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If you are only after a screw, they will only be after your cash - what do you expect?

Very good one, GS.

I fully agree on it.

One of the best posting I have seen on BG,...

Kindly appreciated Bluecat, it's nice to know I'm aknowledged when I do make a serious or valid point but that really is the bottom line with BG's, the good one's and the bad ones.

I'd be interested to know if anyone who has been ripped off by a bargirl had treated them as a Thai girl providing a service and been nice to them or treated them like the uninformed and blinkered western stereotype of simply a 'hooker'.

It really irks me when bargirls are referred to as hookers. Technically yes, they are prostitutes but to me a hooker is a streetwalker that will go home with anyone or anything and doesn't take any care of themselves.

I wouldn't refer to my friend Toon as a hooker in the same way that I wouldn't refer to my mate Mark as a nigger.

Respect and you'll be respected. (in most cases anyway)

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Hi Gent. we can agree that the term Hooker doesn't always apply to the BG's I married a lovely BG 11 years ago, she's a lovely girl and I hate when people call a Hooker.


i told my wife today what some of the topics on here were about.

i explained to her that there is a small majority of people who consider that all thai girls who worked in bars or clubs are hookers/prostitues and they will always be this way.

she was very offended by this and wondered why these people bother to stay here.

Does it feel good making a thai national (in her own country) feel like siht?

shame on you all, you know who you are.

(come to pattaya and tell her yourself, i think you will be very impressed with her knowledge of the english language)


"come to pattaya and tell her yourself, i think you will be very impressed with her knowledge of the english language)"

I bet the visa officers won't be impressed at the British embassy, though they'll receive exactly the language they ask for?


Opinions are polarised, very anti and pro mostly,there really doesn't seem to be any middle ground on this subject. The antis trying to provoke a response by calling them hookers, these threads seem to end up the same way everytime.


I don't think opinions are so polarised, really. But the subject is emotionally charged, provokations and retributions make a sensible discussion almost impossible. I admit to being guilty.

"come to pattaya and tell her yourself, i think you will be very impressed with her knowledge of the english language)"

I bet the visa officers won't be impressed at the British embassy, though they'll receive exactly the language they ask for?

how do you mean stroll?

she's had uk and aussie visa's before.

i mention her knowledge of english because she can have english conversatons without a problem.

i made that statement because idiots seem to label everybody the same.

don't judge a book by it's cover.

ps i'm not directing that last sentance at you.


Sorry, Dave, I tried to crack a joke, referring to your wife's alleged ability to tell somebody to get lost and stuff themselves in English, which is what some visa applicants might feel like telling the staff at the embassy, but lack the language skills (my former GF, for example). Nothing unsavoury implied here. :o


I still say that anyone who slags of BG's has either been misinformed or stung by one as a result of acting like a <deleted> and treating them like an expensive wank.

I am happy to read posts from defensive BG husbands/boyfriends as I understand where they are coming from. I only wish I'd got engaged the BG friend of mine who is now reluctantly married to a very jealous Swede who wants to know her every move. He doesn't love her if he doesn't trust her.

A good bargirl can make a good companion because they have a lot of life experience and are often stronger characters for it.


"A good bargirl can make a good companion because they have a lot of life experience and are often stronger characters for it."

This post on bargirls ranks second only to the other one you received the 'bluecat'-award for, thank you. :o

Sorry, Dave, I tried to crack a joke, referring to your wife's alleged ability to tell somebody to get lost and stuff themselves in English, which is what some visa applicants might feel like telling the staff at the embassy, but lack the language skills (my former GF, for example). Nothing unsavoury implied here. :D

no offence taken :D

as i said her english is extremely good especially swearing etc :o

maybe because she get lumbered with watching my english video's all the time.

it makes me laugh when people speaks to her in slow english and she immediately replies "why are you talking like that" :D

Guaranteed to to get some spirited posts, allways end up going the same way though.

Blimey, you sound so negative... The reason these posts go the same way is because those who don't know what they are talking about and tar all with the same brush (I'm not saying nesscessarily you) - far outweigh those who have something to say on the subject which is positive; but as I know too well from my two months back in England reading newspapers and watching the telly - Negative sells and people have little interest in 'happy stories'.

After logging on earlier I called the BG friend I have not seen since december and we are meeting for lunch next week when her boyfriend (not yet husband) goes home to Sweeden for 2 weeks. Many who read this will assume that while this cat's away, the mice will play, but they are wrong. She was delighted to hear from me and very happy we can still meet just as friends, but she's been in the relationship a while now and he is good to her which I (reluctantly) respect and so does she.

I'm honoured to be her friend, and if I've missed out on anything more then it's my own fault for being too indecisive and not knowing what I wanted at the time we were seeing each other last year.


gentlemen scamp,

same here, when my wife does'nt come to my bar with me i sometimes go out and see my mate who manages a gogo bar and we go and drink with lots of bg/gogo girl mates, we have a great laugh and (on my side anyway) theres no funny business, my wifes ok about it.

just because they do what they do, that does'nt mean they can't be friends with us.

gentlemen scamp,

same here, when my wife does'nt come to my bar with me  i sometimes go out and see my mate who manages a gogo bar and we go and drink with lots of bg/gogo girl mates, we have a great laugh and (on my side anyway) theres no funny business, my wifes ok about it.

just because they do what they do, that does'nt mean they can't be friends with us.

To Dave: Do they know how to have fun or what?

It takes a while initially but once they've got to know and trust you well, you can be accepted almost as part of the gang and invited out on a bar crawl where you will meet other girls they know. They are a fascinating minority who generally stick together and look out for one another. They are looked down upon enough by their fellow Thai's without us ignorant foreigners doing it also. :o


an anecdote...my wife was working in a go go bar when I met her. Paid the bar fine and took her back to the hotel. After the first night we agreed that we should hang out together for the next few days that required returning to the bar and paying the nightly bar fine. We would go together, pay the fine then hang around the back part of the bar (still in view of the runway) and spend the evening there as my wife (then BG girlfriend) enjoyed the company of her go go bar work associates.

We sat in the area that the girls would congregate in while waiting to to go on the runway...my wife bought cokes and some chopped up roast chickens as refreshments for her comrades. It was quite a nice scene as with the wife we were already discussing her joining me later and her mates were fairly gushing with congrats and good wishes. As was mentioned above bar girls are a close knit group and the success of one pulling a falang with good intentions was celebrated by all.

I had recently come off of a bad divorce with my son and all my possessions taken from me by my ex with the assistance of the UK court. Never contemplated suicide but the next thing whereever it was described in 'The Sickness unto Death'. I found myself with the genuine possibility of a new life and in the meantime surrounded by beautiful half naked thai girls hand feeding me chicken tidbits and massaging my shoulders to the beat of ZZ Top's Greatest Hits. My wife advised her mates that she was going with me and that's all it took to be a go go bar hero. No one noticed that I sat weeping at the bar at my good fortune...I had thought that I would never be happy again.


The most honest man I have ever met in my life was a gentleman I met at the Thai Consulate in Penang many years ago. I was young then, about 21, and it was my first visa run. He told me he had a Thai wife and that she was the best woman he ever had. I would say he was in his late forties. As a foolish young greenie I asked him what her job was when he met her. He answered, "You know what?

She was a go-go dancer that I met in a bar in Pattaya, but she's the best wife I've

ever had. I wouldn't trade her for anyone." When I look back on this I know it was an inappropriate question and I never ask this question of anybody unless I know them well and they volunteer some que or statement to initiate such a question.

He saw that I was young and inexperienced but he was also sincere and dead honest.


Yesterday afternoon I reluctantly went to Kaosan Rd to meet a friend who was flying in on a stopover and I witnessed a rather distressed young American having a go at one of the backpacker predators in Gullivers Travel Tavern.

It never ceases to amaze me (or amuse me) and I've seen this sort of scene so many times, a young first timer shouting a patronising broken English at a bored Kaosan strumpet... "Why you tell me you love me but you see another man - In my country we not do this to a boyfriend - you tell me you wait for me blah blah blah etc... etc... etc..."

Why is it that nieve travellers go out to get laid, have a couple of drunken nights with a Kaosan predator who is, let's face it, just after a free lunch and a good time - and then they expect them to be faithful when they return home or pop down to the Full Moon Party to dance all night covered in body paint, watch movies, urinate in the sea and generally 'be at one' with Thailand?

I couldn't be bothered to intervene with this guy but in the past I've stepped in when the farrang has oversteped the mark and forgotten who's country it is.

As I once stated to a rather abusive and drunk, I'm ashamed to say, Englishman: The reason he saw at least four other guys on his 'girlfriends' Hotmail inbox is because she was keeping her options open and that he would soon lose interest whe he met a better looking girl, and that out of the other guys she was in contact with and e-mailing the same 'I miss you so mut' message, she would be lucky if ONE of them turned out to be Mr Right, or even returned to see her.

These girls are not strictly bar girls but they are out to get the tourist who are equally out to get them into their flophouse beds. Like your avarage BG, they give as good as they get but it all seems so one sided to the poor backpacker, oh the poor poor victim who's just had his illusions of a perfect county with perfect women shattered... Never mind son, hurry up and get going to Oz and do us and them all a favour.

Granted, my first ever visit to Thailand at the turn of the millenium was as a 'budget traveller', but I didn't get into these situations. I was realistic, and neither did I wear sarongs or grow a beard and dreadlocks. I kept myself to myself and made a handful of worthy western friends and it didn't take long before the snobbery set in, though to this day I always acknowledge my fellow farang on the Skytrain with a shallow but polite nod - not that I get it back... I'm getting onto a whole new topic here so I'll stop. :o

an anecdote...my wife was working in a go go bar when I met her.

So much for "some" people who wrote in this forum saying that nobody ever disclose the fact that his wife is a BG.

Too shy to say it.

Why should they be?

Nice one, Tutsi.


blue cat...I believe that the discussion of non-disclosure of the wife's past in previous posts has to do with circumstances of polite company, genteel surroundings with glasses of sherry and etc. As I am sure that I will never meet anyone socially from this forum it's OK to expatiate in an honest manner in order to analogize.

Sure...maybe plenty of falangs met their wives in the physics lab of some famous university and OK for them. Just want to indicate that yeah...maybe my wife useta dance naked and useta be a whore but that don't impact the reality that we have a good marriage regardless of possible discussions of computational fluid dynamics and nth order differential equations....

hey...how do you handle limitations on La Place transformations? Turn them upside down, re-model and rotate...

cheers BC...just jivin' around....


Bluecat, I'm not ashamed to admit that my wife is an EX BG, we have have now been married for 12 good years, her past has been left behind, and we are happy together.

I wouldn't refer to my friend Toon as a hooker in the same way that I wouldn't refer to my mate Mark as a nigger.

Respect and you'll be respected. (in most cases anyway)

Toon called today from school - business school that is. She no longer works at Nana and is studying somewhere near Ekamai. I look forward to meeting her for ice coffee and croissants next week.

If that isn't forsaking the bar scene then what is?

Fair play to her. :o


Croissants are a Western thing, she obviously can't shake it. If she'd shaken it you wouldn't be going for croissants and ice coffee, you'd be doing Pha Tong Kho and Oliang. :o

Croissants are a Western thing, she obviously can't shake it. If she'd shaken it you wouldn't be going for croissants and ice coffee, you'd be doing Pha Tong Kho and Oliang. :o

Pha Tong Kho and Oliang? Who the ###### are they, and could I do them together???


Bluecat, I'm not ashamed to admit that my wife is an EX BG, we have have now been married for 12 good years, her past has been left behind, and we are happy together.

congrats. really.

Bluecat, I'm not ashamed to admit that my wife is an EX BG, we have have now been married for 12 good years, her past has been left behind, and we are happy together.

I'm getting short of congratulations. :o

Too many of them.

Congratulations, Sonthaya.

As you rightly said, past is past.

And I for one will never ever judge the PAST of anybody,...

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