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The European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (EuroCham) expressed its “serious concerns” on Monday over the “long-term negative impacts” of the EU removing the Kingdom’s access to the preferential Everything But Arms (EBA} agreement.


It also expressed “hope that a dialogue can be implemented to better address” the bloc’s concerns and suggested “a different course of action”.


The EU notified Cambodia on October 5 that Cambodia would lose its tax-free access to the EU market unless it makes “clear and demonstrable improvements” to human rights and democracy in the Kingdom.


read more https://www.phnompenhpost.com/business/cambodia-faces-negative-impacts-if-eba-suspended


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12 hours ago, geovalin said:

It also expressed “hope that a dialogue can be implemented to better address” the bloc’s concerns and suggested “a different course of action”.

Like not clinging to power?  Like not throwing those who would compete with you in jail?  It seems like talk has produced zilch.

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