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Now here is an interesting tale that I'm happy to share with you all.

About a year ago, at the age of 44 years, I decided that my dickie was really not up to active service :o In fact, it had never really been up to much for a long time. (This fact was often aired by my ex-wife in the UK....).

So out with the viagra and lo and behold, one stiff dickie!! The only problem was that it felt like a dead cricket-bat! Stiff enough, but no sensation...

Being keen to get to the bottom of this, I visited my UK doctor and sought the reason for my lack of stiffy. 'It's your age, or maybe a pychological problem' was his answer. And he prescibed Viagra.

That would be the end of the matter were it not for the fact that a month or so later I had a full-body health check (free of charge thanks to BUPA!). I was in tip-top condition for my age, except for the fact that I had a life-threatening hormone deficiency!!! WHAT?? In fact, to my amazement, the doctor advised that I had the testosterone level of an 80 year old. This was the reason for my failure to rise to the occasion. This lack of testosterone was a heredity condition which affects maybe 15% of all men.

Hang on doc, I've got 3 kids!! Not important says the doc. In fact, your fertility level is improved by a lower testosterone level. But if it gets too low, then you run the risk of brittle-bone deseases in later years. The lack of testosterone also causes a lack of upper body muscle.

Well, this was all amazing news to me. I had never realised that I was closer to being a ladyboy that most other guys :D

But the answer was simple. The insertion of testosterone implants under the muscle wall of the hip (simple operation). This would be repeated at regular intervals until the levels were back to the correct value for my age.

I started this treatment about 1 year ago. And the result? Truly amazing!! My Viagra pills went in the bin. Now I walk around with a dickie that rises to the occasion in a few seconds!! My claims can be fully substantiated by my GF who now walks like John Wayne :D

And interestingly, my upper body muscle has increased significantly. I now sport a fine pair of boobs (male ones that is...)

So, if your dickie always fails to play 'ball', then it might be worth having a testosterone check, rather than resorting to the little blue pills

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When I was 65 I thought that I might be havin the same trouble when I saw something on the net about low tet. levels,as my gut wrench would not pull the torque that it had when younger.

So off to my doc I goes,told the nurse about it, so she sends me to the hospital and they took a blood test and had it run.

I went back to my doc the next week to get the results,being that the nurse was a friend,she said,,don't know what you were worrying about you old bastard,you got the tet. levels of an 18 year old boy,to ###### much for a man your age,,so the doc gave me some Viagra samples,posed to be 3 in a pack ,so she gave me 8 packs.

But since moving to Thailand and these beautiful women,I don't even take the pills no more and have no trouble, so seems maybe I just ain't attracted to farang women and all the celulite and pot belly's :D:o


An operation? sheesh that sounds pretty drastic... you mean there is no way to just take the stuff orally? seems like a better solution to me.



This is a very serious problem and requires a an extensive blood test. The basic problem is a normal doctor will say your levels are normal but if you look at the readings, you may be running on empty and a little medication will improve your life or at least get you back to normal.

You can learn more about this on Yahoo group hypogonadism2

Testosterone can be administered several ways, including a pill, a cream, a patch, a shot, or a pellet.

Learn more and have your levels tested.

When I was 65
But since moving to Thailand and these beautiful women,I don't even take the pills no more and have no trouble, so seems maybe I just ain't attracted to farang women and all the celulite and pot belly's

Well well

I never knew I never knew that they had Viagra here in 1953.

You may care to try the more natural approach by using celery Not that I need it but I am assured it does work.


Maerim says"'You may care to try the more natural approach by using celery Not that I need it but I am assured it does work. ""

How do you get her to agree to celery?? I would think that a carrot or banana would be more to her liking, boy you folks is sure weird. :o


When I say 'operation' I only mean a little one!! (Bit like my dickie then :o )

Natural testosterone 'pills' are implanted just under the muscle wall on your hip. The operation takes 10 minutes with a local anasthetic. Pill implants are used because these are more effective and can slowly release the testosterone into your body.

I had one implant about a year ago and went back to the doctor a few months ago. He confirmed that my testosterone levels were back to about 60% of the norm for my age, so he was then able to do a second pill implant.

I have to say that one could certainly achieve a stiffy for far less money by taking Viagra. But lack of testosterone can have other serious effects on the body, such as brittle-bone desease in latter years. Additionally, whilst Viagra gives you a stiffy, it cannot correct the lack of sensitivity of your woody that is prevalent with lack of testosterone. (So even if you can get it up, it's very difficult to actually achieve an orgasm).

But only a serious medical test of your hormone levels can identify this hormone deficiency. I certainly think if you are experiencing these sort of problems at a younger age (20-50), then it's worth having a check-up.

I had one implant about a year ago and went back to the doctor a few months ago. He confirmed that my testosterone levels were back to about 60% of the norm for my age, so he was then able to do a second pill implant.

What happens when you reach 100%? Presumably the levels will drop again without treatment so you'll need a top-up every now and again. Any unpleasant side-effects?


Hi Camerata, yes you are correct. After the doc has brought levels back to normal he does suggest a check-up yearly, since the levels may fall again. But as you get older these levels fall anyway, so it may not neccessary to do a top-up.

In my case, the original levels were sooo low that a good hefty dose of testosterone was required.

Side-effects? OK, the implant operation does leave your hip sore for a few days, but that's no big deal. The most important side-effect is that an increase in testosterone can also lead in later years to a slight increase in risk of prostrate cancer. So you need to have this checked out regularly when you are getting on in years (good idea anyway!!). But a lack of testosterone can lead to brittle-bone desease in latter years, so you can take your pick.

Since being on this course of implants for over 1 year there has been a HUGE difference in my sexual performance :o (By that I mean it was totally useless before and now it's great...). So that's good news.

Also, my body mass on my upper torso has increased. (Muscle and flesh, not fat). Remember in my prevvious posting that I said a lack of tesosterone causes your upper body to lack mass or muscle. So I'm happy about that change.

Finally, my body hair has increased No I don't look like a gorilla :D


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a physical condition and sexual desire is another condition. Viagra makes it hard, but without desire, the pleasure just isn't there.

If the desire is great, the ED isn't a problem.

Likewise, lack of emotional satisfaction from the sexual act, creates an unsatisfied emotional state causing repeat performance to the same end.

Thus numerous repeated quickies only demonstrates lack of satisfaction, not virility.

Likewise, Viagra is a waste if there is no true sexual desire.

Those in long term relationships are quite familiar with a dimunition of desire over the long haul and the immediate increase in libido when someone new is encountered.

As we get older, testosterone in the blood stream diminishes and we are better able to regulate our "acting out", thus not so many "dirty old men".

MY QUESTION IS: Why not take testosterone, like one takes Viagra, to enhance "sexual urges" ie a return to your more "powerful" days. Side effects, I suspect. Increased prostate canceer for one. Increased hair growth, not on the head. What else?

Why not?

I know most physicians won't prescribe it unless your testosterone level is tested low. Why not?

Aggression is a bypoduct of testerone in young people, the higher the testosterone level, the more agessive. Many modern marriage counselors are suggesting that young couples get testoterone checks prior to marriage as men and women with high testosterone levels fight all the time. Ideally a male with a high testoterone level pairs with a female with a low testosterone level (for a female of course) and vice versa.


Certainly my doctor did emphasize that increasing the implant ldosage would lead to a higher level of testosterone that normal for one's age. I'll have to wait until I'm desparate before I ask him to up the dosage!!

But I don't think this is going to be a viable option vs viagra. The cost of testosterone treatment is simply too high. (About £1000 per treatment). And since it is considered as hormone treatment, most (including mine) private medical insurance policies don't cover it.

Now here is an interesting tale that I'm happy to share with you all.

About a year ago, at the age of 44 years, I decided that my dickie was really not up to active service :o In fact, it had never really been up to much for a long time. (This fact was often aired by my ex-wife in the UK....).

Do you get much exercise ? and typically how is your diet ? beer intake ? smoke ?

I dont suffer from a soft willy but after a hard exercise session , its much bigger & harder than normal . And stays hard too.


:D Actually my lifestyle is very healthy (apart from the women :o ). Don't smoke and don't drink now because it gave me a 'tyre'. Gym every day and 'healthy' diet.

Apparently the lack of testosterone is hereditary, and my doctor advised getting my son checked when he is older.


Personally I would not have Testosterone Pills or Implants.

Far better to engourage the body to produce more of its own Testosterone by taking DHEA or Androstenedione Capsules.....I do and it works a treat.

You have to stop taking them every month or so for a few days so that your T level doesnt get too high.

Mine is 191 says the Doc and thats fine......

Implants give you 'Big Miew'.

So take care.

  • 2 weeks later...

Best form of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is Androgel / Testogel, applied to the armpits and upper arms each morning after showering. But it's not available in Thailand. Maybe still awaiting aw-yor (local FDA) approval.


very interesting would you recommend a good medical plan or is it better to go to the doctor or hospital and pay cash . I will be in Bangkok and Chaing Mai and the world famous pattaya and korat I do move a round a lot and haven't settal down in the right spot yet , thank you in advance [email protected]

  • 5 months later...

Treavor You are correct about andreGel Had a doctor in the US prescribe it for mental and engery loss after testing found mine was at 150 which at 43 was low.After 2 weeks begain to feel pretty good(up to 630) needed less sleep felt like going more insted of staying home althought I didnt have a "dickie" problem I will say that with the increse in engery I was more prone to have Sexual activity more often and it did indeed help my memory(of course large amounts of alchol isnt helping LOL).Now in LOS I am looking for the pill to subsuite the gel.

  • 2 weeks later...

testosterone can speed up the progression of prostate cancer. Therefore no one should self-prescribe it without first having a check-up that includes a prostate exam and PSA (blood screening test for prostate cancer). Likewise, if self-treating there is a chance you'll push your levels up too high, so you should have PSAs and prostate exam yearly.

For that matter all men over 50 should

.004-05-25 00:55:10]

Can't you just buy some "testosterone pills" and pop them? Seems to me most of such stuff is readily avialable in most pharmacies here...

  • 3 weeks later...

Most docs, who are not into the "Anti-Aging" medicine area.. will tell you that your Testosterone Level Is "normal for a man of your age.."..

Yes, it does drop off considerably as part of the aging process... that's WHY we lose upper body muscle-mass, have low sex drive, get depressed, etc. as we get into our 60's and above... It's the Male menopause....

BUT this can be staved off a little... find a doc who specializes in Anti-Aging treatments.. and he will prescribe enough Testosterone to give you the levels of a 30 year old again... :o



Your HRT options from Thai pharmacies :-

Injectable :-

Testoviron 250mg ( standard hrt dose is 1ml / 250mg every 2 weeks )

Oral :-

ProVironum 25mg ( standard hrt dose is 3 or 4 tabs daily )

Andriol 40mg caps ( standard hrt dose is 3 or 4 caps daily )

Methyl Test ( various strengths / brands standard hrt dose of 10mg + daily )


According to my hippie naturopath neighbour, anything with natural zinc (ie: oysters, mussels, etc) will boost the production of testoserone.


Best form of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is Androgel / Testogel, applied to the armpits and upper arms each morning after showering.  But it's not available in Thailand.  Maybe still awaiting aw-yor (local FDA) approval.

Available through Internet...only 1 source from Belgian manufacturer.


What's to explain? An injection takes 30 seconds once every two weeks. Putting that gel on your body takes 30 seconds every day, and sounds like it might be sticky/messy.

What's to explain?  An injection takes 30 seconds once every two weeks.  Putting that gel on your body takes 30 seconds every day, and sounds like it might be sticky/messy.

Androgel can be injected as well?..or do you mean another brand?

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