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After fight that split U.S., Kavanaugh wins place on Supreme Court


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Assuming he is a man of his word, I suppose we can look foward to the injustices he seemed to want to take part in during his testimony: "what goes around comes around". 


I can't think of any worse judge than one who has publicly stated he will use his position to unjustly accuse opponents of crimes. But, that is what he did, and there he sits. 

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:


2. If you dont understand why I mentioned Harry Reid, then you shouldnt have raised procedural issues

Oh, I read the procedural stuff... and surely you don’t think I wouldn’t have quickly googled Reid, before replying....


I think your simply defecting to by pointing a finger at someone else and saying but what about... who cares what about.


once upon a time, there was no law West of the pesos.... once upon a time,... etc.... way back when... how about today?


reid didn’t filibuster... ok... not fillibusting allowed the republicans to change the voting criteria... ok.... these things, or variants thereof, aren’t really a great issue.... republicans still changed stuff for their benefit.



if you have a specific point to make, perhaps you should be clearer than asking something like... have you ever heard of Harry Potter? because without context, or the ability to mind read, it’s hard to actually see where your going vs the clarity afforded by a sensible question chewbacker.

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

No because I see Merrick Garland as having nothing to do with the issue at hand. Im sad because you dont realize that.


1. Its called irony.

2. If you dont understand why I mentioned Harry Reid, then you shouldnt have raised procedural issues

So as per usual, you a) didn't bother to read, what I was answering to and hinting at or b ) you are hiding the fact, that you don't understand it, behind big words and flowery sentences! 

Nothing new here! 

Edited by DM07
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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

The real story, as far as I’m concerned, as an outsider looking in, is the trending decisions and attitudes of the current administrations.


kavanaugh... plus another republican justice, if another is needed, is a non issue.... its about the WH supporting and promoting division....division in justice nominations... in world trade... in international treaties... in attitudes to women... in unilateral actions that impact both enemies and allies... in applying sanctions against others.... you have a proven liar in chief, who is loosing the trust of the world and creating instability.... that’s the real story


who really cares if Clinton got a consensual blow job.... a non issue


europe? Even less of an issue.

From another outsider from the land of Aus (=Australia).  I have changed my view about Trump I thought he was an idiot when elected (perhaps still is) but I'm not so sure now.  The wall is going up (soon) the US dollar is going up ( I hate it ).  Seems to be sorting out the North Korea issues, a bit of trade will fix that.  Banks are starting to pay interest in the US and Thai Bht is going up and sending Aussie dollar down (blast).  The economy is looking better.  It looks like the 2 best Presidents you have had in recent times Clinton and Trump appreciate that warm lovely fuzzy feeling that can only provided by a woman for a man and the other way around ( that needs to get back on track).  It has always been that 10% of people in the world prefer partners from their own gender, we can live with that nothing new there, so what is new.  Another 2 years and you can have another go at sorting out who will lead your country.  The biggest problem in that in the US is that you have too many educated people and many of them want to be President and will stop at nothing.

Edited by David Walden
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14 minutes ago, DM07 said:

So as per usual, you a) didn't bother to read, what I was answering to and hinting at or b ) you are hiding the fact, that you don't understand it, behind big words and flowery sentences! 

Nothing new here! 

In other words...you cant respond.


21 minutes ago, farcanell said:

you have a specific point to make, perhaps you should be clearer than asking something like... have you ever heard of Harry Potter? because without context, or the ability to mind read, it’s hard to actually see where your going vs the clarity afforded by a sensible question chewbacker.

In other words, you cant respond either.


I set forth a whole series of questions that remain unanswered. Ce la vie

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9 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Now this some pure fiction here. You can't back up any of this.

There's a Latin term in jurisprudence, "Res ipsa loquitor". Translated, "The thing speaks for itself". It means the fact the FBI did not interview any of the complainants by definition means the investigation was limited.

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16 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

In other words...you cant respond.


In other words, you cant respond either.


I set forth a whole series of questions that remain unanswered. Ce la vie

Respond to what?

You didn't ask anything, nor did you make any valid point!

So...good evening!

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14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

In other words...you cant respond.


In other words, you cant respond either.


I set forth a whole series of questions that remain unanswered. Ce la vie

So... having just quickly scanned through the seven pages on this thread, I fail to see “a whole series of questions” so that “they” are unanswered, doesn’t surprise me.


you deflect and answer by saying “ you can’t respond”


pathetic at best.... reiterate unanswered questions, and I will happily respond.... although I might use your tactics, unless you’ve patented them



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13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There's a Latin term in jurisprudence, "Res ipsa loquitor". Translated, "The thing speaks for itself". It means the fact the FBI did not interview any of the complainants by definition means the investigation was limited.

No it means that the agents determined that interviewing a person who already testified under oath would be a waste of resources OR alternatively, were CORRECTLY prevented from doing so by the "complainants" counsel.



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1 hour ago, David Walden said:

From another outsider from the land of Aus (=Australia).  I have changed my view about Trump I thought he was an idiot when elected (perhaps still is) but I'm not so sure now. 

Lmao.... I had the flip side of that.


during trumps first 100 days, I repeatedly posted that he should be given the first 100 days without all the attack attack attack.... not believing that the American people’s would elect an idiot.


Now I freely admit my mistake.

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12 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Guilty or innocent of the sexual assault charges is a mute point as it cant be proven or disproved.

What I found disappointing was the un judge like behaviour during the process to see if he would make a good judge, a judge should be above emotion, anger, outrage etc. (the blindfold on the statue of justice).

What happens in a couple of years when the guy is deciding an important legal issue and he lets emotion. anger, outrage enter the decision making.


Judges are not punching bags nor should they be treated as such as was the case here. 

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He is wayyyy to partisan to sit on the Supreme Court it is a blow to all Americans this man was seated the sexual allegations have not been properly investigated that being said you can’t hang a guy on an allegation but quoting (you democrats have sown the wind and now you shal reap the whorl wind) that’s a quote from bomber Harris that’s partisan big time

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18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Did you read the article which I linked in my post?

Because what you write has nothing to do with that article. Maybe you should read it to open your mind.

I actually do have an open mind, but I can also detect dribble when I read, or hear it. 

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It's just sad to see anyone who willfully lies to the public, under oath at that, occupy such a high position in government, seemingly thus rewarded by means of those lies.  A man given to intemperance and love of intoxicating beverages, who poorly governs his own emotions in speaking to others, seem unfit for any court, much less the supreme court of his country.

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5 hours ago, Ahab said:

Did not vote for him. He says things that I would not. He exaggerates and gets things wrong. However, I like what he is doing on trade, the economy, reducing government red tape and regulations, the supreme court and other lower court picks, and not getting America involved in any more conflicts. I also love to watch him at campaign rallies, he cracks me up and talks like a normal person.


He is also very likely to be re-elected in two years as long as the economy doesn't tank. So the short answer, yeah I like him (let the European trashing begin).



he has good chances of being re-elected, especially if next month goes the GOP way

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3 hours ago, Ahab said:

over a leftist that wants to see America remade in the image of Europe. Now I am sure that places in Europe are nice enough, but they have caused more problems throughout world and the USA could never duplicate the amount of death and misery even if it tried.

Ummm..... your constitution is based on British law... your founding fathers modeled America on Europe... and you even speak a version of English... so.... that ships sailed. Y’all need to unmake americas English / European identity.


your last sentence, given americas track record, perhaps starting with killing 2% of your own population during the civil war ( vs 0.3% during WW2), or its willingness (historically supported... by using them!) to use nuclear weapons, unlike other nations, is indicative of extreme ignorance


extreme ignorance.... which brings us back to the rest of your post, under the accepted standard of a lie in one thing is a lie in all things. (Mmmm.... before I get confused emojis... substitute lie with ignorance ????)


but credit were credit is due.... he is entertaining.

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