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VIDEO: Woman caught peeing in public while stuck in Bangkok traffic

Jonathan Fairfield

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16 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Agree. She might also have been in early pregnancy, bladder capacity drops well before you start to show.

She must have had quite a few pints judging by the small rivulet she left behind... And I concur with everyone who thought she had a lovely behind!

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Some western scumbag journalist wrote this article. The person who took the picture should be put in jail. The lady is a hero!!!

Everyone has had the pain of having to urinate. She had no choice other than get a horrible infection and spent few days in the hospital.

Finally, NO ONE WAS SHOCKED you stupid journalist. You made that up like all journalist who try to destroy a culture by putting words in the article that are totally wrong. Shame on you. Go back to America … J … from an American

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14 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

Some western scumbag journalist wrote this article. The person who took the picture should be put in jail. The lady is a hero!!!

Everyone has had the pain of having to urinate. She had no choice other than get a horrible infection and spent few days in the hospital.

Finally, NO ONE WAS SHOCKED you stupid journalist. You made that up like all journalist who try to destroy a culture by putting words in the article that are totally wrong. Shame on you. Go back to America … J … from an American

That American sure doesn't write like an American ????


Or even someone whose native language is English  ????



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1 hour ago, Mace648 said:

How about she has the taxi pull over at a hotel or restaurant where she could use the toilet?..that is what any civilized person would do. This is not natural behavior, this is animal behavior.


Because probably could not get out of the traffic otherwise he would have pulled into any gas station.

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At 78, my bladder does not provide much advance information/warning. At home it isn't a problem, but when out. need the diaper for emergencies until I can get to a rest room. No one ever said getting old was fun....ahhhh but the memories.

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5 hours ago, Spidey said:

My wife occasionally does the same, but does get out of the car and go slightly off piste.


I'm sorry that Thai morality offends your morality. TiT, their morals rule.

I don't care what Thai people do but where do they have rules about this? 

Just answer this 

What is best why to pie 

Behind a tree with beach chairs or in the water or 10b toilet on jomtien beach 

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21 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

I remember back to the days of Edith Clampton and her loyal maid Khun Hazel. She would extol the virtues of the "Comfort100".




You can still buy these on Lazada.

Have a male version in the van, in my line of work I can be waiting around for hours.


Remember once travelling home from work on a bus, saw a female tramp on busy street of "back to back" terraced houses sitting down against a house wall raised knees raised skirt with knickers around he knees, legs open peeing, put me off sex for life.

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22 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

I remember back to the days of Edith Clampton and her loyal maid Khun Hazel. She would extol the virtues of the "Comfort100".




You can still buy these on Lazada.

 Ah Edith Clampton. And her plan to make sidesaddle motorcycle passengers more respectable by providing them with t-towels to cover their modesty.  I recall it was an election time and they would be financed by candidates having their faces printed on them.

Those were the days when 'letters to the editor' were enjoyable.

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22 hours ago, rainman333 said:


it's possible that this lady is actually a man lol

Its for sure not a LB as it doesnt exist any LB's with short legs - it may be a TOM, but anyway a TOM is a girl bodywise….:giggle:

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Back over 13 years in Chiang Mai while on my motorbike taking my son to school alone the main Hang Dong Road during the early morning, I saw women of all ages squatting down at the side of the road taking a pee or a crap that was a regular sight. Remember my first time seeing this I was stunned, never seen such sights before. Then they suddenly disappeared, probably the police put a stop to it.


Still have to consider that Thailand is a third world country with these practices probably being the norm for hundreds of years.


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2 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

I don't care what Thai people do but where do they have rules about this? 

Just answer this 

What is best why to pie 

Behind a tree with beach chairs or in the water or 10b toilet on jomtien beach 

I usually go for the water, my son behind a tree, my wife a 10 baht toilet.

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5 hours ago, hobobo said:

She must have had quite a few pints judging by the small rivulet she left behind... And I concur with everyone who thought she had a lovely behind!

..Im sure she didnt mean her privates to be plastered all over the Internet and have people comment on what obviously was an urgent need on her part..leave her alone.

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Can one blame the the poor women ,There aren't any public toilets on the roads .If one get stuck in traffic what is one suppose to do? I was lucky not to piss myself stuck in traffic  on the way to the airport in Bangkok, we just stopped and had a piss. (I wasn't the only one )

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On 10/26/2018 at 4:35 PM, colinneil said:

When you gotta go  ,you gotta go.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

1 second i look at story and i wonder OHNo

how many is gonna come up with that comment??

 SO worn out and SO obvious, even to a guy with English as 2nd.


and sure enough you are no.3!!! 



For Gods sake man,At least come up with something original 

and leave these stale overused comments back in the 1950's!!!

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On 10/26/2018 at 4:35 PM, colinneil said:

When you gotta go  ,you gotta go.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

oh jeez!

sorry if i sound harsh on you old chum it was only meant to joke.

anyway i give you something you can use in this thread...


"a certain fellow gonna be really pjssed-off with whoever leaked this story" 


hope that cheer you up sir.


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