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Thai army paid much, much more for same helo used by King power CEO


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Perhaps the reporter should do some proper Research / Due Diligence before publishing an article such as this. He looks like an idiot.

The aircraft that the Thai military purchased is the AW139 (Now known as a Leonardo139)

The aircraft that crashed in the UK, although newer, is a smaller version known as the AW169 (Leonardo169)

How do I know this you ask..?

I’m a pilot and I fly the AW139 to offshore oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.

Edited by verticalift
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Many here have given their reasons for the steep price differential but the party in question has not given bother to explain. Guess there are caught with hands in the cookie jar. Don't expect the military to be accountable to all those alleged over-spending and corruption. Like the watchgate, they will just ignore public outcry for answers and accountability. The military is just one big corrupt institution. 

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3 hours ago, a977 said:

And I believe in the tooth fairy!!!!!!!!!!! You just have to look at what a certain person wears to know why duh!

Ask your tooth fairy why a new A380 passenger aircraft is 432 million dollars and a Fighter Raptor is around 415 million dollars.

Imagine how much an A380 fighter/bomber would cost.


Edited by overherebc
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15 minutes ago, verticalift said:

Perhaps the reporter should do some proper Research / Due Diligence before publishing an article such as this. He looks like an idiot.

The aircraft that the Thai military purchased is the AW139 (Now known as a Leonardo139)

The aircraft that crashed in the UK, although newer, is a smaller version known as the AW169 (Leonardo169)

How do I know this you ask..?

I’m a pilot and I fly the AW139 to offshore oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.

Still not 100% happy with an aircraft where the wings travel faster than the fuselage though. ????????????

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Has nobody ever heard of the many thousand dollar ashtray in the USAF Hercules in the eighties ? ,maybe it was exaggerated but it is certainly common that with any military purchase cost is going to bear no relationship to reality.

Of course adding on “consultation fees” is a significant factor in the overall costing but this is SOP in most military sales.

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15 hours ago, overherebc said:

Because military helicopters have a lot more dedicated and specialist equipment that is fitted after the basic airframe is bought. Different radar, plating, rocket pods, gun control systems, anti-missile flare launchers, military radio systems bla bla bla.

Yes no doubt all those extras were listed on the invoice , but do we have any evidence that they were actually supplied and fitted.

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27 minutes ago, verticalift said:

Perhaps the reporter should do some proper Research / Due Diligence before publishing an article such as this. He looks like an idiot.

The aircraft that the Thai military purchased is the AW139 (Now known as a Leonardo139)

The aircraft that crashed in the UK, although newer, is a smaller version known as the AW169 (Leonardo169)

How do I know this you ask..?

I’m a pilot and I fly the AW139 to offshore oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.

Perhaps you should actually read the full article before accusing others of being idiots !

It quite clearly pointed out the differences between the 2 makes and also mentioned that military outfitted models have a price premium.

The point made was that the list price of a military outfited model was 480 million baht , the sums paid were between 670 and 735 million baht , quite a difference.

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let us hope this leads to the eventual corruption by current pm and cronies


would be very interested to see how much the junta leader and cronies have profited since the coup started

how many budgets have inflated 


how many other things have " cost the Thai army more "

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I advise the thugs in charge to buy 100,000 baht from me for 400,000 baht and in return, I will give them a present of 250,000 baht after the purchase is complete. PM me please at your earliest convenience.

Edited by ReMarKable
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15 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Completely different fits for military and civil aircraft avionics and other stuff wise. Military aircraft are inherently more expensive than their civil counterparts.


Doesn't stop the uninformed gnashing their teeth and beating their chests though. As pointed out they are two different types of a/c as well

But it does it warrant a triple price?

Shouldn't all the extra stuff be just a fraction of the cost.. so maybe a 120-150% price tag? Not 300%?

Or are you saying the stuff inside costs twice as much as the chopper itself??? 

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3 hours ago, cms22 said:

Oh dear. I am ex-military and know a thing or two about helicopters. These claims, are (I'm afraid) a very sad indictment of intelligence here.


Does anyone actually realise the systems on a military helicopter are 100% different to those installed on a commercial platform?

Does anyone actually realise that when you buy a commercial platform and a military platform of the same design the only thing that is similar is the chassis?


My god, the lack of understanding on this issue is breath taking.


So you’re ex-military intelligence then? And do you suppose that procuring military hardware at premium prices or guns for the police at premium prices does not happen in Thailand? How do you think they all become multi-millionaires on a pauper’s salary? I won’t standby for an answer.

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27 minutes ago, tandor said:

..the Army's chopper probably had a gun mounted in it plus other hardware and reinforcements. 

The gun and hardware costs twice as much as the chopper itself?? Expensive guns and hardware....

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17 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Because it's imported.  Automatically double(s) the price.  Mini Cooper in LOS is 3 times more expensive than it is in the states.  The new Ford Mustang now available is 2.5 times more than the price in the states. 

+  " Extra Extra Custom Fees" They can Vary depending corruption.

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53 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


They were in country already when they got confiscated by customs, and were stored at Laem Chabang for an extended period of time.


I guess they ran out of space or need the space for other imports, and they since have spread them all over the country.


Two of the locations I am aware of are near where I live, and are at small factories that I think have gone out of business since the gates are always closed, but I've seen more buses parked at other locations as well

I see, didn't know that....iirc there were 100 buses on land while another 200 were still on the boat waiting for the first ones to be removed from that customs area...another 200 were still in china or so but they were ordered as well and on their way.


I never read what happened to all of them, so they are rotting away somewhere in an old factory now...i wonder who lost his money on that and why they not just start using them. What a waste of money.

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I just did some quick Google searching and the price tag to have a chopper fitted with custom military stuff can be absolutely massive.




"....which received an initial $375 million for the first four helicopters and the integration of military-specific items needed to bring the AW139 to the Air Force’s requirements."


this price is almost 10x the price of the vanilla commercial one... So a 3x Price that thai military paid sounds like its actually perfectly reasonable...


that being said,, I guess it is possible to squeeze in some tea money into contracts like this...

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1 minute ago, Thian said:

I see, didn't know that....iirc there were 100 buses on land while another 200 were still on the boat waiting for the first ones to be removed from that customs area...another 200 were still in china or so but they were ordered as well and on their way.


I never read what happened to all of them, so they are rotting away somewhere in an old factory now...i wonder who lost his money on that and why they not just start using them. What a waste of money.

Don't know what happened to the buses that were on the boat already, but to answer your question why they not start using them, you could ask the same question about the fire trucks that are rotting somewhere for 2 decades already

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1 minute ago, hobz said:

I just did some quick Google searching and the price tag to have a chopper fitted with custom military stuff can be absolutely massive.




"....which received an initial $375 million for the first four helicopters and the integration of military-specific items needed to bring the AW139 to the Air Force’s requirements."


this price is almost 10x the price of the vanilla commercial one... So a 3x Price that thai military paid sounds like its actually perfectly reasonable...

Will you stop spoiling the Red Shirt and Fan Room Rhetoric.

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This is to easy.. selling millitary equipment to thailand is nothing we talk about (western goverments). But we do. Like Norway. We dont sell to unstable countries. But we do. We dont sell to coun tries taken over by a junta. But we do. But we are onust by the price. Shit countries pay tripple and our friends and neighbours..vel they get friendship price. Thailand have a role in the military chess around the world. Becourse of the costline. Butt if the shit hits the fan.... nobody gonna ask Thailand. So keep on baying subs and hellis, we get ritsher and thailand cant even handle a.....

Be free to fill out????????????

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