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Police have done precisely nothing in hunt for cop killer Red Bull's "Boss"


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In the strange judicial system of Thailand I wonder actually what would happen if this guys was caught and stood trial. I so many accidents where death is the outcome and it seems none is almost done,.. and this is when done by poor people. Would he be sentenced harsher because of status and wealth. Now I don’t trust any judicial systems in any country in the world. Well well, just a thought. 

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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..... Edmund Burke..

This axiom would have applied here if it wasn't for the fact that there aren't indeed, any 'good men' to be found...

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Always a mistake to assume the rozzers have done nothing, but safe to assume they've done nothing beneficial to society, other than trousering quite a lot of money, on which they don't even pay tax.


This Thailand, and it should always be assumed that the man in the street is on the take in one way or another.



Edited by HalfLight
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The key to understanding the lack of effort, progress, or success in finding this murderous young man, is in knowing a few things:

1. The current administration was installed to protect the elite, the powerful, those in office, those that are well connected, and the super wealthy. They have been very successful in fulfilling that mission. 

2. The police are not law enforcement officials. They are franchisees. 

3. Thailand has long had a system of impunity for the super wealthy. They are above the law. Any and all laws, including the army. 

4. No effort was ever made. Anything to the contrary was a smoke screen, and a fabrication. 

5. Biting the hand that feeds you is extremely dangerous and not recommended.

Edited by Artisi
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