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U.S. top court rejects Trump administration bid to halt climate trial


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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Global warming is real and is happening. 


Good to see the next generation taking the threat seriously and acting, instead of sticking their fingers in their ears, going LAH LAH LAH LAH and shouting out I’m not listening. 


Gives me hope there may be a future. 

Global warming is real and is happening. 


The question is - why? Scientists have been wrangling about this for decades, so how long do you think a court is going to take to weigh the evidence and pronounce a judgement?


Don't hold you breath - unless, of course the air gets so polluted in the meantime, that we have no choice!

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Not surprised at all given USA chooses to consistently ignore acclaimed scientists who have dedicated their whole lives to ensure our species carries-on.


So now USA is run by a moron, and it will seem if we carry-on this way and ignore the facts, then our existence will become suddenly snuffed out by our ignorance, well done mankind !

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From NASA.gov: 


Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.


From ipcc:


The fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states with 95 percent confidence that humans are the main cause of the current global warming. Many media outlets have reported that this is an increase from the 90 percent certainty in the fourth IPCC report, but actually the change is much more significant than that. In fact, if you look closely, the IPCC says that humans have most likely caused all of the global warming over the past 60 years.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. 


Thousands of scientists from all over the world contribute to the work of the IPCC. Review is an essential part of the IPCC process, to ensure an objective and complete assessment of current information. IPCC aims to reflect a range of views and expertise. 

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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

according to most scientists, including those at NASA, who one could hardly describe as “brainwashed greenies”

Except the Goddard Institute used to be headed by Hansen, who invented Global Warming when he discovered Venus was the same size of Earth (albeit with CO2 thousands and times more concentrated and an atmospheric pressure ninety times that of Earth but these are mere details). He handed the job over to his spiritual love child Schmidt who ran a climate hysteria web site that was predicting the end of the world on a weekly almost daily basis. Yeah right, totally impartial.

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Global warming is real and is happening. 


The question is - why? Scientists have been wrangling about this for decades, so how long do you think a court is going to take to weigh the evidence and pronounce a judgement?


Don't hold you breath - unless, of course the air gets so polluted in the meantime, that we have no choice!

Don’t care how long it takes.


It’s another way of making people just how real the global warming threat caused by humanities behaviour is. 


And as I said good to see youth leading where their elders are failing. 

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2 hours ago, nglodnig said:

Except the Goddard Institute used to be headed by Hansen, who invented Global Warming when he discovered Venus was the same size of Earth (albeit with CO2 thousands and times more concentrated and an atmospheric pressure ninety times that of Earth but these are mere details). He handed the job over to his spiritual love child Schmidt who ran a climate hysteria web site that was predicting the end of the world on a weekly almost daily basis. Yeah right, totally impartial.



you mean this guy, who has a Ph. D in physics, a BA in math, with highest honors, and an M.S in astronomy?


the attached screenshot is a portion of a longer list, because the list was too big to fit on one page.


so... believe him and his co authors, or believe fossil fuel lobbyists... mmm .... hard choice... not


it was an interesting read, including the fact that he hypothesized that venus’s Clouds were sulphuric acid....( which later turned out to be true) whereas other scientists held differing and incorrect views.



Edited by farcanell
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The thing I find funny is the suit was filed during the Obama presidency. The Donald is a complete denier of climate change and has done everything he can to curtail any kind of climate change mitigation. If the activist had a bone to pick with the Obama administration I just wonder how he feels now.

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While people may have a concern about global warming, and many here can cite statistics and studies to support their reasoning on either side of the issue, this lawsuit on behalf of children (21 Activists) is ridiculous. In the end what is it going to solve.  Everyone already knows that the emerging economies in China, India and elsewhere are going to negate any positive moves made by the West.  If these activists and others are so concerned I suggest they stop using electricity, cars, and transportation of all kinds to show they are first in line to stop the global warming. Nothing anyone does is going to stop global warming if indeed it is caused by human activity because in order to do that we would have to decrease the world's population (something I am in favor of).  However that is not going to happen. So my attitude is to enjoy my big SUV and travel on airplanes that they say add to carbon emissions and enjoy life. I will leave it to these brilliant lawyers to solve the problems through court actions.  These things are all about money somewhere along the line. These lawyers don't work for free.

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On 11/3/2018 at 5:51 PM, farcanell said:

Yes... well... ignorance is bliss, I suppose... or blistering, as may well be the case, as the climate continues to change, faster than ever before in its history, according to most scientists, including those at NASA, who one could hardly describe as “brainwashed greenies”


That said, holding the US government responsible for changes to date, seems a little over the top, so imo, it is actually a case of attempting to change policy via the judiciary ....or perhaps more correctly, it’s using the judiciary to heighten public awareness, which may lead to policy change ( or reversion to the Paris accord) and that sounds fine to me... raising awareness by any means, is a positive step to addressing the issue.

Well if you get all your propaganda from main stream media you will have a distorted view of the world ... poor kids don’t know they are slaves in a system with no Rights at all... they are PERSONS with PRIVILEGES & OBLIGATIONS...NOT Rights and Duties.

theyve been brainwashed by the scientists who ONLY get funding IF they tow the Propaganda line... most don’t know the difference between UNITED STATES of AMERICA and USA inc, or the United States of America...the 1st thing every “President” does is to sign the State of Emergency Act... WHO?? Is the enemy? Look it up...there’s the United States Supreme Court ...then the Supreme Court of the United States.....oh and 911?? Really bet them kids think it was as Fox News portray....another complete HOAX albeit very sad for those who suffered a loss.

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On 11/4/2018 at 12:08 AM, Trouble said:

While people may have a concern about global warming, and many here can cite statistics and studies to support their reasoning on either side of the issue, this lawsuit on behalf of children (21 Activists) is ridiculous. In the end what is it going to solve.  Everyone already knows that the emerging economies in China, India and elsewhere are going to negate any positive moves made by the West.  If these activists and others are so concerned I suggest they stop using electricity, cars, and transportation of all kinds to show they are first in line to stop the global warming. Nothing anyone does is going to stop global warming if indeed it is caused by human activity because in order to do that we would have to decrease the world's population (something I am in favor of).  However that is not going to happen. So my attitude is to enjoy my big SUV and travel on airplanes that they say add to carbon emissions and enjoy life. I will leave it to these brilliant lawyers to solve the problems through court actions.  These things are all about money somewhere along the line. These lawyers don't work for free.

It is an attitude like yours that is killing the planet.

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On 11/3/2018 at 10:27 AM, Boombum said:

The ignorant kids seem unaware that the whole Global Warming Scam is designed to further enslave us humans....the “Warming” hoax had to change to “ Climate Change” when it’s was proving to be blatantly inaccurate...HOWEVER there is an Army of brainwashed  greenies who make a fantastic liveyhood from keeping the Hoax going....it’s just another way for Banksters to rip us off...and inflict yet more draconian controls on our everyday lives.

Yes to help big corporations the rich and lefty types????


The new flat earth earthers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was sort of expecting another tweet from potus along the lines of...."With all the ice cubes in my freezer, what happened to global warming?" #RakeAmericaGreatAgain #BringBackSteam #CoalInEveryonesStocking



Federal report sounds alarm on growing impact of climate change


A new climate report from the federal government released Friday warns that current global and regional efforts to stave off the devastating effects of climate change are insufficient. 


The report, the first of its kind released under the Trump administration, finds that climate change is expected to interrupt the way people live day-to-day as it ravages infrastructure, impacts human health, poses challenges to the global economy and threatens the world's energy supply.  






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