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A new investment scam: Coffee.

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On 10/28/2018 at 3:18 PM, Bill Miller said:

Ever been in a shop or market, and they punch the number into a calculator to show you how much

So why did you not use a calculator (on your/her phone even!) to do that calculation during minute number one or two of your/any financial discussion?

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2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

So why did you not use a calculator (on your/her phone even!) to do that calculation during minute number one or two of your/any financial discussion?

Another brain trust heard from.
Because I was not the one trying to communicate the number, and there was no calculation involved, just the, incorrect as it happens, report of a number.
Some of you lot are so eager to score points on others that you cannot think the matter through before spewing nonsense.

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7 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

Another brain trust heard from.

You started this post with a silly question, then said a pox on anyone who wouldnt give up 300$/10K baht without knowing where it went. Well my friend you have a lot to learn about thailand. Its not the money its the PRINCIPAL of someone taking your money and pissing it away like you are a money tree. Most of us had to work for our money, maybe you didnt but I have been burnt a couple of times here over the years and it will never happen again, so pox and whatever else on me but the ole your money is ours and my money is my families just dont work.

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13 minutes ago, Notagain said:

....... but the ole your money is ours and my money is my families just dont work.

This does seem to be how it is quite often.   And they don't see how sending money to family effects you so you have no reason to express any concern.    So many examples of how they can't understand the connection. 

One example that was far to complicated to comprehend is.   A gal I know has a real and valid concern for alcoholics.   Of course she doesn't drink and gave me a hard time at first because she can't believe a person can stop at 2 small beers or 1.  She also doesn't understand the difference between a 10 oz glass of 40% or whatever that rice stuff is called and a 12 oz 5% beer.  Anyway I was trying to find out why it's ok for her the send much more money to mom than brother or sister?  She says they don't have so much money.   This gal lives in a shared fan room and works 6 days a week. Sometimes works 10 days in a row. No car, no savings to speak of but always something to be used to help family.  But I reply brother and sister drink at least 150 baht each day, maybe more.  Also mom drinks quite a bit.  I tried to show the unfairness in this plus that she is buying the ones she loves their alcohol whiles she lives such an austeir life.   

Edited by Elkski
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12 hours ago, Notagain said:

You started this post with a silly question, then said a pox on anyone who wouldnt give up 300$/10K baht without knowing where it went. Well my friend you have a lot to learn about thailand. Its not the money its the PRINCIPAL of someone taking your money and pissing it away like you are a money tree. Most of us had to work for our money, maybe you didnt but I have been burnt a couple of times here over the years and it will never happen again, so pox and whatever else on me but the ole your money is ours and my money is my families just dont work.

"Silly question", eh? In your benighted opinion. Most folks heard it often in school that the only silly question is the one you don't ask. Prhaps you did not go to school? Or conversely you know everything about the matter but are too important (in your own mind) to share that information?
If it is so silly, why don't you go ahead and prove it to us all by explaining in detail what the "Coffee Cash Back" scheme is, and how it is supposed to work?
I worked for forty years, sometimes two jobs at a time.
My GF did not, as explained in several posts in this thread, "piss my money away", but harking back to the question of if you even went to school, your reading comprehension is demonstrably at a low elementary level at best.
I submit that you are of the "keep them barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" crowd, at least regarding Thai women. 
If you have such disdain for Thailand and it's people, then what the hell are you doing here, eh?

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19 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

I submit that you are of the "keep them barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" crowd, at least regarding Thai women

And i submit that you are just another old fool that came to thailand for a younger woman cause you couldnt get anything at home, After 10 years of living here i am leaving in two months. I have soon more fools such as you than i could count on a calculator, something you might want to get for your educated GF.

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10 minutes ago, Notagain said:


And i submit that you are just another old fool that came to thailand for a younger woman cause you couldnt get anything at home, After 10 years of living here i am leaving in two months. I have soon more fools such as you than i could count on a calculator, something you might want to get for your educated GF.

This sounds like good news for Thailand and many other expats.

Enjoy your return to your home country (or wherever you are going).

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7 minutes ago, neeray said:

This sounds like good news for Thailand and many other expats.

Enjoy your return to your home country (or wherever you are going).

Yes, Notagain does not seem to be a positive contributor to the general weal.
As has been pointed out before, for those able to read and understand, I did not come to Thailand for a younger woman but for, in her own words, an "old lady". ☺️
It is just sad that someone who seems to have never taken their own advice loads it on everyone else, then must take their marbles and go home, disappointed. 
"Notagain" is the usename of someone who is not enjoying life, I think. Better luck in the future, man.

For what it is worth, and not that I need to defend myself to a self declared failure, I have had perhaps more than my share of attractive and high class lady companions, to the chagrin and envy of some of my contemporaries.
I want to point out, against the vociferous tide of many TV negative commentators, that not all Thai women have it as their lifetime goal to seek out and separate western men from their money. 
I really appreciate the commentary and stories from those who have been here twenty and thirty years, and happy with it.

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20 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

Another brain trust heard from.
Because I was not the one trying to communicate the number, and there was no calculation involved, just the, incorrect as it happens, report of a number.
Some of you lot are so eager to score points on others that you cannot think the matter through before spewing nonsense.

You create a new topic and then abuse the people who respond.  I think the "brain trust" you refer to should be set up to assist you with your totally blinkered responses to our comments.  I can only assume you are either trolling or click baiting.


My comment regarding the use of a calculator was regarding your initial discussion with your "partner/GF/whatever", who you said could not communicate numbers to you when you had the post "scam purchase" discussion.  I was suggesting that you should have used the calculator then! I never intimated that it should have been used during the alleged "scam".

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6 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

For what it is worth, and not that I need to defend myself to a self declared failure, I have had perhaps more than my share of attractive and high class lady companions, to the chagrin and envy of some of my contemporaries.

But they and you are so high class but yet unable to communicate basic arithmetic, with or without a calculator, between each other.


PS;  Your motto should be "I would be perfect if it wasn't for my modesty, it is all that is holding me back".

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On 10/28/2018 at 5:17 PM, Notagain said:

A fool and his money are soon parted from a woman with who he cant even speak her language.

With or without a calculator. 

But that is the high class for you, they don't need to communicate except with grunts etc, normally behind screens (forums) or between the sheets. Or too many sheets to the wind perhaps!????

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On 10/28/2018 at 3:43 PM, Bill Miller said:

interprets for me as I am having a tough time learning the lingo, etc., etc., etc, (Thanks Yul Bryner ☺️) asked me for some money. She had it in her account within the hour.
I traveled half around the globe to be with her, and have been here now for four years

After 4 years together you cannot communicate the most basic numbers between the pair of you but she is now your "interpreter".

The mind boggles!  The "Two Ronnies" "Fork Handle" sketch comes to mind.

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19 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

After 4 years together you cannot communicate the most basic numbers between the pair of you but she is now your "interpreter".

The mind boggles!  The "Two Ronnies" "Fork Handle" sketch comes to mind.

I suspect youir mind is frequently boggled.
Do you do anything but seek out opportunities to bash people here?

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