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My Avatar


keep it or bin it  

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In view of a recent comment made to me about my avatar, saying it offended as it looked like an insatiable farang, I have decided to let the people decide.

The Avatar I thought was funny and original and is motor related (Mitsubishi/Honda)

Please give me your views and I will abide by the majority decision


i love it jack and its a real cracker mate, dont know what the bother is, except to say that some people have no sense of humour at all. :bah:

keep up the good work mate.

there is one thing that bothers me mate? :D

those <deleted> knees of yours must be nearly ready to give way. :o:D :D

Hey Terry

We hear that you've been practising the J and D technigue to use on your 'special friends' down Soi Rambuttri in May :D

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Another woman voting J'n'D...

I voted Humorous & harmless. It's just a consumer/capitalist joke. Doesn't offend me at all. There are a couple of avatars that I find disturbing, but yours isn't one of them.

As for those that find the moving avatars annoying, you'll all be pleased to see I've changed mine... :o:D

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Another woman voting J'n'D...

I voted Humorous & harmless. It's just a consumer/capitalist joke. Doesn't offend me at all. There are a couple of avatars that I find disturbing, but yours isn't one of them.

As for those that find the moving avatars annoying, you'll all be pleased to see I've changed mine... :D:D

:D You copied my hair! :o I did like the noxema puppy too.

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Another woman voting J'n'D...

I voted Humorous & harmless. It's just a consumer/capitalist joke. Doesn't offend me at all. There are a couple of avatars that I find disturbing, but yours isn't one of them.

As for those that find the moving avatars annoying, you'll all be pleased to see I've changed mine... :D:D

:D You copied my hair! :o I did like the noxema puppy too.

It's dead tree branches, not snakes! She's Lady Wynter. Found a nice medusa one for you too. I'll email or pm it to you, see what you think. :bah:

Sorry, :D

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Here's an avatar good for annoying people who are rather soooo easily annoyed... :D

Gratis. You're welcome. :D

That's actually not annoying, that one can induce a fit in an epilectic...

Not if they use welding goggles to view it first. :o

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In view of a recent comment made to me about my avatar, saying it offended as it looked like an insatiable farang, I have decided to let the people decide.

The Avatar I thought was funny and original and is motor related (Mitsubishi/Honda)

Please give me your views and I will abide by the majority decision


i love it jack and its a real cracker mate, dont know what the bother is, except to say that some people have no sense of humour at all. :D

keep up the good work mate.

there is one thing that bothers me mate? :D

those <deleted> knees of yours must be nearly ready to give way. :o:D :D

I had a simular avatar but with car parts and this was removed by the mod's. Upon seeing his avatar I complained with the mod's why he can have one and I cant. Bitching?! Maybe, I didn't complain, just challanged the mod's. So when he makes a poll than I can only think of what has happened.

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So I guess my avatar must be one of the annoying ones.Never judge a poster by his or her cover I say! I think it's a funny avatar keep it I also didn't click it was motor related thought it was a stick man humping his briefcase.

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yeh speaking of yukky ones.. momo's presence here has reminded me that his/her avatar is far more yukky :D

but again....im not suggesting u need to change it. I wouldnt use it :o

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momo, when I see your avatar I think of an immature adolescent. It is only slightly funny, in an anally expulsive sort of way. :D

I see that 'dancing star gobbling muppet boy' has abruptly changed his avatar .... :o

Strange .... :D

well, I found it amusing for a while but the dancing was a little too epileptic for my liking.

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If I were 12 years old I might find the avatar amusing. However I don’t think it is really offensive in any way, unless you are a monk or a Muslim or some such. I opted for ‘no thoughts either way’, since there wasn’t a 'pathetic/crap' option.

Your avatar brings back a few memories... :o

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If I were 12 years old I might find the avatar amusing. However I don’t think it is really offensive in any way, unless you are a monk or a Muslim or some such. I opted for ‘no thoughts either way’, since there wasn’t a 'pathetic/crap' option.

Your avatar brings back a few memories... :D

Were you the geezer that threw the shoe at him at Madstock ....? :o

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And I prefer your old avatar Grover but as to moi being an immature adolescent? It's what you write that counts not the avatar...people choose avatars for different reasons we can have a "Why Did You Choose Your Avatar? ", "Is My Avatar Cool?"poll.The vanity of some people, come on.

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And I prefer your old avatar Grover but as to moi being an immature adolescent? It's what you write that counts not the avatar...people choose avatars for different reasons we can have a "Why Did You Choose Your Avatar? ", "Is My Avatar Cool?"poll.The vanity of some people, come on.

Its slightly funny and original.

I dont think I said you are an immature adolescent, its just the association that springs to mind when I see the image. I made this association because I think I tried something like this once or twice.

The thing about avatars is without even reading a single post, people can make a judgment. With a striking avatar, in once brief glance a whole series of associations will come up, perhaps in a more potent way than 500 posts could.

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And I prefer your old avatar Grover but as to moi being an immature adolescent? It's what you write that counts not the avatar...people choose avatars for different reasons we can have a "Why Did You Choose Your Avatar? ", "Is My Avatar Cool?"poll.The vanity of some people, come on.

Its slightly funny and original.

I dont think I said you are an immature adolescent, its just the association that springs to mind when I see the image. I made this association because I think I tried something like this once or twice.

The thing about avatars is without even reading a single post, people can make a judgment. With a striking avatar, in once brief glance a whole series of associations will come up, perhaps in a more potent way than 500 posts could.

Grover, you must have a lovely life with very little to worry about, other than superficial impressions.

My avatar wasn't chosen, as such, it was just the first of a few that I managed to download, after that I tried to change it but my pc skills are very limited. Soon after I realized how people (like yourself) react to different avatars and decided not to change it. It's very easy to make a small leap from this social forum into society's "forum" and imagine how you may behave in everyday life to people / things and the pictures / words that you "associate "with them. You are a little bit of a worry!

Other people, like say; Jet, may not like the first impression but are willing to control their "associations" and move on. I suspect that I'd much rather share a beer with jet than yourself.

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When people say things like, "it made me feel...." or "your comment offended me", I can't help but wonder how a thought in one persons head can be controlled by a separate person or the actions of that separate person. Obviously, ones thoughts cannot be controlled by separate persons so the idea of offense is null & void. Lazy people who are afraid to change use this "you offended me" tactic in order to try to get you to change (instead of them).

I think your avatar is simply another avatar & why should you give a toss what I (or anybody else) think. As a matter of fact, I think it needs to be much more controversial to stir up the "I can't change because I'm too lazy or I think that I'm choiceless in these matters" crowd.

That feels better :o

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I too thought it was someone who was screwing their luggage.

I really don't care what people use as avatars.

I've often thought of changing mine, but it really becomes your identity at a glance.

Just think of the familiar avatars you see, and can identify in a millisecond....libya, britmaveric, george, jai dee, lao po, etc.

I didn't put much thought in to mine....just the first "pumpui" guy I came across.

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I didn't put much thought in to mine....just the first "pumpui" guy I came across.

both of mine havent needed much to think about....they are just perfect :D especially the current one :D actually :o the previous one is too....those that dont remember it you can view it here

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I didn't put much thought in to mine....just the first "pumpui" guy I came across.

both of mine havent needed much to think about....they are just perfect :D especially the current one :D actually :D the previous one is too....those that dont remember it you can view it here

Your current one is the right colour Miss MiG ... just one thing wrong ... :o

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