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What about half Thai, half farang girls?


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Well my experience has been with a Phillipino lady. She was most attractive indeed but half my age. Did not get to the stage of living with her. She was only interested in one thing and I fell for it. Presents galore and large infusions of money. The more obvious ploys, my mother is sick and needs expensive treatment, could be turned down. But the duplicity at every stage was quite outside the normal range of experience. I have lost my phone is but one ploy. Even though it rings when dialled, remains charged up, and clearly remains in use. This is used to remain incommunicado when it suits her. I'm cutting my losses before I suffer serious damage. Will pursue other interests. Hardball

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On 10/11/2018 at 3:34 PM, jayboy said:

Until quite recently Thais of mixed European heritage were regarded as being close to the bottom of the social pile. This was because they were regarded - usually correctly - as the offspring of prostitutes or former prostitutes. There were of course a number of Luk Krung who had high social status given the social origins/occupation/education of their farang fathers, but they were very much the exception and were obviously upper/upper middle class. It's hard to say when attitudes began to change but I would suggest the early 1980's when the influx of American GIs had begun to be forgotten. I certainly remember children Luk Krung selling garlands at the roundabout (as it was then) on Rama 4/Wireless Road in the late 1970's.


I'm not sure any stigma remains now as social diversity is much greater than a few decades ago. Nevertheless the crustier type of Thai might harbour a few suspicions about a Luk Krung's provenance until proved.


As has been observed before Luk Krung are often blessed with good looks. The danger is they can sometimes be stranded between cultures and become weirdly airheaded, though the best manage to straddle both - more and more I think these days.

Definitely didn't notice any social stigma when younger. But there was certainly more of a novelty value if anything attached to us.


For the rest of it, I've done all right an can point to a large cohort of kids born in the mid 80's onwards who are doing well for themselves in business and life in general here, even with the opportunities the west apparently can provide.

Edited by samran
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You can generally spot them a mile off as they seem to look and carry themselves differently to Thai women. A guy I used to know here was seeing a half Swiss / half Thai girl for a while (might still be doing so). She was beautiful, but didn't really look Thai at all. 

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12 hours ago, Date Masamune said:

Saw one working on Thai as a flight attendant.

Strikingly beautiful got the feeling she wouldn't piss on a farang

even if he was on fire.

Unless he was wearing Hermés and Rolex.

Edited by jackspade
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On 10/4/2018 at 3:28 AM, geriatrickid said:

Some rather cringe worthy prejudice is on display here. Putting aside the  pisspoor comprehension of hereditary principles and phenotypes, it seems some people assume only "white" people  qualify as a westerner.

What of the westerners who have negroid features?  Many charming and wonderful Afro Americans and western European nationals of African or Caribbean  heritage have had children with their Thai spouses/partners.



What of the swarthy Europeans from southern France/Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland who bring forth children after a dalliance with a Thai? The child will not necessarily have light skin or dominant western features.


Beauty is in the eye of a beholder. The reality is that many of these mixed nationality kids are the product of retired sex trade workers and their elderly clients. These women are usually unattractive, and their men  are certainly not much to look at, otherwise they would have been happily coupled in their respective homelands. Even worse, older people are more likely to produce children with intellectual and physical defects. It is an accepted fact that as we age, our DNA cannot repair itself as efficiently or as effectively as it could when we were in our early 20's. 

 Obviously there are exceptions, and plenty of them, particularly when two physically fit people under the age of 35 reproduce. However, these kids are a distinct minority.


Physical characteristics are also influenced by poverty and environmental exposures. This means that the offspring of the farang and Thai who is not properly cared for and away from herbicides/pesticides/ industrial waste is going to develop some skin and hair problems.  A malnourished child will have malformed bones and an intellectual deficit. The classic example is the bar worker's child who gets sent back to the farm in rural Ubon.


So what if the child has ties to a western country? If the western parent is a retired warehouseman, or cab driver, or school teacher, this won't give much status. Perhaps amongst the sex worker demographic, but not with the majority of the Thai population who are "middle class" or the hi-so class who are not overly impressed by westerners to start with. The same social power rules apply to these people as they do to everyone else; If the person comes from a wealthy family or has social prestige (e.g. parent an important professional or business person) then the social desirability is high, even if the kid is fat and ugly.


The reality is that a Thai male at a certain age like any other male, won't turn down a piece of tail if available. A Thai female just like a western female will pleasure herself with an easy boy if he seems like fun. The fun and games usually stop once the people are in their 20's and are focused on careers, and family.


What nonsense, the Irish are Northern europeans and very pale looking and very farang looking, they are the ancestors of 40million north americans, and more nonsense about minority of kids from older dads being ok, there is a very slight incidence of genetic issues with an older father 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/1/2019 at 1:28 AM, JordanJones said:

Some 50/50s look weird like asian face but farang nose but others look very attractive. I've noticed the best lookers have ugly parents. Maybe it's the double negative making a positive.

Both V true! 

lottery.. i know 3 half japanese sisters, one is(or was)a famous popstar, v pretty. On the other end of scale, the older sister had a massive honker and v short legs.


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Some 50/50s look weird like asian face but farang nose but others look very attractive. I've noticed the best lookers have ugly parents. Maybe it's the double negative making a positive.

The ugly parents with attractive kids are all plastic surgery. Look at Korean guys, even rich ones will marry a butt-ugly girl as long as she is tall with good muscleature. They want STRONG TALL sons. The only strange rule about Asian women is the younger sister is always cuter. Never seen a counter example.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Many years ago, I dated a half Thai half Brit lady. She was gorgeous, as they often are. 


However, you have to know that these women develop in Thailand where they are absolutely poisoned by how the Thais treat them. 


They are hardly ever down to earth and often genuinely think they are God's perfect creation, as the Thais treat them from birth. 


One way to think of it is that they are a female corrolary of spoiled, better off financially Thai brat men. 


Give them a wide berth

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On 4/1/2019 at 7:28 AM, JordanJones said:

Some 50/50s look weird like asian face but farang nose but others look very attractive. I've noticed the best lookers have ugly parents. Maybe it's the double negative making a positive.

Some of the 50/50 actresses in those Thai soaps have the facial features of slack-jawed hillbillies.


I guess as long as their skin is nuclear white, that's all that matters to the folks in TV land.

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