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Turkey obtains recordings of Saudi journalist's purported killing - paper


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2 hours ago, onlycw said:

But they might discover lots of H2 O2 and bleach

If the Saudi embassy suddenly announces that it is going to remodel the embassy by knocking down walls, they might mean to remove permanently embedded Turkish surveillance devices.

This comes to mind from -

U.S. rebuilding bugged embassy offices Walls of Moscow chancery hold listening devices

U.S. officials belatedly discovered tens of thousands of microscopic listening devices embedded in its concrete walls



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Another possible Saudi connection over Khashoggi's disappearance.

Saudi human rights activist Omar Abdulaziz living in Canada:

Reported Saudi hacking of his cell phone with spyware (1:35) that would reveal all his conversations with Jomal.

Just before Kashoggoi went to Turkey, the Saudi's were threatening Omar and Kashoggi saying they were to be killed (2:34)


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The same US Congress members who care nothing about the citizens are now oh so concerned about the disappearance of "what his name again?"  This is the sort of hypocrisy that turns my stomach.

Flake, Collins et al hand-wringing, questioning morality etc will, in the end, follow the party line, like always.  Press reporters don't even need to cover them, they can just replay the sound bites from a previous crisis.

Absolutely disgusting.


But on the lighter side, in the movie "From Russia With Love" (best Bond movie (Connery agrees)) they have a periscope under the Soviet embassy to spy on them, maybe in Istanbul all embassies have one?



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Just saw a report (from a non-Western news channel) about how the other news sources in the Arabic-speaking world are reporting on this incident.  They are spouting all sorts of possible scenarios of what happened to Kashoggi stopping just short of abduction by flying saucer.

Yes, there has been a low-key palace coup taking place in SA.  There was talk, and expectation, of taking the Saudi oil business public, but that plan is now on prolonged delay, which means forgetaboutit.  I wonder what happened there.  There are also other noticeable things, like the alienation of Qatar (which I suspect has something to do with DT and the sword dance).


But if MBS wanted to use oil to respond to his adversaries there is:

Plan A - turn up the pumps, knock down the price of oil and cause pain to the oil producers/refiners in the rest of the world, and their countries' economies


Plan B - slow down the pumps, driving the price of oil upward and mess up the world economy 2008-style, or worse.



Edited by bendejo
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On 10/14/2018 at 10:10 PM, pegman said:

Wrong, we stood alone and didn't back down. A couple of the usual suspect Canadian conservative posters turned jelly fish but that's to be expected.


On 10/14/2018 at 10:20 PM, pegman said:

Yes, Canada did try to get the Western Powers to grow a pair and take a position against the Saudi's despicable actions but failed. Good on Canada and bad on the others as shown by what just happened in Turkey.




On 10/14/2018 at 10:24 PM, pegman said:

Obviously if your talking strong moral backbone it's been demonstrated that it's Canada under Young Justin Trudeau.



You're may to hold on to that narrative and ignore facts and links provided. Like it or not, Canada did, almost immediately, try to patch things up with SA, and did call on other nations to assist. Similarly, unless mistaken, that arms deal is still on - Saudi transgressions (including the recent one) notwithstanding.

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23 hours ago, onlycw said:

They can forget that search. But they might discover lots of H2 O2 and bleach... 


Before oil was discovered, who were these Saudis? Wahabbism and all, some extremist form of Islam... People don't change. Certainly, money doesn't make anyone a better person!


Does the above proposition include the (probable) victim? Last I checked he was Saudi as well.

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19 hours ago, bendejo said:

Just saw a report (from a non-Western news channel) about how the other news sources in the Arabic-speaking world are reporting on this incident.  They are spouting all sorts of possible scenarios of what happened to Kashoggi stopping just short of abduction by flying saucer.

Yes, there has been a low-key palace coup taking place in SA.  There was talk, and expectation, of taking the Saudi oil business public, but that plan is now on prolonged delay, which means forgetaboutit.  I wonder what happened there.  There are also other noticeable things, like the alienation of Qatar (which I suspect has something to do with DT and the sword dance).


But if MBS wanted to use oil to respond to his adversaries there is:

Plan A - turn up the pumps, knock down the price of oil and cause pain to the oil producers/refiners in the rest of the world, and their countries' economies


Plan B - slow down the pumps, driving the price of oil upward and mess up the world economy 2008-style, or worse.

Plan A won't work. the Saudis are pumping at their limits.

Plan B will work. reducing output is a piece of cake.

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First the local Turks in the Embassy were sent home for the day when this guy

walks in. Why? Now the cleaners are going in before the investigation, again

Why?  Who do the Saudis think they are fooling. Even if the King of SA did not

know what happened, I bet dollars to donuts that some people in SA certainly

know everything, and so do some people in Turkey.


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26 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

First the local Turks in the Embassy were sent home for the day when this guy

walks in. Why? Now the cleaners are going in before the investigation, again

Why?  Who do the Saudis think they are fooling. Even if the King of SA did not

know what happened, I bet dollars to donuts that some people in SA certainly

know everything, and so do some people in Turkey.


Just wait a couple of days, and it will be business as usual.

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