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Pensioner's plea! Thais have robbed me blind and I can't get home


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Where can you get mugged for 50000 baht? 

First guess you found the right wife to spend the rest of his life with her and then there was not even a note on the door of the fridge.. 


Why didn't you have a return ticket as required when entering Thailand?

First guess, you wanted to change your life and become an expat in Thailand finding the right wife.. oh we got that already.. OK, then how to make a living with 50000 baht?


Why didn't the Embassy helping you?

I know, they always provide a ticket on loan based if you can prove you are Dutch Citizen. Off cause they not help at first approach but if you try hard enough you get the ticket. Too many Piss-heads try that way so the Embassies are making a bit more difficult.


Where you got the watches from?

best guess, somebody asked you for a great business idea and you borrowed some money. Blind for love you invested and as SHE was gone that were the last leftovers you found in the empty apartment.. oops we got that already..


Last guess: There was somebody that followed the guideline for Thai Prostitutes:

Step 1: Cry on Command

Step 2: He is old, he stinks, he is ugly.. he has the money hence he is handsome

..... Step 6: after 4 days cry and tell Granny died, buffalo needs a surgery and brother crashed with his bike.. 

..... Step 10: Bring him to the airport, use step 1 because there is still some money in his pocket... nope we can skip that one.. 


C'mon mate, I could offer you a loan and you tell me what's the security is for that..

And so you will find sure some dutch friend at home who is willing to help.. 

Just because YOU blamed the Thais makes it for me a bull***t story and I am out of it. 

I am sure you had a nice vacation shagged your brain out, washed down some leos beside some silicon valley and then somehow the has crap hit the fan as you had to say good bye.. 

The watches will not be sufficient to get a ticket either and is waste of time plus bearing a risk that you get deported for doing business without work permit.. 

OH, here you go.. carry on and the Thais who mugged you must pay for your ticket plus sponsor a few days in Bangkok Hilton.. 


Sorry for my sarcasm but sometimes I am over these heartbreaking all day stories, I have seen them all around the world.. 


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Title should maybe read " I spent all my money on bar girls including the money for my ticket home."  Maybe he will start a GoFundME to pay for his overspending on his vacation. If he is a pensioner sleep on the beach till your next payout then fly home.

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4 hours ago, blackhorse said:
4 hours ago, chrisandsu said:
Have the Thais cornered that market ?

I'm pretty sure he needs a work permit to sell watches. If immigration/bib see the thai bashing sign he will at least have a free bed for a few weeks


Maybe they'll deport him back to Holland. Maybe that's his plan.

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1 hour ago, Mingomania said:

How can you even get into Thailand without a return fare?


That's what i was thinking as well but what if you miss the flight back home without your fault? 


I don't know his story but i feel ashamed because he makes us farangs look stupid. 



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4 hours ago, smedly said:

so at 70 he has no state pension from home ? I find that hard to believe, how about booking a cheap room for 2x months and saving your income for an air ticket instead of making an idiot of yourself 

Not hard the believe if he was a brit

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He is very well groomed and appointed and does not look loopy. Maybe he did get robbed and is pissed his Embassy won’t buy his return ticket. So he’s shaming the Thais into getting rid of him. 


He’s on FB now, so govt can’t make him disappear.

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57 minutes ago, Arjen said:

"Holland" is not a country. "Holland" is a small part from a country what is called "The Netherlands". When you live in "Holland" you live in "The Netherlands" When you live in "The Netherlands"it is not neccessary you live in "Holland" 


Not all Thai are from Isaan. It is same as calling all Thai Isaan, and talk about Thailand but call it Isaan.





The country is not called "the netherlands" because that's the name for the total empire (Holland plus the Antilles).


It's strange though because France also has many colonies but they still call their country 'France' instead of the  République française


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Begging expats make me sick. How about serving your country for 20 plus years then working in delightful places like Sudan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia for 17 years, then you wont have to beg for money. No character no gumption. No sympathy for those of us who worked.


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25 minutes ago, Arjen said:

So you agree that "Holland" is a small part from a country called "The Netherlands"






In the movie they say that 'people from the provinces Holland are called Hollanders'....and people from other provinces are called dutch''...


I 've never heard of that...they are all Hollanders and Dutch..


Holland is the European part of 'Kingdom of the Netherlands' for me. So that means all 12 provinces together are Holland.


The Dutch Antilles are not in Holland but in overseas territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.



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5 hours ago, YTP said:

Not gonna get much sympathy from signs like that... THAILAND your people (!) STOLE ALL MY MONEY / THAI PEOPLE STOLE ALL MY MONEY


Not gonna get home by selling 200 baht watches either.  Wonder what the story is.

Yep, not the brightest thing to write on a placard in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Maybe he bought them when he had some money and they were not stolen?  Not unusual for people to have multiple watches, I've got 12.

You have 12 watches? Your nom-de-plume is Just Weird? I think I understand now.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Off topic .........

My pickup

Insurance, tax and test 2,000bht. Repairs this year 2,000bht.

Why is it all your costs are so much more than all my costs?

Because he's driving a shitheap?

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4 hours ago, Mingomania said:

How can you even get into Thailand without a return fare?

For your information  (and Thian's ) if you have a tourist visa from a Thai Consulate or Embassy you do not have to show tickets exiting the country. If you come in on a visa exempt you have to show a ticket leaving the country within 30 days or extend the visa exempt at immigration. Some airlines will not let you board the plane without a valid visa.

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20 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

For your information  (and Thian's ) if you have a tourist visa from a Thai Consulate or Embassy you do not have to show tickets exiting the country. If you come in on a visa exempt you have to show a ticket leaving the country within 30 days or extend the visa exempt at immigration. Some airlines will not let you board the plane without a valid visa.

If that's the rule, it's never enforced. I have regularly come in on Visa exempt and have never been asked to show a return ticket. I usually don't even have a return ticket to show. 

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