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Does Anyone Actually Work At The British Embassy

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I have tried a few times to make contact with the British Embassy with regard to my girlfriends visa application but it is so difficult to actually get an answer even by e-mail from someone with a name.Does anyone actually work there behind those big walls at wireless road?,if so,why is it so difficult to contact you?I am a British citizen surely it should be a lot easier for me to ghain contact with my own embassy in that country.

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I have tried a few times to make contact with the British Embassy with regard to my girlfriends visa application but it is so difficult to actually get an answer even by e-mail from someone with a name.Does anyone actually work there behind those big walls at wireless road?,if so,why is it so difficult to contact you?I am a British citizen surely it should be a lot easier for me to ghain contact with my own embassy in that country.

Probably half of them work ! Anyway the British Embassy employers more foreigners than Brits, perhaps that explains it a little. Bit like immigration at LHR Terminal 4, your lucky if you find one that has complete command of the English language. Anyway what does being British mean anymore? Guess the Embassy is no differant from the UK where it is more important to look after the immigrants first, legal or otherwise.

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OK you are a British citizen but do not think it is easy come easy go to gain contact with the british embassy in that country.

When i was there and i phoned them and i did get thourough after 3 or 4 times

all i can say is keep on trying

but do remember it is like the uk ie: SAY PHONE DHSS THEN YOU GET SOMEONE THEY ASK YOU FROM the Start then they say ill put you though and the you have to repeaT ALL agian

so all i can say is keep on tryi ng :o

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In my many dealings with them i have found them to be slow in replying to e-mails , but generally easy to reach by phone especially if you call in the afternoon BKK time .The operator is always easy to reach , the ECO's a little harder but you must persist. Occasionally i have even found the ECO's to be helpful and polite . And sometimes i have found the opposite. Rather like the visa applications , it depends on who you get . Overall 5/10

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I have tried a few times to make contact with the British Embassy with regard to my girlfriends visa application but it is so difficult to actually get an answer even by e-mail from someone with a name.Does anyone actually work there behind those big walls at wireless road?,if so,why is it so difficult to contact you?I am a British citizen surely it should be a lot easier for me to ghain contact with my own embassy in that country.

Do not know about the inner workings of the Embassy nor internal admin matters ...which GU22 seems to be privy to ...but up to a year or two ago all refusal notices were signed by the ECO who made the refusal. Recently a refusal notice was issued with no signature or name on the notice.

This followed a successful appeal where the question of totally different signatures by a certain ECO was raised.

Whether it is a new Embassy policy for ECO'S to refuse to disclose their identity is a question which others who have been issued refusal notices will know the answer to but if it is a new policy the Embassy should at least quote their reference name on the refusal notice so they can be identified easily by telephone staff.

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They do answer the phone but you need to be patient.

E-mails are answered also but the response time can be quite long from 1-2 days to 1-2 weeks....

Turnaround for pension certificate letter by post was in my experience just over 3 weeks.

Good luck

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