is way way way out of line sir Harris was in command of bomber command during ww2 

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So it was Kavanaugh and his friend who forced her into the room and tried to undress her? Is the friend being investigated too or is he not rich/famous/newsworthy enough? 

Kavanaugh produced calendars from that time which he said exonerated him. Wow, I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast never mind almost 40 years ago. Come to think of it, did I have breakfast this morning ????‍♂️ ???? 

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It doesn't even matter anymore, since he lied under oath.

The "Devils Triangle" is NOT a drinking game...and he knows it!

Alumni doesn't reference dance partners...and he knows it!

Apart from that: little Brat seems to have quiet a temper, attacking Democrats directly!

That seems to be a guarantee for impartial decissions, huh?!


...oh...and he is a sexual predator!


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3 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Isn't it a matter of a more rigorous process to become a member of the Supreme Court?


I just watched this clip of  Judge Kavanaugh.    Pretty powerful.  No wonder he thought twice about it.




That "Hon" before his name must be for position not for character.

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I think I would have got mad simply because he will never work again after the character assassination the Dems pulled on him if he does not get nominated.


It is not a case of he said she said when all 4 supposedly named witnesses said the event did not happen. They had the letter from Ford since July so there was plenty of time to bring the allegations to the senate and have a fuller investigation.... But No, wait until the last minute and pop in into the discourse so that just maybe his nomination can be delayed until after the mid-terms in the hope that the Dems will win enough seats to block any further nomination.


Before the hearings they already said they would do everything in their power to block his conformation.. 


Does any of that sound like a fair and above partisan politics nomination process..? If it does to you then you watch to much CNN


The good news is there is another investigation underway now and it just might expose some of the shenanigans certain paid for Soros idiots have been up to.. I would not be surprised if people are exposed for the lying partisan creeps they really are (do not expect CNN to report it though).. If they get a slander law suit and or lose their position in the senate then let the chips fall where they may.. I can not imagine what Kav and his family have been through... Just one more reason to stay away from American politics...


Work hard get rich and buy a few politicians is they way to do it, not just in America but unfortunately in many countries..



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7 hours ago, wayned said:

Not a double standard, just not properly vetted until his nomination to the highest court in the nation and accusations of sexual misconduct were brought forth.

completely uncorroborated accusations with information withheld on purpose to delay the conformation while the ranking dem senator schemed to have certain activists attorneys appointed, no coincidence at all....really. then pretending to have a fear of flying all the while she is flying everywhere. 


A complete and total sham, unless you are painfully nieve and dim

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22 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

completely uncorroborated accusations with information withheld on purpose to delay the conformation while the ranking dem senator schemed to have certain activists attorneys appointed, no coincidence at all....really. then pretending to have a fear of flying all the while she is flying everywhere. 


A complete and total sham, unless you are painfully nieve and dim

Or politically blinkered ?

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