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FBI digs into U.S. Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh's past


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10 hours ago, beechguy said:

He wasn't unhinged, that's what it looks like when a guy has a set of balls, and pushes back against some A holes.

That's what a guy looks like when he's following the Trump game plan of deny and sling mud at others.  It's not the kind of behavior expected of a Supreme Court justice.

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2 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

again, zero actual evidence. Just unfounded far fetched innuendos from a compliant press.


It is abhorrent what the dems tried to do, and there will be a reckoning.


there is only one side behaving like spoiled screaming children harassing people.


A recurring theme for the leftist mob mentality.

Sexual assault allegations usually boil down to "she said, he said", absence of evidence does not make them far-fetched.  Kavanaugh definitely lied about receipt of stolen documents  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/brett-kavanaugh-lied-under-oath-sen-patrick-leahy-says-and-he-showed-some-evidence-to-prove-it/ar-BBNOKbY. What the democrats are doing pales in comparison to McConnell refusing to allow a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nomination.  And no one does spoiled screaming child like Donald Trump. 

Edited by heybruce
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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Sexual assault allegations usually boil down to "she said, he said", absence of evidence does not make them far-fetched.  Kavanaugh definitely lied about receipt of stolen documents  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/brett-kavanaugh-lied-under-oath-sen-patrick-leahy-says-and-he-showed-some-evidence-to-prove-it/ar-BBNOKbY. What the democrats are doing pales in comparison to McConnell refusing to allow a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nomination.  And no one does spoiled screaming child like Donald Trump. 

again, zero actual evidence just emotional blather.



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31 minutes ago, farcanell said:


 My demeanor may well have been similar in an opening statement... it should scream outrage and injustice... a good judge would know that, and the impact on a jury, of a robust denial.


but I’m not looking for national respect and a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land


Anyway... started well, but then he became unhinged... he no longer acted reasonably, but became obstructive and abusive, sans any respect for the judicial committee or process.... this alone should disqualify him.... or give reason to requesting a further investigation


this behavior was far from supreme.... more like disqualifying, imo, as it is proof of contempt of Congress and contempt of the electors, by extension


and... now we know he’s proud of chugging beers thru his butt .... “have you boofed, yet?”.... lol


but timeline.... go back and look at all that, in its entirety, vs fixating on the specific date of the Disclosure of the information to the judicial committee, as a whole, because that’s over simplistic, and a “hook line and sinker” for trumps simplistic fan base.


again, zero evidence and just an opinion

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2 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

I would like to see your demeanor in front of the entire nation defending yourself against some vile unfounded accusations that threaten to destroy your entire life and family.

it was a setup engineered in advance, unless you are blind to the timelines and actions


That's right. Kavanaugh is a real hero.


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38 minutes ago, farcanell said:

but timeline.... go back and look at all that, in its entirety, vs fixating on the specific date of the Disclosure of the information to the judicial committee, as a whole, because that’s over simplistic, and a “hook line and sinker” for trumps simplistic fan base.

well you certainly do have an inflated opinion of your intellect while slinging insults.


predictable and weak

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If he gets nominated to the Supreme Court, Roe Vs Wade is toast, which is why he was chosen in the first place.

So much for the Republican mantra of getting government off the backs of the people.

It will be the tyranny of the minority imposing their will on the majority for religious reasons.

If it happens, watch American women revolt. It will dwarf the Women's March after Trump's inauguration.

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1 minute ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

If he gets nominated to the Supreme Court, Roe Vs Wade is toast, which is why he was chosen in the first place.

So much for the Republican mantra of getting government off the backs of the people.

It will be the tyranny of the minority imposing their will on the majority for religious reasons.

If it happens, watch American women revolt. It will dwarf the Women's March after Trump's inauguration.

please tell us all how this will happen, exactly. get over the irrational emotional rants

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2 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Duh.... in absence of a thorough investigation, there will be no new evidence.


investigating known testimony... known not to contain verifiable evidence... is insulting to you, as a murican.... are you happy with your intelligence being insulted?


bumping on about findings of a biased investigation, insults all murcans... are you happy with your countrymen, at large, being insulted?


lol... republican... of course you are

The entire accusation is uncorroborated that is why it should have never been allowed


get over it.


you want to start sling insults, that is all you have?

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10 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Clearly you refused to look at the source provided.  It's easier to maintain there is zero evidence if you refuse to look at evidence provided.

you know Bruce, do you think it is really acceptable if the entire Democratic machine had a no vote even before he was named? 


it is unbelievable to pretend you are worried about character

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4 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

another accusation is not evidence.


get over the emotional irrational thought


The hearing whereby the comments I referenced, where evidentiary hearings....made under oaths to the judiciary committee.... with senators and trump (unbelievably) agreeing Kav is toast if it can be demonstrated that he lied to the committee... about anything.


irrational thoughts, are perhaps things you should not mention

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13 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

another accusation is not evidence.


get over the emotional irrational thought

"Dr. Ford's allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a longtime friend of hers."

Date: September 27, 2018
Under Oath: …yes




How's that for a lie?  Nothing was refuted.  Perhaps our future Supreme Court Justice doesn't know the meaning of "refuted".


There are more examples in the source, but I'm limited in how much I can present.  I'd suggest you check the source, but you apparently think that if you refuse to look at evidence it doesn't exist.

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9 minutes ago, farcanell said:


The hearing whereby the comments I referenced, where evidentiary hearings....made under oaths to the judiciary committee.... with senators and trump (unbelievably) agreeing Kav is toast if it can be demonstrated that he lied to the committee... about anything.


irrational thoughts, are perhaps things you should not mention

so We know Ford lied about the fear of flying and when she said she never coached anyone on taking a polygraph, as the signed statement from her boyfriend.

you have nothing, but keep on trying, because it makes you look desperate and silly

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4 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

The entire accusation is uncorroborated that is why it should have never been allowed


get over it.


you want to start sling insults, that is all you have?


No.... that is why it should be investigated.... 


example.... if I call the police and say my neighbor broke in and stole my Telly.... that’s an uncorraborated accusation... right


so what do we do?


investigate.... although.... Corroboration by a lie detector test, should raise your eyebrows (Ford proving her claim)... something Kav could have done if he was innocent, but chose not to do... ( casting doubt on his innocence) reinforcing the need to investigate.


Now.. as to all one has to offer.... offer more than 25 words to verify/ justify your POV, beyond pointing to a he said/ she said argument.


lol... look at me trying to engage with someone who’s messiah believes in alternative facts ????????????????

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7 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"Dr. Ford's allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a longtime friend of hers."

Date: September 27, 2018
Under Oath: …yes




How's that for a lie?  Nothing was refuted.  Perhaps our future Supreme Court Justice doesn't know the meaning of "refuted".


There are more examples in the source, but I'm limited in how much I can present.  I'd suggest you check the source, but you apparently think that if you refuse to look at evidence it doesn't exist.



ample evidence against ford;s claims from fear of flying to polygraphs and more from her boyfriend.



the entire thing is a sham and he will be on the SCOTUS.



get over it and move on,  I heard Soros can use more drones

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3 minutes ago, farcanell said:

although.... Corroboration by a lie detector test, should raise your eyebrows

a polygraph is not A LIE DETECTOR. there is a reason it can not be used in a court. especially when she lied about never coaching people on how to pass a polygraph test.


he will be approved and there is nothing the looney left can do about it but scream and shout and harass

 grow up

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

A Democratic machine?  Seriously?   https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/mitch-mcconnell-flatly-rejects-any-obama-pick-supreme-court-n524466


It's unbelievable you pretend to care about fair play.

you are emotionally skewed on the matter. Obama got 2 picks and never had to put up with the ridiculous antics and nonsense

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11 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

so We know Ford lied about the fear of flying and when she said she never coached anyone on taking a polygraph, as the signed statement from her boyfriend.

you have nothing, but keep on trying, because it makes you look desperate and silly


My wife is scared of flying.... so what? She still flies. The amount of times of sat next to people that are afraid during take off and landing, astounds me... but what’s your point with that comment?


link me to Ford having coached someone on taking a lie detector test ( boyfriends statement?.... married since 2002... first discussed with shrink ten years later)


so.... unlike other here, posting links or detailing sources... by making unverifiable claims, it’s you who look desperate.

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18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"Dr. Ford's allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a longtime friend of hers."

Date: September 27, 2018
Under Oath: …yes




How's that for a lie?  Nothing was refuted.  Perhaps our future Supreme Court Justice doesn't know the meaning of "refuted".


There are more examples in the source, but I'm limited in how much I can present.  I'd suggest you check the source, but you apparently think that if you refuse to look at evidence it doesn't exist.



come on dude, you are smarter than that.


he will be approved and the cupcake left will scream and shout and harass people

even more

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4 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

you are emotionally skewed on the matter. Obama got 2 picks and never had to put up with the ridiculous antics and nonsense

In eight years Obama nominated two Supreme Court Justices, had two confirmed in accordance with the established process, and the last one was not even considered for blatant political reasons. 


In two years Trump has nominated two Justices, the last one with allegations of serious character flaws but on record as saying a sitting President should not be indicted (Trump undoubtedly loves that).  In view of the Republicans behavior, it's unrealistic to expect this nomination to go through unchallenged.

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3 minutes ago, farcanell said:


My wife is scared of flying.... so what? She still flies. The amount of times of sat next to people that are afraid during take off and landing, astounds me... but what’s your point with that comment?


link me to Ford having coached someone on taking a lie detector test ( boyfriends statement?.... married since 2002... first discussed with shrink ten years later)


so.... unlike other here, posting links or detailing sources... by making unverifiable claims, it’s you who look desperate.

wow, you truly are delusional, she said or her lawyers that she could not attend a hearing until Thursday because she had to drive and had a fear of flying (an obvious delay tactic)


and yes she coached a friend for an upcoming job interview


you are a desperate sad case, but as a democrat it is not a rare thing


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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

In eight years Obama nominated two Supreme Court Justices, had two confirmed in accordance with the established process, and the last one was not even considered for blatant political reasons. 


In two years Trump has nominated two Justices, the last one with allegations of serious character flaws but on record as saying a sitting President should not be indicted (Trump undoubtedly loves that).  In view of the Republicans behavior, it's unrealistic to expect this nomination to go through unchallenged.

what a sad world you live in, the challenge is over

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7 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:



come on dude, you are smarter than that.


he will be approved and the cupcake left will scream and shout and harass people

even more

Are any of the Kavanaugh quotes or GQ refutations in error?  GQ gave the most accurate, succinct summary of Kavanaugh lies, that is why I used it.

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9 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

a polygraph is not A LIE DETECTOR. there is a reason it can not be used in a court. especially when she lied about never coaching people on how to pass a polygraph test.


he will be approved and there is nothing the looney left can do about it but scream and shout and harass

 grow up



yer... a lie doctor test can be a polygraph... I included the link here, as you seem unable to reference fact (don’t worry, it’s all in the first paragraph, so not that much reading)


detector tests may may not be admissible in court, although perhaps for a job interview, but they have been proved to be indicative of truth vs bull crap.


anyway... a link to her lying, if you please (if your able).... or did I miss it already?

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