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Trump, Obama tout clashing visions of U.S. as elections near


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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

if the DNC had not screwed up so badly

That's a big if. And what did they learn from the disaster? Nothing. Who with a sane mind would vote for the dems? The democrat party is just unelectable. And tomorrow is the great awakening and the dems don't even know what happened. Just blame the Russians and hoping for Mueller and Stormy. This will help for sure????



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It wouldn't be prudent to make predictions but if the democrats take the house or even the house and the senate, don't assume that it's over. It being "trump." 




Trump won’t be a loser. The worst is yet to come.

Whatever the outcome of the midterm elections, this we already know: President Trump will do anything to win. He will exaggerate. He will lie.




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On 11/6/2018 at 11:43 AM, Nyezhov said:

Invective is invective, hypocrisy is hypocrisy. The point, as you ignore "to your little hearts content" , (notice the invective, the tenor?) is that one side shouldnt get a pass. Perfect example: compare the media frenzy over a bunch of hardly working mail bombs, to the quietude over shooting a bunch of Repubs.  Its OK for President Obama to associate with Farrakan, suck up to Iran and give Israel a hard time, but when President Trump moves the Embassy to Israel, has Jewsih Grandchildren, is embraced by the Israelis, he is an anti semite when some nut job shoots up a synagogue. President Obama can lie about healthcare and not a peep, every word of Trump is scrutinized. Trump can screech "lock her up", Obama tried to lock folks up.


You might say that there are a whole bunch of us Americans who are disgusted by President Trumps antics, but are more disgusted by the reactions to it. Im a firm believer in let ye who is without sin cast the first stone, and I see very little of that these days. The American people rejected a continuation of the politics of Obama and he should just shut up and stay home, especially because of his own political sins. Lois Lerner. Fast and Furious. Farrakhan (hidden by the way). James Rosen. Carter Page (possibly the single most disturbing incident in American politics I have ever seen) and the list goes on.  You don't toss mud with mud on your own hands.




That habit of cutting off bits of posts that don't go well with your nonsense responses.


The one effectively advocating a free pass (to the side you support) is yourself. Deflect all you like, if that's the best you can muster. You'd be hard pressed to claim Trump's rhetoric is a result of media coverage or the other side's responses - he style and "tenor" were like that since the start. You'll also be hard pressed to deny that Trump's taking the tone up a notch or three wasn't wholeheartedly adopted by his supporters. I'm sure you'll give it your best shot, though.


Your faux expectation is, apparently, that the President of the United States's style and rhetoric be ignored, and that the other side will react by demonstrating how adults do it. No such expectations or requirements presented to either the President or the side you support.


You can bring up that litany of bogus examples to your little heart's content. They'll be still be irrelevant to the point made, or to the familiar hypocrisy exhibited in your post.

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18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The deflector in chief never fails to throw out an insult when someone says something that is not complimentary about him, or derogatory towards him. He is incapable of not responding. The term water off a ducks back is exactly how he should respond to criticism, but due to his self loathing (deflected by a lot of hot air) he cannot let anything go. He is the very definition of undignified and classless. 


And yes, the president should be held to a higher standard than a citizen. Yet his devotees continue to give him one free pass after another. Even the so called "religious" right. Talk about selling your soul for a political agenda. 


I think some posters are on shaky ground when making such comments. But maybe that's just me.

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15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

"Tiny" Don. Yep. See what I mean.


If Hillary, if Hillary if Hillary had done this or that. Equally as plausible is the fact that the people were not satified and were looking for a change.


'Foul" reign. See what I mean.


Spending is only bad when Repubs do it. But hey, lets have free college tuition and medicaid for all.


If the Dems flip the House, oh well, tells us nothing. Thats what happens in off years. If they dont?


You seem to be very good and "seeing" such comments when they are made from one direction. Not so much when they come from your side, of directly from the President. Guess different rules apply?

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15 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Elected president Trump will never be a lame duck as he will simply use his right on issuing executive orders that suit our needs. And now with control over the Supreme Court well let’s wait and see I would celebrate the Dems winning just yet!


Oh, you mean he'll just do as Obama did? Far as I recall, Republicans weren't all for that back then. Guess a bit of perspective does wonders for arguments. As for "control over the Supreme Court" - nice grasp (or rather, lack of) democratic principals there.

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12 hours ago, alocacoc said:

That's a big if. And what did they learn from the disaster? Nothing. Who with a sane mind would vote for the dems? The democrat party is just unelectable. And tomorrow is the great awakening and the dems don't even know what happened. Just blame the Russians and hoping for Mueller and Stormy. This will help for sure????




Yeah....and voting for Trump is a certification of levelheadedness. Sure thing. Those not completely invested in such nonsense would recall the Democrats getting more votes in than the Republicans. Unless mistaken, that's pretty much how it is most times (if not by quite the same margins as the 2016 elections). Those not completely ignorant of how the system in the US is set up would acknowledge results do not necessarily reflect what most people want. Kinda daft argument to bring up from posters often going on about the merits of the US's system and version of democracy.

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12 hours ago, alocacoc said:

That's a big if. And what did they learn from the disaster? Nothing. Who with a sane mind would vote for the dems? The democrat party is just unelectable. And tomorrow is the great awakening and the dems don't even know what happened. Just blame the Russians and hoping for Mueller and Stormy. This will help for sure????



So, how's that prediction going for you:cheesy:


Sad, so sad.

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It's a shame about the senate but we all knew in advance it was an impossible map for the democrats for that limited set of races. 

But make no mistake about it, be prepared to ignore the fake spin and lies from the "trump" fans -- the race for control of the HOUSE was indeed a NATIONAL referendum on approval or disapproval of the corrupt con man demagogue president. Indeed, he LOST. He lost BIGLY. That is fact! 


Of course aside from the dramatic BLUE NATIONAL WAVE in the house, there is some real sadness in some of the results. Those spirited fighters Gillum, Beto, and Abrams all lost. There is presidential timber there but generally you have to win something first before running for president. Though who knows if that "rule" still applies anymore! 

Edited by Jingthing
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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's a shame about the senate but we all knew in advance it was an impossible map for the democrats for that limited set of races. 

But make no mistake about it, be prepared to ignore the fake spin and lies from the "trump" fans -- the race for control of the HOUSE was indeed a NATIONAL referendum on approval or disapproval of the corrupt con man demagogue president. Indeed, he LOST. He lost BIGLY. That is fact! 




Hyperbole aside, the average pick up of house seats in midterms of the party in opposition to the president is 28 seats. That is the mean expectation.  As of this moment I see 25 seats picked up with projections "as high as" 35 seats. There really isn't anything "BIGLY" about that.


Bigly looks something like the 63 seats the Republicans gained in the 2010 mid-terms.


I see progressive democrats didn't do particularly well tonight. Too bad they didn't have a progressive in the WH to campaign for them. The DNC gift that just keeps on giving, huh?


Anyhow, the 2020 election starts tomorrow; so who do you like?

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37 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Hyperbole aside, the average pick up of house seats in midterms of the party in opposition to the president is 28 seats. That is the mean expectation.  As of this moment I see 25 seats picked up with projections "as high as" 35 seats. There really isn't anything "BIGLY" about that.


Bigly looks something like the 63 seats the Republicans gained in the 2010 mid-terms.


I see progressive democrats didn't do particularly well tonight. Too bad they didn't have a progressive in the WH to campaign for them. The DNC gift that just keeps on giving, huh?


Anyhow, the 2020 election starts tomorrow; so who do you like?

I just cursorily scanned the map, but it seems to me that a lot of the flips were in California and NY. Is this correct?


Regardless, at least we dont have to deal with "progressives" like Gillum and Abrams. Watch the Democratic infighting fun begin!

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13 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I just cursorily scanned the map, but it seems to me that a lot of the flips were in California and NY. Is this correct?


Regardless, at least we dont have to deal with "progressives" like Gillum and Abrams. Watch the Democratic infighting fun begin!

I didn't really follow any individual races except in my state and district. It is my understanding that the Abrams race was pretty dirty.


I don't think there will be much Democrat infighting in the House, except maybe for the speakership. After all these newly elected members need to start raising funds for theirnext election, starting tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I didn't really follow any individual races except in my state and district. It is my understanding that the Abrams race was pretty dirty.


I don't think there will be much Democrat infighting in the House, except maybe for the speakership. After all these newly elected members need to start raising funds for theirnext election, starting tomorrow.

See, I tend to think that some of these new members will try and push things to the left. But it will give us something to watch this winter ????


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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

I just cursorily scanned the map, but it seems to me that a lot of the flips were in California and NY. Is this correct?


Regardless, at least we dont have to deal with "progressives" like Gillum and Abrams. Watch the Democratic infighting fun begin!

What map are you looking at?  I don't see any flips in California at all, and only 2 in NY.

Here is the list:  


New Jersey 2nd, 7th & 11th

Pennsylvania 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th

Arizona 2nd

Colorado 6th

Florida 26th & 27th

Iowa 1st & 3rd

Illinois 6th &14th

Kansas 3rd

Michigan 11th

Minnesota 2nd & 3rd

Virginia 2nd, 7th & 10th

New York11th &19th

Texas 7th &32nd

South Carolina 1st

Oklahoma 5th


Minnesota 8th

Pennsylvania 14th

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20 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

"Tiny" Don. Yep. See what I mean.


If Hillary, if Hillary if Hillary had done this or that. Equally as plausible is the fact that the people were not satified and were looking for a change.


'Foul" reign. See what I mean.


Spending is only bad when Repubs do it. But hey, lets have free college tuition and medicaid for all.


If the Dems flip the House, oh well, tells us nothing. Thats what happens in off years. If they dont?

Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

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18 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

He’s should be just as is say what he thinks it’s great an honest person in the White House 


That is hilarious. Are you going to take your shtick onto the road? Trump honest? He was involved in 3,600 lawsuits, at the time he took office. Probably the most of any human being in history. Is that your definition of honest? The hundreds of millions he stole from small contractors, to get himself into this lawsuits. Honest? The five companies he bankrupted, walking away from billions in debt. Honest? The lies he tells about the media. Honest? Please enlighten us, as to what is honest about this liar in chief? Please. 


Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

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25 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


That is hilarious. Are you going to take your shtick onto the road? Trump honest? He was involved in 3,600 lawsuits, at the time he took office. Probably the most of any human being in history. Is that your definition of honest? The hundreds of millions he stole from small contractors, to get himself into this lawsuits. Honest? The five companies he bankrupted, walking away from billions in debt. Honest? The lies he tells about the media. Honest? Please enlighten us, as to what is honest about this liar in chief? Please. 


Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Obviously, anyone suggesting that "trump" is honest can't possibly be posting sincerely. Call it gaslighting, call it the "T" word … you get the drift.

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41 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Yep. The blue tsunami, to the blue wave, to the blue dots in the red landscape.



Yet,  compare the results in Obamas first term. Or Clintons.

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2 hours ago, Slip said:

What map are you looking at?  I don't see any flips in California at all, and only 2 in NY.

Here is the list:  


New Jersey 2nd, 7th & 11th

Pennsylvania 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th

Arizona 2nd

Colorado 6th

Florida 26th & 27th

Iowa 1st & 3rd

Illinois 6th &14th

Kansas 3rd

Michigan 11th

Minnesota 2nd & 3rd

Virginia 2nd, 7th & 10th

New York11th &19th

Texas 7th &32nd

South Carolina 1st

Oklahoma 5th


Minnesota 8th

Pennsylvania 14th

Thanks, I was on a baht bus and misread it. I posted the real map. Looks like the majority of the flip is in Californias Eastern counterparts, NY, NJ, Pennsylvania and Virginia.


Somehow I dont see this election as showing anyhting other than a typical off year, with Presdient Trump doing better than Obama did.

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15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Thanks, I was on a baht bus and misread it. I posted the real map. Looks like the majority of the flip is in Californias Eastern counterparts, NY, NJ, Pennsylvania and Virginia.


Somehow I dont see this election as showing anyhting other than a typical off year, with Presdient Trump doing better than Obama did.


Somehow, I doubt you'd see things quite this way had results been a little different.

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