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Temperatures to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030-2052 without rapid steps - U.N. report


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36 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

How stupid dem scientists be.


Spending all dem years studying weather, climate, physics, chemistry, math, statistics, other branches of science, reams of data, conducting experiments, and coming to an overwhelming consensus that climate change/global warming is real and will soon be catastrophic.


When none of that was necessary!

Those wasted years educating themselves.


When all they had to do to get the real truth is read Thaivisa forum and have people who largely if not exclusively have no science background, no expertise (outside of the price of Chang), yet they are all experts in the area of global warming.


Seriously - global warming denial at this point in time is no more intelligent than a belief in a flat earth.

Oh please. With all the huge amounts of cash that Big Green uses  to buy off the whole scientific establish, how can poor little oil & gas corporations and impoverished petrostates ever hope to compete?

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37 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

How stupid dem scientists be.


Spending all dem years studying weather, climate, physics, chemistry, math, statistics, other branches of science, reams of data, conducting experiments, and coming to an overwhelming consensus that climate change/global warming is real and will soon be catastrophic.


When none of that was necessary!

Those wasted years educating themselves.


When all they had to do to get the real truth is read Thaivisa forum and have people who largely if not exclusively have no science background, no expertise (outside of the price of Chang), yet they are all experts in the area of global warming.


Seriously - global warming denial at this point in time is no more intelligent than a belief in a flat earth.

Believe the deniers disagree about human activity being the cause, or prime, contributing factor accelerating it. 

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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Oh please. With all the huge amounts of cash that Big Green uses  to buy off the whole scientific establish, how can poor little oil & gas corporations and impoverished petrostates ever hope to compete?

Again: unfortunately only one option- laugh or thank you!

I meant both!

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9 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Why would you want to stop or slow what the Planet’s been doing for the past few billion years? Are you God?

  Do you know that much of Europe, Asia and North America was covered in ice a mile thick for more that 80,000 years and it just finally melted back about 15,000 years ago?

   You want to go back to that time? 

Do you know we just came out of a bad 550 year cooler time about 1850? 

   Shorter growing seasons, failed harvests, famine and longer, more bitterly cold winters. You wish us to return to those days? ?

   So we’ve warmed a bit since then. 

   GOOD ! ! I like it. Most people do.

Where do most people vacation and retire to ?   The Tropics ? 

  Or the Arctic Islands and the shores of the Arctic Ocean ?

    When Beaches and Sandals and Hilton and Atlantis start building resort hotels on Baffin Island, Ellesmere Island and the Arctic Ocean  shores of Alaska and Canada, let me know. 

First of all: there is (presumably) no "God", so screw that part of your argument!

I really don't care, what happened 80.000 or 15.000 or 1 year ago, because that will not affect me or generations to come! 

Wanna know why?

It's the past!

As much as I don't want to go back to that, here is my question: we already see more droughts, more violent storms and floods. We already experience failed harvests and famine.

Not in your backyard, which is why you don't give two hot $41ts about it, but it is happening , right now!

Every year that we are in, is the hottest ever on record!

Every hurricane- season brings new records!

Bushfires in California, Australia, Greece are more and more out of control, each year!


Happy holidays! 

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2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Seriously - global warming denial at this point in time is no more intelligent than a belief in a flat earth.

Well, then, it's a testimonial to the superior intelligence of the TV posters on this thread that nobody has written anything resembling "global warming denial", a largely irrelevant concept at best.


Some posters, including me, have expressed skepticism that the temperature increases that we are seeing pose the kind of existential threat that noted climate experts like Sir Bob Geldof and Prince Charles have stated; there's certainly nothing in this latest IPCC report to suggest any catastrophe of that kind.


All the report says is that is is quite likely that global temperatures will rise between 0.3C and 0.7C on a time frame somewhere between 2030 and 2050. Hardly the stuff of nightmares, except for people prone to hysteria.

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Has anyone noticed how we always only have 10 years to stop total disaster ? Has anyone paid attention to all the past forecast that we TOTALLY WRONG ?

Refresher just in case you have forgotten.

Someone has said in several of the comments that there was a consensus on AGW.. The stated consensus (2013 paper by Cook) was that 97% agreed global warming was caused by man which is totally false unless you want to listen to the UN or IPCC and their propaganda. The real 97% say climate change is REAL and has been happening since earth coalesced. There are many factors which contribute to any warming presently going on. CO2 follows temperature increases. As more CO2 enters the atmosphere from the warming oceans and other sources.. Another poster said one major volcano going off can produce more CO2 output than man can in 100 years...That is a true statement however they have not figured out a way to tax a volcano yet..just wait for it I suppose..


58 million years ago the Earth's average temperature was 8 degrees centigrade warmer. It was so warm that around the equator the ocean temperatures could get as high as 36C. It was a big bad deal for creatures in the equatorial ocean while those on land flourished in places like Siberia and the Arctic circle which was ice free. There are fossils of turtles and even alligators found today if you can get through all the ice. Also that is the time frame where mammals got a big kick start to include monkey's with their forward facing eyes.. So... Warming ain't all that bad.. 

Back to the 97%... it is actually 99.4% agree that humans must have SOME effect on earth's climate.. That does not mean they agree that All of Earth's warming trend is man made ie AGW. 


It is all about cycles and I will hold on to that belief until something better comes along or explains to me how it was warmer when Rome flourished .. Those legionnaires must have been full of some kind of global warming gas, no?


They got away from global warming and climate change in case you are unaware... It is now called climate disruption which is a great catch all.


So we can all believe, "Not to be an alarmist, BUT WE'RE ALL DEFINITELY GONNA DIE" folks or you can look at the real temperature records over Earth's history (yep it takes a little time) OR... as they want you to do, just sit back and parrot the fiddled numbers and beg for their world wide tax scheme .


The force of socialism is strong with the AGW group and their masters..  Said in my best Darth Vader voice

Edited by 727Sky
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34 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Why would you want to 9

34 minutes ago, Catoni said:


 ...  So we’ve warmed a bit since then. 

   GOOD ! ! I like it. Most people do.

Where do most people vacation and retire to ?   The Tropics ? 

  Or the Arctic Islands and the shores of the Arctic Ocean ?...



The Onion may sue you for encroaching on their territory.


Or, they may choose to simply reprint your post and state "This was a real post."

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Another contributing factor could be from the slowing of Earth's rotation. 


Like a whole chicken on a rotisserie spit, seems logical that, as we slow down ever so slightly, progressively over centuries, exposure time to the sun will increase accordingly.   Winters would start to feel warmer and summers hotter.


In 2007, global warming/climate changers suggested the opposite.  That rising C02 levels will warm the planet and the oceans, causing a shift in mass density and that would result in a 0.12 millisecond increase in Earth's rotation speed.


They also acknowledged that the moon's influence slows Earth's rotation by roughly 2.3 milliseconds every 100 years.

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Hmm I just was reading another story that we will face in about 15 years a new ice age... 


I am working and earning a fortune in the renewable sector and there are some high graduated lads bragging that the global warming thing is the best commercial advertisement for building more wind farms, solar field and tide plants... 

The truth is that the global warming is a natural cycle that occurs all approx 30000 years.

Wait when the glaciers pushing all wind farms onshore and creating a huge pile of scrap somewhere after melting again.

I claim the steel and will advertise again for the global warming... 

(If I not getting reborn as a nonstop buggering rat in Venice or Bangkok...) 

Edited by See Will
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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

First of all: there is (presumably) no "God", so screw that part of your argument!

I really don't care, what happened 80.000 or 15.000 or 1 year ago, because that will not affect me or generations to come! 

Wanna know why?

It's the past!

As much as I don't want to go back to that, here is my question: we already see more droughts, more violent storms and floods. We already experience failed harvests and famine.

Not in your backyard, which is why you don't give two hot $41ts about it, but it is happening , right now!

Every year that we are in, is the hottest ever on record!

Every hurricane- season brings new records!

Bushfires in California, Australia, Greece are more and more out of control, each year!


Happy holidays! 

Okay pal..I’m going to ignore your un-cited, un-referenced Al Gore-Leonardo DiCaprio type exaggeration, deception and propaganda. 

    You’re being hysterical and suffering paranoia about Gore Bull Warming.

      Seriously buddy, you really need professional help.

     I’ll assume since the heat in the kitchen is too much for you, you’re going to pack your bags and fly off to  Barrow, on the north Arctic Ocean shore of Alaska.  

     Enjoy life up there in the cold ...comrade.   555555????

Edited by Catoni
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2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

How stupid dem scientists be.


Spending all dem years studying weather, climate, physics, chemistry, math, statistics, other branches of science, reams of data, conducting experiments, and coming to an overwhelming consensus that climate change/global warming is real and will soon be catastrophic.


When none of that was necessary!

Those wasted years educating themselves.


When all they had to do to get the real truth is read Thaivisa forum and have people who largely if not exclusively have no science background, no expertise (outside of the price of Chang), yet they are all experts in the area of global warming.


Seriously - global warming denial at this point in time is no more intelligent than a belief in a flat earth.

there is a documentary on youtube where leading scientists disprove every last argument behind the global warming sceme, i uploaded it just a couple of months ago, but it looks like the documentary has been taken down, i cant find it on google now

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22 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Okay pal..I’m going to ignore your un-cited, un-referenced Al Gore-Leonardo DiCaprio type exaggeration, deception and propaganda. 

    You’re being hysterical and suffering paranoia about Gore Bull Warming.

      Seriously buddy, you really need professional help.

     I’ll assume since the heat in the kitchen is too much for you, you’re going to pack your bags and fly off to  Barrow, on the north Arctic Ocean shore of Alaska.  

     Enjoy life up there in the cold ...comrade.   555555????

Yup...you are super-funny!

Just ignore those pesky so called "facts" and go on living in Lalaland!

As I said: "It doesn't affect ME, so it is not happening!"




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2 hours ago, Catoni said:

Why would you want to stop or slow what the Planet’s been doing for the past few billion years? Are you God?

  Do you know that much of Europe, Asia and North America was covered in ice a mile thick for more that 80,000 years and it just finally melted back about 15,000 years ago?

   You want to go back to that time? 

Do you know we just came out of a bad 550 year cooler time about 1850? 

   Shorter growing seasons, failed harvests, famine and longer, more bitterly cold winters. You wish us to return to those days? ?

   So we’ve warmed a bit since then. 

   GOOD ! ! I like it. Most people do.

Where do most people vacation and retire to ?   The Tropics ? 

  Or the Arctic Islands and the shores of the Arctic Ocean ?

    When Beaches and Sandals and Hilton and Atlantis start building resort hotels on Baffin Island, Ellesmere Island and the Arctic Ocean  shores of Alaska and Canada, let me know. 

Really, there was a 550 year period of globally cooler weather? I believe what you are referring to is the Little Ice Age. Not a global phenomenon.

Anyway, as is usually the case with would-be debunkers, you don't seem to get it that the issue is about rate of change. Now maybe you think that's irrelevant. If so, then I guess it doesn't matter to you whether an investment of yours earns a real return of 1 percent  or 10 percent just so long as it increases.

As for tropical vacations, islands in the tropics are already disappearing:

New Study Finds 8 Islands Swallowed By Rising Sea Level



And maybe you should ask Floridians on the coast how they're enjoying rising sea levels:

U.S. Coastal Flooding Breaks Records as Sea Level Rises, NOAA Report Shows



Looks like you'll be needing scuba gear soon if you want to hang out on some of those beaches.

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4 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Hardly the stuff of nightmares, except for people prone to hysteria.

You would change your tune if you saw a pic of me in a thong working on my tan. You would probably go out and start bombing power plants.

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They will keep putting pressure on car manufacturers to produce electric cars and power stations will have to produce all the electricity to charge them and pump out more crap and as most airlines forecast more people flying around in the future they will keep and increase pumping out more crap but the motorists and passengers will pay more carbon tax to the governments and the world will get warmer as part of it's historical and present system but by jingo someone has to make money from it.

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1 hour ago, poanoi said:

here is the truth, scroll to 21:30 to see the rebuttal of al gore,

and then carry on watching as things are explained


Haven't watched this.


There is a great deal more evidence and examples of man made global warming in the 11.5 years since this was released.


Including yet another record breaking hurricane, this one about to hit Florida.


I'm sure the people evacuating will be reassured when they learn that half a dozen Thaivisa posters are convinced it's just a normal cycle.


Edited by JimmyJ
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1 hour ago, poanoi said:

here is the truth, scroll to 21:30 to see the rebuttal of al gore,

and then carry on watching as things are explained


Here's a link to wikipedia about this "documentary." 

There's a big section where scientists point out the numerous flaws in the documentary including from 2 who were interviewed for it They said their views were misrepresented which is clearly the case.


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23 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Haven't watched this.


There is a great deal more evidence and examples of man made global warming in the 11.5 years since this was released.


Including yet another record breaking hurricane, this one about to hit Florida.


I'm sure the people evacuating will be reassured when they learn that half a dozen Thaivisa posters are convinced it's just a normal cycle.


hurricanes are the result of cold fronts meeting warm fronts,

as ipcc will have you believe, the polar will become tropical,

so theres less cold fronts, i.e, you have it 180 degree wrong,

and your pathetic reference to this forum is also bust

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3 minutes ago, poanoi said:

hurricanes are the result of cold fronts meeting warm fronts,

as ipcc will have you believe, the polar will become tropical,

so theres less cold fronts, i.e, you have it 180 degree wrong,

and your pathetic reference to this forum is also bust

"hurricanes are the result of cold fronts meeting warm fronts,"

So are thunderstorms. what's that got do to with anything? An entirely irrelevant observation.


Heat from the oceans is the fuel that powers hurricanes.

As the oceans get warmer, they supply more energy to hurricanes making them stronger.

In addition, as the atmosphere gets warmer it can absorb more water vapor which means heavier rainfall. Not just in hurricanes but in general.

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Are there really still sentient beings on this planet who think that burning fossil fuels on an industrial scale for 200-300 years hasn't massively increased climate instability? (Never mind deforestation and concretisation etc etc.)


Most of us are young enough (even the old 'uns) to experience the first of the many tipping points coming down the line.

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9 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Really, there was a 550 year period of globally cooler weather?

Anyway, as is usually the case with would-be debunkers, you don't seem to get it that the issue is about rate of change. Now maybe you think that's irrelevant. If so, then I guess it doesn't matter to you whether an investment of yours earns a real return of 1 percent  or 10 percent just so long as it increases.

As for tropical vacations, islands in the tropics are already disappearing:

New Study Finds 8 Islands Swallowed By Rising Sea Level



And maybe you should ask Floridians on the coast how they're enjoying rising sea levels:

U.S. Coastal Flooding Breaks Records as Sea Level Rises, NOAA Report Shows



Looks like you'll be needing scuba gear soon if you want to hang out on some of those beaches.

You said:  

>"I believe what you are referring to is the Little Ice Age. Not a global phenomenon."   


So somehow Europe and North America experienced approx. 550 years of cooling.... but the rest of the world wasn't part of it.   What? ?  Some kind of wall that held the cooling to Europe and North America? ? 

   That's amazing....  Do you also believe that pigs grow wings and fly? 


>"New Study Finds 8 Islands Swallowed By Rising Sea Level



  8 islands.... out of about 25,000 Pacific Islands....   Impressive.  


Meanwhile....  other islands...like the former poster boy for Gore Bull Warming... the Pacific Island nation of Tuvalu.... which was supposed to be underwater by now... are actually GROWING in size... 





   Other Pacific islands growing in size.....yep... there's more....  much more....

 Couple of examples.... Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia...






>"U.S. Coastal Flooding Breaks Records as Sea Level Rises, NOAA Report Shows



   Your article claims sea level is rising 3mm per year...  which it's been doing now for about 8,000 years, after rising much much more quickly for the 14,000 years previous to that. 

     You forgot to mention that much of the U.S. east and southeast and south coast is sinking due to land subsidence.  You see... the north part of North America was covered in an ice sheet for more than 80,000 years... pressing the north part of the continent down, and raising the rest of North America. 

  Now that ice sheet is long gone... but North America is still recovering... the north part of the continent is rising, and the south part of the continent sinking...  You can see a great example of this in Hudson Bay.... as the land rises...  you get beach lines going further and further inland as new beaches form on dry land that was previously underwater.  Google Earth is amazing. 

    For example.... just go on Google Earth... and look at the shore line around Fort Severn, Hudson Bay. You'll see beach lines going 30 miles and more inland from where today's beach is. 

     Not much sign of sea level rise there..  LOL...ha, ha ha, ha.... 

   So while the part of North America that was previously covered in ice recovers and rises... the part that had previously been pushed up is now sinking...    (think of how a teeter totter/seesaw works.) 


   But I realize you might need more info....  here's a graph:



  Here's your scary sea level rise



  Terrifying...   Better pack your stuff and head for the hills..  

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6 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Haven't watched this.


There is a great deal more evidence and examples of man made global warming in the 11.5 years since this was released.


Including yet another record breaking hurricane, this one about to hit Florida.


I'm sure the people evacuating will be reassured when they learn that half a dozen Thaivisa posters are convinced it's just a normal cycle.



>"Including yet another record breaking hurricane, this one about to hit Florida."


  "...record breaking..."  in what way?  Why do you you Alarmists seldom define your terms...? ? Like "...record breaking..." ? ? ? 


    I'm sorry you and your comrades are so shocked and alarmed that hurricanes happen.


       Uhm.....  Three things.....

1.   It's Hurricane Season......  just in case you didn't know...  

2.  What is your time data set for  "...record.."     10 years?    1000 years?    10,000 years?   1,000,000 years?  

         Forever ?      Why don't you say ? 

3.  Fact is... they haven't been measuring hurricane strength for very long...  and they've been measuring it accurately for even less time.. 


   Talk to the Spanish... who lost entire fleets of ships... and had destroyed towns and cities in the Carribean to hurricanes during the 1500's....1600's.... 1700's during a colder time..

Edited by Catoni
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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

"hurricanes are the result of cold fronts meeting warm fronts,"

So are thunderstorms. what's that got do to with anything? An entirely irrelevant observation.


Heat from the oceans is the fuel that powers hurricanes.

As the oceans get warmer, they supply more energy to hurricanes making them stronger.

In addition, as the atmosphere gets warmer it can absorb more water vapor which means heavier rainfall. Not just in hurricanes but in general.

Storm Saffir-Simpson
Date of landfall Year Landfall Intensity
(in knots)
Landfall Location
Andrew 5 August 24 1992 145 Elliott Key (1st landfall)/
Near Homestead (2nd landfall)
Betsy 3 September 8 1965 110 Tavernier
Charley 4 August 13 2004 130 Cayo Costa (1st landfall)/
Near Punta Gorda (2nd landfall)
Dennis 3 July 10 2005 105 Santa Rosa Island
Donna 4 September 10 1960 115 Conch Key (1st landfall)/
Near Naples (2nd landfall)
Easy 3 September 5 1950 105 Near Cedar Key
Elena 3 September 2 1985 100 Gulfport, MS*
Eloise 3 September 23 1975 110 Bay County
Great Miami 4 September 18–20 1926 125 Palmetto Bay (1st landfall)/
Orange Beach, AL (2nd landfall)*
Great Middle Florida 3 August 23 1851 100 Panama City
Irma 4 September 10 2017 115 Cudjoe Key (1st landfall)/
Marco Island (2nd landfall)
Ivan 3 September 16 2004 105 Near Gulf Shores, AL*
Jeanne 3 September 26 2004 105 Hutchinson Island
King 4 October 18 1950 115 Downtown Miami
Labor Day 5 September 3 1935 160 Craig Key
Michael 4 October 10 2018 135 Mexico Beach
Okeechobee 4 September 17 1928 125 Palm Beach
Opal 3 October 4 1995 100 Pensacola Beach
Unnamed 3 August 17 1871 100 Jupiter Island
Unnamed 3 October 7 1873 100 Captiva Island
Unnamed 3 October 3 1877 100 Panama City
Unnamed 3 September 10 1882 100 Navarre
Unnamed 3 August 16 1888 110 Miami Beach
Unnamed 3 October 9 1894 105 Panama City
Unnamed 3 September 10 1896 110 Cedar Key
Unnamed 3 October 18 1906 105 Marathon (1st landfall)/
Near Flamingo (2nd landfall)
Unnamed 3 October 11 1909 100 Marathon
Unnamed 3 September 29 1917 100 Okaloosa County
(Ft. Walton Beach)
Unnamed 4 September 10 1919 130 Dry Tortugas
Unnamed 3 September 4 1933 110 Jupiter
Unnamed 3 October 18 1944 105 Dry Tortugas
Unnamed 4 September 15 1945 115 North Key Largo (1st landfall)/
Florida City (2nd landfall)
Unnamed 4 September 17 1947 115 Port Everglades
(Ft. Lauderdale)
Unnamed 4 September 21–22 1948 115 Saddlebunch Keys (1st landfall)/
Near Chokoloskee (2nd landfall)
Unnamed 4 August 26 1949 115 Lantana/
Lake Worth
Wilma 3 October 24 2005 105 Cape Romano

Anything but Historical ????  Looks like 1935 was historical to me ???? 

Edited by iroc4life
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