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Tourists behaving badly – why do some travellers conduct themselves differently on holiday?


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I would bet these two are already scum or “social rejects “ back home. However, many Western adults work very hard for almost a whole year in a very competitive and serious working environment so when a couple weeks of holiday in a new country such as fun Thailand with its fun nightlife, tropical beaches, and laid back life style one sometimes enjoys himself / herself a bit too much since there is no one to “frown” upon their behavior such as the “land of frowns” back home. 

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

Furlong scrawled “Scousse Lee”, an apparent misspelling of Scouse or Scouser,

They behave exactly the same in Liverpool.  'What does a Scouse woman use for protection during sex?  ....... A bus shelter.'

'What do you call a scouser in a suit?  ........ The accused.'

The above has nothing to do with the relative Premier league positions of Liverpool and Man Utd.....  Honest.

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23 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

And Thai do not do moronic things too? Let's blame cc tv and social media. Otherwise like in the days before. no one would know. Look at Prawit and his watches, but he is too powerful to touch.. 

it is their country so they can do whatever they want.

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On 10/31/2018 at 2:05 PM, SammyT said:

Massive error in reasoning right there.


Just because Thais do moronic things in their own country doesn't make it okay for visitors to come and do moronic things in their countries. No doubt you get outraged when immigrants or visitors do illegal things that make the media in your home country? Comparing graffiti on a wall to the deputy PM's wrist watches also deliberately misses the point. There is certainly room for people to be outraged by both...

I didn’t just fall of the THAI turnip truck. Been watching THAI and foreigner idiocy in this country for near 25 years now. And the point is, if back in the day when had no social media of cc tv cameras everywhere, then there would be no outrage. It is like making a mountain out of a mole hill 

Edited by holy cow cm
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On 10/31/2018 at 5:13 PM, natway09 said:

There are just some people that should NEVER be allowed to travel Internationally & yes

do blame budget airlines for some of it

Have a look at Kuta, Bali for example where 60% of the Aussies should never have been let out of their cage. They become a danger to themselves & me 

Yes Bali has unmannered aussies but the Indo's themselves on Bali are also rude and chasing tourists nonstop to sell them something.


And the Balinese police is also corrupt, they stopped our car with 2 private guides to get money...The guides knew it already and had the money prepared to give .


To me it seems that countries without proper police get the bad tourists...



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5 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

Reminds me of the Brits and Ozzies that drink to excess and then want to brawl with everyone.

That reminds me of the huge bouncers in the bars in Oz...they don't punch, they just grab the fighters and throw them out of the door flying for a few meters. That worked well.

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