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Russia completes delivery of S-300 system to Syria


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I doubt that you have full, accurate details as to air-raids carried out - other than in your imagination. Air superiority does not denote having to fly directly above the target, again, other than in your imagination. Most air raids reported on, before and after the incident in which the Israeli plane was intercepted, were not carried out in the manner you prescribe anyway. You seem to have a very odd concept of what air superiority means or how it is demonstrated.


The spins were all yours - detailed in previous post. Same goes for them straw-men you favor. That you cannot, or will not address point made is expected.

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10 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

watch all the documentaries on US wild weasels learning their trade during the Vietnam war, no other country in the world has a programme like this. I'm very sure the US, and maybe Israel if the US taught them wild weasels, will find a way to destroy the missile emplacements and/or avoid them or spoof them.

If you look at it from purely a military perspective, both the Russians and us are salivating over this. All Vlad stands to lose is a few soldiers and a missile battery, he gains experience and knowledge. As do we, at the worst the Israelis take the hit. Remember Guernica. Military shit isnt worth anything unless its tested. This is a dress rehearsal for the skies over the Fulda Gap.

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

If you look at it from purely a military perspective, both the Russians and us are salivating over this. All Vlad stands to lose is a few soldiers and a missile battery, he gains experience and knowledge. As do we, at the worst the Israelis take the hit. Remember Guernica. Military shit isnt worth anything unless its tested. This is a dress rehearsal for the skies over the Fulda Gap.


Only it's not that simple. System gets destroyed, Putin takes a credibility hit with ME allies, and pushed to further demonstrate his commitment to them. That could be painted as a result if one cared only about discrediting Putin, but the reaction may have unforeseen consequences - things do tend to get out of hand sometimes in this part of the world. Another issue for Russia under such a scenario - systems seen as inefficient, and sales suffer. War in Syria been a nice show for Russian arms exports.


Israel takes a hit? Well, doubt the Russian will be in a hurry to return any hardware intercepted over Syria. And, of course, there's the usual danger of an unintended conflagration as response. With the US apparently lacking a clear strategy with regard to Syria, might not be good timing for that.


Your stock comment would be more to the point if qualified - arms manufacturers, dealers and some of the military might be "salivating". Same for the Gung-ho numpties. Other than that, probably not as much enthusiasm.

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22 minutes ago, Morch said:


Only it's not that simple. System gets destroyed, Putin takes a credibility hit with ME allies, and pushed to further demonstrate his commitment to them. That could be painted as a result if one cared only about discrediting Putin, but the reaction may have unforeseen consequences - things do tend to get out of hand sometimes in this part of the world. Another issue for Russia under such a scenario - systems seen as inefficient, and sales suffer. War in Syria been a nice show for Russian arms exports.


Israel takes a hit? Well, doubt the Russian will be in a hurry to return any hardware intercepted over Syria. And, of course, there's the usual danger of an unintended conflagration as response. With the US apparently lacking a clear strategy with regard to Syria, might not be good timing for that.


Your stock comment would be more to the point if qualified - arms manufacturers, dealers and some of the military might be "salivating". Same for the Gung-ho numpties. Other than that, probably not as much enthusiasm.

1. Putin doesnt care about credibility with his alleged allies. They do what they are told.

2. Inefficiency leads to SS-300 Version 2.  Making sure it works when its needed against the main adversary is more important that sales. And maybe it will work.....

3. If an F-35 goes down there wont be anything left. 

4. No chance of an unintended conflagration...who will fight who?


You are right I should not have used "salivating". I should have phrased it to make it seem less Dr. Strangloveish. But the point remains. Stuff needs to be tested and this is the chance for both militaries to do so without facing off themselves....

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8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

1. Putin doesnt care about credibility with his alleged allies. They do what they are told.

2. Inefficiency leads to SS-300 Version 2.  Making sure it works when its needed against the main adversary is more important that sales. And maybe it will work.....

3. If an F-35 goes down there wont be anything left. 

4. No chance of an unintended conflagration...who will fight who?


You are right I should not have used "salivating". I should have phrased it to make it seem less Dr. Strangloveish. But the point remains. Stuff needs to be tested and this is the chance for both militaries to do so without facing off themselves....


If Putin didn't care about credibility, there wouldn't be any particular reason to provide the system to Syria. As for your contention that his "alleged allies" simply do what they are told - not so. The Iranians aren't in a hurry to pull back from Syria, and even the limited version touted is slow going, if that. The Syrian regime seems to have occasional outbursts of independence, carrying out actions which put Russia in tough spots. And, of course, Turkey doesn't always play ball - or at least, acts on whatever loose end it is afforded. And so on and so forth.


The "system improvement" thesis is bogus. System in question is not a new model, nor top of the line. The Russian military is already in possession of superior ones (which was deployed to the Russian base at Syria long ago).


If any aircraft goes down, even a drone - quite a bit of it actually does survive, and you'll be surprised as to what can be learned from even bits and pieces. The Iranian drone intercepted by Israel a while back was the product of such.


No chance of unintended conflagration? In the Middle East? Sure thing.



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On 10/3/2018 at 4:23 PM, Galactus said:


sure not an expert of 'art of killing mankind'  but know a thing or two after seeing all these wars, deaths and destruction in my short life span unfortunately.


and why all these fuss and bitching and moaning followed by embargoes or sanctions or threats when russia wants to export s300 and s400 to other countries?

recently, chinese got sanctions from usa due to their purchase of s 400. looks like turkey will follow the case too.

s300 and s400 are advanced systems and depending on the agreement, they might be run or constantly supervised by russian personal. usually this way.

s300 system can lock down to an Israeli plane right after it takes off from its base due to close proximity of syria. hence israel is in shock now and crying.

Similar things were said about the latest Syrian air defences back in 1982 and the perceived danger they represented to the Israeli Airforce of the day .. The Israelis launched an operation called Mole Cricket 19 to counter the threat .. It's out there on the 'Net , have a read up you might be surprised at the outcome of that operation .. 

Edited by Justgrazing
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I doubt that you have full, accurate details as to air-raids carried out - other than in your imagination. Air superiority does not denote having to fly directly above the target, again, other than in your imagination. Most air raids reported on, before and after the incident in which the Israeli plane was intercepted, were not carried out in the manner you prescribe anyway. You seem to have a very odd concept of what air superiority means or how it is demonstrated.


The spins were all yours - detailed in previous post. Same goes for them straw-men you favor. That you cannot, or will not address point made is expected.

Quote from source:

“That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, and air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force. (JP 3-30) (US DoD)”


You can consider “prohibitive interference by the opposing force” the successful downing of an Israeli fighter jet by the Syrian air defense if you remain objective as myself.

Being partisan of the losing force must be harder to admit. Isn’t it?

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2 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


Quote from source:

“That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, and air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force. (JP 3-30) (US DoD)”


You can consider “prohibitive interference by the opposing force” the successful downing of an Israeli fighter jet by the Syrian air defense if you remain objective as myself.

Being partisan of the losing force must be harder to admit. Isn’t it?

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Its a total lose dude. Israel has the best Airforce in the world (other than us, and some US pilots will contend that the Izzies are better) flying the best planes in the world, using the best tactics in the world with the support of the best military in the world and they own the skies over the Middle East. Finally knocking down an older plane because of pilot error does not a victory make, even the blind pig finds an acorn.

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Fantasize all you like, but regardless of your nonsense, the immediate Israeli response to the interception was harsh, and Israeli air-raids never stopped. I doubt most people regard this as the actions of a "losing side". Losing one airplane in decades doesn't imply what you allege.


As for yourself being "objective" and non-partisan - pull the other one. Doubt anyone, including yourself, actually believes you.


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Just now, DaddyWarbucks said:


Whatever the "US wild weasels" did during the Vietnam War it wasn't enough to prevent an ignominious defeat in the end.

The first of many lost causes, the latest being Syria, which is spot on topic here.


The topic is about a new air-defense system supplied to Syria. There isn't really much of an element involving lengthy ground war as was in Vietnam. Hence, mentioning US tactics (albeit outdated) vs. air-defenses in that conflict would be on-topic, whereas going on about your angle of deflection wouldn't.

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You know I find it incredible how many self professed militarists there are on this forum. Basically they consider that they are experts.  Truly at a loss to know what to write next perhaps. There was a thread many years ago that pointed out and questioned as to why there were so many apparent ex US Seals, Special Forces etc that congregate in the bars of Soi 6/7 in Pattaya. Perhaps some of the TV posters know them ? Certainly they should be working for the US military as their profound knowledge and strategies will be required soon perhaps judging by the underlying tone of this thread regarding the missile placement in Syria.  Unfortunately I guess that there are not many, if any, equally knowledgeable Russians who are forum members with a high level of English as it would be interesting to hear balanced arguments perhaps ?  ????

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On 10/3/2018 at 4:57 PM, Galactus said:


destroying that system is not an east feat i tell you. and it will be supported with s200 and other missiles too.

good if they down some Israeli aggressors and give them a lesson. Israel acts like it is untouchable but in the first opportunity, Russians will down Israelis planes.

Who mentioned planes?  Medium range missiles or special forces can do the job just as well.

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1 hour ago, DaddyWarbucks said:


Whatever the "US wild weasels" did during the Vietnam War it wasn't enough to prevent an ignominious defeat in the end.

The first of many lost causes, the latest being Syria, which is spot on topic here.

Our military superiority had nothing to do with our "defeat".


The point is more the continual evolution of anti missile tactics and air superiority. No countries in the world other than the USA and Israel (ok a little bit Brit and France) have tactical experience in actual combat. Both countries rule the skies, anti Americanism and anti Israelism notwithstanding.

Edited by Nyezhov
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3 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

I didn’t fantasise at all.
Perhaps it was more clear -5 years ago- that you better didn’t poke the bear in this region. History repeats...

Wishful thinking perhaps?

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The best you can do is link a clip from 5 years ago that doesn't actually make your point? Or even directly relates to the post you made?


As for the bit of nonsense you added later on - Syria is already in possession of air-defense missiles covering a similar range, been that way for years now.



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for all the people who had a go at me about the wild weasels, they still exist and imagine the new weapons and electronics they have now and fire and forget missiles - in Vietnam they had to guide them to the target and that's why their losses were so high. towards the end of the Viet war they had the new shrike missiles which once fired would hit where they were aimed at. I don't think any of you went on youtube and watched the development of this part of air warfare and appreciate how good the US is at this especially now they have stealth aircraft. 


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