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Did anyone else get what looks to be a State Department ACS email earlier today warning about crime in Vietnam?


I've never been to Vietnam, never signed up for anything from the Vietnam Embassy, but for some reason got the following:  (I am signed up with ACS via the BKK U.S. Embassy and their alerts system, though.)





Wed 11/7/2018, 2:56 AM

                                                                              Security Alert-U.S. Embassy Hanoi

U.S. Consulate Ho Chi Minh City


Location:  Throughout Vietnam


Event:  The U.S. Mission to Vietnam advises U.S. citizens of the High Crime rating for Vietnam.  Recent reports of criminal activities include unwanted sexual advances, targeting children in public places for potential kidnapping, and reports of wrongdoing by taxis and ride-sharing services, including sexual harassment and theft of personal items.  


Actions to Take:

·        Maintain situational awareness and be aware of your surroundings.

·        Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive jewelry or watches and keep the amount of valuables on your person to a minimum.

·        Do not physically resist if confronted by an armed or unarmed robber as robbers may resort to violence.

·        Use caution when walking or driving at night.

·        Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.



·        U.S. Embassy Hanoi - Consular Annex
     From outside Vietnam: +84-24-3850-5000
     From the U.S.: 011-84-24-3850-5000
     From landline within Hanoi: 3850-5000

     From mobile or landline within Vietnam: 024-3850-5000
[email protected]

·         U.S. Consulate Ho Chi Minh City

   From outside Vietnam: +84-28-3520-4200
   From the U.S.: 011-84-28-3520-4200
   From landline within Ho Chi Minh City: 3520-4200
   From mobile or landline within Vietnam: 028-3520-4200

   [email protected]  

·        State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs - 888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444

·        Vietnam Country Information

·        Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

·        Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.  





As far as I know I'm a relative  ghost to the US Embassy in Thailand.


As far as  an American's  death in Thailand is concerned, I asked a few years back of  one the Bangkok  Embassy  officers in a phone call what happens as far as any  death notification to relatives or institutions is concerned.   I was told that was something not handled by the embassy.    Up to relatives,  companies and  agencies to deal with that.


Works for me..



We are a bit off-topic but If you are registered they will notify next of kin and help them with arrangements (advising options and recommended venders).  If you have Thai spouse they will issue death of American Abroad to be used for insurance and such.  Very good to be registered as Embassy/Consulate is the place Thai authorities report foreign deaths to and nothing can be done without there OK.


....... I received it as well,  I'll refrain from any comments on what has been done to the State Dept,  I guess another question would be did US folks in Malay, Khmer, and Indo  receive it ....   


......or if other embassys are issuing changes to VN    travel advisories


I spent 5 years working and living in Vietnam and never once felt threatened. I found it less dangerous than here, unless something has changed in the last year or so that I haven't heard about?


a bizarre notification, I was in old town Hanoi last year and on the north central coast and there was nothing to worry about...but we are aware that organized criminal activity would never be reported in the local press as it's heavily censored especially if it affects tourism which is a big money maker for the government...


but I'm from LA and have lived in bad areas up and down the US west coast and I'm big and bad and nobody messes wid me...danger is water off a duck's back if ye know what I mean but no matter...if there was a significant increase in street crime affecting tourists in VN we would've read about it in the western press by now...




If you read the warning, it's about

1 Approaches by hookers

2 risk of child kidnapping

3 Taxi scams


So not really anything most of us aren't used to in any Asian country.


Needless to say, I of course DID read the warning... But it really spurred two questions.


1. Was there anything that recently occurred in Vietnam that spurred this kind of official notification NOW?  Which is mainly why I posted it to the SE Asia sub-forum.




2. Why did ACS send out the Vietnam advisory to their Thailand registrants? Probably all of the same things said in the Vietnam advisory could be said about Thailand, but I don't recall getting a similar notification re Thailand any time lately.


I suppose it's possible somebody at ACS hit the wrong button and sent a Vietnam advisory to their Thailand registrants by mistake... And if that was the case, they probably wouldn't admit it.




The Embassy in Hanoi has not such security alert posted.  The Consulate has no web site.  Do not believe it was real and reported as spam.


- Dont Talk to Strangers


- Look both ways before crossing the road


- Daytime mosquitos can give you Dengue


- Wash your hands before eating


- Boil your water for 10 minutes

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