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Hello,My first post here.... many sites deal with expats in Thailand, its hard to know which ones are good.My partner and me are thinking of  selling our 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house,2 levels in Khon Kaen.Its close to the city and we want to move a bit further out to make a simple one level house and bigger garden.I know thais don't like anything second hand so I am fixing a few things like fresh paint job and landscape garden to make it a bit more attractive to potential buyers...its  about 8 years old.....I know land is expensive..I have no idea how much a house costs to build.....anyone have thoughts on land for 1 to 1.5m bhat......also does anyone think a house could be built for 1m bhat....rendered block walls....tiled roof.......vague questions I realise but can anyone  help me with any advise on where ,how to find land for sale and where to find a decent/honest builder....thanks.........Damien... currently home in Sydney returning to Issan soon......cheers.....ps had problem creating an account..all my usernames where already in use which didn't make sense as some of them where unique.???

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Land prices even outside the ring road are stupid now, I can buy land where I live in the us for 20% of the price here with drinkable water good utilities etc. we quit looking awhile back. You could build a small shack for 1 mil thats if you could find a builder worth a s*&t. Oh and dont spend much money on your current house thinking it will bring more money waste of time as the thais dont care about that the first word out of their mouth will be discount.

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Chanangrak. How far out are you considering? I live 20 km from Kumphawapi Land is fairly reasonable. Our house pictured was built new 2 years ago for about 1 mil baht and probably still close 

to that mark. We’re out in the country..


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I agree the land values via the conventional routes are being touted very high. I also think that the land you see for sale is not necessarily the only land that is for sale.


If you went into a village or even a small part of a city and spoke to locals I'd be willing to bet if you made it known amongst 3-4 villagers/locals you had cash to buy land, and they  are not real estate related people. They would know someone who wanted to offload some land and you could get it a lot less than the savvy real estate type persons. 


With thailands ageing population I think a lot of land owners use word of mouth more than any other medium and these land owners you have to remember, mostly inherited the land and only 1-2 generations ago their fathers and grandfather's simply claimed the land.

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Ive been here a little over ten years bought and sold a couple of pieces of land and have a house (dont own it haha) never used a realtor or agent (why would you, if you could even find one) Been there done that everything you say about villages/locals it doesnt matter, prices everywhere are stupid expensive for the crap you get. Ageing population just means the kids will get the land and they are worse than the parents when it comes to money. I firmly believe the prices are directly related to the banking system being nothing but smoke and mirrors here in that their books are loaded with land valued at way more than its worth to make the them look solvent. How can land be over ten times more expensive here with bad water (if any) bad electric (if any) etc.than in my home country where I live. One person sells a rai for one million then the neighbor says 1.5, then the next 2, this stupidity will come crashing down on them after the next election and the gov can no longer afford to prop up the banks.

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hi folks,DJ54,nice house but I don't know where Kumphawapi is........my wife owns a block in her village(45min drive from KhonKaen) but I don't want to live there... to isolated for me ......our (her!!) house is in Sila muang ? about 10 mins to city centre.There are firms that sell houses..DDpropertys and others but yes I know driving around and word of mouth is also a way to find or sell.......I don't want to live in those new housing estates, houses 2 metres apart but one of my concerns is robbery so I like the idea of neighbours....with lots of roosters/chickens and dogs to keep me alert!!!!!LOL.... I hate chickens unless they are BBQed..........When I come to Khon Kaen at the end of this year I will drive around....if I can't find or can't afford I will do some things to make our current house better for us...good to find this site and I will be asking more questions regarding life in Khon Kaen......cheers

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 Build this house ,Two bedrooms, two baths, with room for two more bedrooms if desired later,  double skin superblock walls,koi pond, Farang finish. For about two million baht on my own land , right outside the ring road in Khon Kaen last year. about One million should get you a nice one floor litle house. My builder was great , PM me if you want his info.


Edited by sirineou
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Hi sirineou,nice house...well done......looks like a good block....can you tell  me  how big that is in rai or sq/mt ?and how far out from centre of Khon Kaen is the ring road ?...did your land cost a lot?.....that is the biggest cost ?....and Im thinking we would need at least 2 rai ......and yes will contact you for builder if things workout....that is selling the house in Khon Kaen first......somebody has made an offer but we will check all options when we are there at the end of the year.......ps...its been great to get feedback from the members of this site.........cheers.......

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On 10/16/2018 at 12:15 AM, chanangrak said:

Hi sirineou,nice house...well done......looks like a good block....can you tell  me  how big that is in rai or sq/mt ?and how far out from centre of Khon Kaen is the ring road ?...did your land cost a lot?.....that is the biggest cost ?....and Im thinking we would need at least 2 rai ......and yes will contact you for builder if things workout....that is selling the house in Khon Kaen first......somebody has made an offer but we will check all options when we are there at the end of the year.......ps...its been great to get feedback from the members of this site.........cheers.......

Sorry for the late reply, somehow I missed the post reply until now.

The lot is 36m wide by 25m deep, there is a small house on one side we build for my wife's sister about 8 years ago, and we build this house on the other side last year, We bought the lot about ten years ago, and I won't tell you how much because you will cry. Property values sure have gone up since then. 

I think you will pay a million bht for a lot like that now.

I love where we are , It is right outside the village so close enough for a quick scooter ride to the local store for convenience goods, but quiet, and if you did not know how close you are to a major city you would swear you are in the deep country.

The beauty of the ring road with Mittraphap rd  (did I spell it right?)  and other spoke roads,  ,15 minute ride to almost anywhere in Khon Kaen

I think the best way to find land is to let Thai relatives know you are interested in finding some, and if the price and location is right buying it, There is always someone who needs the money and might be willing to part with a lot.That's how we got ours. 

Good luck with selling you house, let as know how it went.



PS: as far as biggest cost building, I would say Roof, followed by kitchen. We went for the elevated plan because I like outside time, (i spend as litle time as possible inside), price all in (excluding appliances and land) 1.7 mil  .  I believe 1 to 1.5 mil will build you a nice one floor house.  

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