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Backpacker reveals how she escaped terrifying kidnap attempt in Thailand


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Just now, TMNH said:

No -we're just tired of the drama.


Just now, TMNH said:

No -we're just tired of the drama.

You refer to obvious Thai DSI or other ridiculous points. Sorry....unless there is proof that the woman in question was story is not goo enough, so fly back to your native country and learn how to act when visiting elsewhere.

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6 hours ago, Darcula said:


Looks like Yahoo7 News is gunning for this years Pulitzer.

And she possibly would qualify for the Darwin award!!


Full knowing the history and danger of these events. 

She still did it and basically broke all the rules in doing so. 

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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

This was well over a year ago, why go on about it now?

Well said.

She knew where she was going to. 

She did the usual and hit the piss well and truly. 

Took a chance ride to her accommodation, and is lucky she didn't end up assaulted, raped, or woke up dead..


She wasn't there to watch the moon rising.

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Happened a year ago? no corroboration? no police reports.  And suddenly becomes a media story so far after the fact as to be unbelievable. 


But there is an object lesson here.  For those who think the world is a safe place?  It isn't.  If you have an ounce of intelligence you travel as a group with people you know and trust.  And if you party and plan to get wasted, have at least one member of your group stay relatively sober and keep the flock together.  And if you think rape and murder don't happen in Thailand, you're kidding yourself. 

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9 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Looking for sympathy or justice after more than 12 months,too late should've taking action when it did/didn't happen.

Maybe her facebook popularity was diminishing and decided to vamp up her posts for more attention.


How I visited Thailand and survived to tell the tale.

Edited by cyberfarang
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3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

It's amazing how a story can change the longer ago it was. It's pretty much human nature to change details of an event to put yourself in a better light as most people aren't willing to accept blame for their own actions (or stupidity).

I'm sure a lot of people have done stupid things and later in life changed the details so they wouldn't look like the idiots they actually were. 

As previously mentioned, pretty good English for a guy in a "high vis vest" - "deep in the rainforest".
"I know somewhere better’"
"shut up, you’re coming with me, you’re not going to the hostel"

"are you dead ?"

Shouldn't be hard to track down a Thai man with a hivis vest that speaks English that well (well enough to even swear in English) !

Pretty good memory (a year later) as well for someone who was supposedly intoxicated at the time.
Started drinking in the middle of the afternoon. Left the party early but the "streets of the village were deserted". (Possible - if she wasn't actually in a village but on the road from the festival site which passes by numerous houses which would probably look "deserted" as everyone would be inside watching TV - or at work).

(Lots of stories like this share one thing in common - no details, just generalities. That way they can't be pinned down on something, like if she'd said she was staying at the (abc) hostel and left the party at 6 in the evening and then you see that the (abc) hostel is located in a busy area that wouldn't ever be "deserted" at 6 pm. I'll bet if she'd been asked, she "wouldn't remember" what time it was when she left or the name of the hostel or any other actual details - like what she drank or how many she had. But she remembers every word her would be "kidnapper" said.)

(Something like 40+ hostels/hotels plus shops/restaurants and other places within a couple kms of the "festival" site but looking at the road from the festival site to where most of the hostels are located, even though it has streetlights, would probably look "deserted" for stretches.)

Oh right. Didn't go to the police. Didn't go to a hospital/clinic. Waits a year before going public.

The only thing missing from the story was the "We pay cash for your stories" like you see at the bottom of similar stories in the Sun and Mirror.

This story pegs my BS meter into the Red.  It sounds made up.

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1 hour ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

What a weak, anticlimactic story. 


What passes for 'journalism' these days is becoming more worrying by the hour.

I agree. She should have said it was Koh Tao instead of KP then there'd be far more drama and popcorn. 

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6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

This was well over a year ago, why go on about it now?

Given the numbers of young gullible Western lovelies that keep coming seemingly ignorant of the deadly risks involved maybe the media should 'go on about it' every week and not every year.

Edited by SunsetT
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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

Given the numbers of young gullible Western lovelies that keep coming seemingly ignorant of the deadly risks involved

I've never met one gullible enough to get on the back of my scooter.

Makes me think they're lying, it never happened.

But making up rape stories is a great attention grabber (#MeeToo).

Edited by BritManToo
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7 hours ago, LazySlipper said:



Can't really judge her decision to travel alone cos we are all free to make mistakes. However, she should not put it to the media what happened to her because, in my opinion, most people won't have pity on her. Getting shiiiitttteee faced is a bad idea when abroad in a counbtry where you do not speak the native language. When I am away from home I simply don't drink. But that is just me.

"When I am away from home I simply don't drink."


So what's the point in being away from home/on holiday if you can't have a drink?

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4 hours ago, hobz said:

There are no motorbike taxis in the region afaik.

This was a rapist that was lurking around a party area as rapist does and waiting for opportunities.

In the region? you mean koh phangan? not sure haven't been for many years.

your second sentence suggests that you know this was a rapist, you don't know that at all.

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7 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Donald Trump has a favourite name for this sort of media story but I have already been punished for using the two offending words on a previous occasion.  You can probably guess the two 4 letter words but don't be silly and risk beinng banned

Not bad, we managed to get to the second page without mentioning Trump .

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7 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I remember that one time - years and years ago when I still was a young, silly man - I walked into a dodgy bar somewhere in Bangkok. I was drinking a lot and eventually that strange girl steps up to me, apparently wanting to make friends.


After a lot more drinking – in which she graciously partook – I decided it was time to go back to the hotel. It must’ve been the early morning hours. I can’t remember, really, because I was stone drunk. In any case, the girl insisted on joining me, the “good friends” we now apparently were.


When we got in a taxi, I told the driver where I wanted to go. “No!” my new friend said in a sharp voice, “I know a better place and you come with me!” I realized that I was being kidnapped, but was unable and too afraid to react.


We checked into a dingy backyard guesthouse in some slum area, a place where my companion obviously was already well-known, as the scruffy-looking male receptionist greeted her enthusiastically.


The girl took me to a dimly lit, sparsely furnished room where she then proceeded to have her way with me, raping me over and over again. I was too afraid (and too drunk) to effectively fight her off. Worst thing was that when it was finally over she even extorted a couple of thousand baht from me.


Her devilish deed accomplished, she eventually fell asleep. That was my cue. My alcohol level having tapered out somewhat in the meantime, I quietly sneaked out of the room and past the by now likewise snoozing receptionist. I never reported the incident to the police. But inspired by the horrific story in this article, I perhaps should contact Yahoo7 News to recount my own terrifying ordeal.  

wow, where is that place, sounds sensational, but usually complaints are about being turned around first.

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“I remember sitting on the ferry the next day and I just broke down crying … the stupidity and severity of the situation just hit me."


Why did she go public with her stupidity? To warn others not to get drunk and taken advantage of? Or to complain about the situation? 


She's lucky she didn't hurt herself very badly coming off the bike! Stupid girl. 

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An object lesson, if it unfolded as stated, good for her, she took him down away from his chosen destination. 

All the best for your future, very brave to take the hit with the road and good for you. 

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