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Ethnic Bunongs embrace Christianity

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“Jesus village” in Mondulkiri’s Ou’Raing district has many ethnic Bunongs who gave up their traditional animistic beliefs to embrace Christianity. Ou’Raing district, Mondulkiri province – Saroeun Borat decided to abandon his traditional beliefs and convert to Christianity after falling in love with a woman in his village who had embraced the religion.


Mr Borat, a 31-year-old ethnic Bunong and former animist, started learning about the religion in 2006 after meeting the woman who is now his wife. He lives in the Pou Hyeam village of Sen Monorom commune in Mondulkiri’s Ou’Raing district. The village is also known as Jesus village because many villagers are Christians. The majority of Bunong people are animists, but some have converted to Christianity or Buddhism.


Mr Borat followed his parents’ traditional animist beliefs until 2008 after he started learning about Christianity from his wife. “I love my wife and she embraced Christianity before me,” he says. “When we met, she gave me a Bible, and I started to learn about Jesus Christ.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50550322/keeping-faith-with-their-new-belief/


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Most SE Asian Buddhists are Animists.  I referred to most of my Thai acquaintances as Buddhist flavored Animists.  I'm married to one.  I meditate; the wife sets out treats for the ancestors, tree spirits, and various dolls and pictures hanging around the perimeter of the central Buddha Room.  Whatever makes her happy.
The Bunong will become Christian flavored Animists.  I pretty much guarantee it.  Ancient religions tend to hang around and get incorporated into the 'new' religion. 

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