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U.S.-Mexico border crossing closed after migrant protest halted in Tijuana


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19 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

If you can't make it in the US, you are either sick, lame, or lazy.

Apparently, then, there are many sick, lame and lazy US citizens...



The US has the second-highest rate of poverty among rich countries (poverty here measured by the percentage of people earning less than half the national median income.)

Edited by mikebike
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12 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Apparently, then, there are many sick, lame and lazy US citizens...



The US has the second-highest rate of poverty among rich countries (poverty here measured by the percentage of people earning less than half the national median income.)


That is true about the US having a lot of sick, lame, and lazy citizens.  Welfare programs tends to encourage this behavior.  All the more reason to take care of our own and stop allowing illegals to penetrate our southern border.  Thank you for pointing this out.

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3 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

That is true about the US having a lot of sick, lame, and lazy citizens.  Welfare programs tends to encourage this behavior.  All the more reason to take care of our own and stop allowing illegals to penetrate our southern border.  Thank you for pointing this out.

So... why does the USA have this preponderance of sick, lazy and lame when they have the weakest welfare programs of any of the nations listed? Why so many perceived freeloaders for non-existent welfare programs and no health care? You think random Latin people are taking more welfare resources than corporations? 55555!! Say thanks to GM while you’re at it!! 555555!

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

Applying for Asylum IS legal.   



Of course submitting an asylum to the US is legal.  Hundreds of individuals rushing the US border to enter the US isn't legal.  It looks like you may have over looked that part.


Like I had stated in a previous post, the US has areas in our liberal controlled cities that are more dangerous than where these people at the border are coming from.  


Thanks for pointing out that applying for asylum is legal.  Maybe some of the posters on this site wasn't aware of this fact. ????

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9 minutes ago, mikebike said:

So... why does the USA have this preponderance of sick, lazy and lame when they have the weakest welfare programs of any of the nations listed? Why so many perceived freeloaders for non-existent welfare programs and no health care? You think random Latin people are taking more welfare resources than corporations? 55555!! Say thanks to GM while you’re at it!! 555555!

Well, maybe you should ponder this question.  Why is it a developing country like Thailand, doesn't have hundreds of people living on their city streets?  It may answer your question once you give that a little thought.


You might consider starting a new thread about what you perceive as weak welfare programs and lack of health care in the US. I believe this subject is about illegals causing chaos at our southern border and causing people to get needlessly injured.


What a few posters might not be aware of, is it isn't the responsibility of the US to take in hords of people from south of our border to feed and house them.  The US has thousands of war veterans who rightfully require assistance to adjust to civilian life, and others who may have low cognitive abilities that need help.


Also, I think you might be a little confused about your comment regarding corporations like GM being on welfare???  Evidently you find something funny about your comment.  

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51 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

Of course submitting an asylum to the US is legal.  Hundreds of individuals rushing the US border to enter the US isn't legal.  It looks like you may have over looked that part.


Like I had stated in a previous post, the US has areas in our liberal controlled cities that are more dangerous than where these people at the border are coming from.  


Thanks for pointing out that applying for asylum is legal.  Maybe some of the posters on this site wasn't aware of this fact. ????

The right to apply for asylum is being seriously curtailed and obstructed.   Here's a bit about it:


United Nations officials have repeatedly urged Washington to ensure asylum seekers are protected, but U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday Mexico should send migrants seeking asylum in the United States back to their home countries.

After Trump signed an order limiting asylum rights earlier this month, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said the United States must make sure anyone fleeing violence or persecution can get protection "without obstruction".



Protecting and securing a border and protecting the rights of asylum seekers are not mutually exclusive.   


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28 minutes ago, Credo said:

The right to apply for asylum is being seriously curtailed and obstructed.   Here's a bit about it:


United Nations officials have repeatedly urged Washington to ensure asylum seekers are protected, but U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday Mexico should send migrants seeking asylum in the United States back to their home countries.

After Trump signed an order limiting asylum rights earlier this month, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said the United States must make sure anyone fleeing violence or persecution can get protection "without obstruction".



Protecting and securing a border and protecting the rights of asylum seekers are not mutually exclusive.   


How is anyone going to protect a few valid asylum seekers amid a couple thousand illegals attempting to rush the border?  Common sense would tell the normal person, if you were trying to escape from some horrific environment and wanted help legally, you wouldn't join a few thousand illegals with plans to over run a border crossing.


You do know the US isn't obligated to feed and house people from other countries right?  Try demanding to enter Thailand, just because you felt you would rather live here.  Thai Immigration has such a dislike for foreigners, they are trying to make it harder and harder for retired foreigners to stay here who are self sufficient.

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2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

What a few posters might not be aware of, is it isn't the responsibility of the US to take in hords of people from south of our border to feed and house them.

Who, in God’s name said it was? Only in your echo chamber... It IS the responsibility of the US to allow asylum-seekers due process.

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On 11/27/2018 at 7:20 AM, Scott said:

...it has been done in the past -- Quick Transit I, II and III are just example of very large groups of people being screened.  


If people know they will be screened they have no reason to rush the border.  


2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

How is anyone going to protect a few valid asylum seekers amid a couple thousand illegals attempting to rush the border?

As Scott has mentioned, it is not as if the logistics haven't been done before, very successfully. You make it sound harder than a trip to Venus. Drama much?

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53 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


This chit costs billions and billions a year, and most either subvert the law and stay illegally or get deported because most dont get granted asylum. 


Yet im supposed to be totally ok with this when there are millions of actual americans living in poverty, thousands of homeless veterans, sick children, drug riddled communities etc that we apparently cant get a grasp on but yet im supposed to be ok with spending billions on non-americans that are knowingly trying to subvert and game the system. 

Most illegals enter with a visa. Your barkin' but ya got the wrong tree...

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11 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

Lol, well if Scott said it is easy to pick out valid asylum seekers amid hundreds of illegals rushing the border, I guess this must be true.  

If you said it’s not...


What is the point of posting tripe?


Scott seams quite knowledgeable in the subject. Your creds?

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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:

Try common sense.

Well that trumps experience and facts.


Why would you believe that it is so difficult to organize a successful vetting operation by a well-trained logistics group? Do you think the US military and its contractors are inept? Do you think that timely vetting is an impossible fairytale? I don't get it.

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45 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Well that trumps experience and facts.


Why would you believe that it is so difficult to organize a successful vetting operation by a well-trained logistics group? Do you think the US military and its contractors are inept? Do you think that timely vetting is an impossible fairytale? I don't get it.

Why is it necessary. And after vetting if they were all sent back. What would you say then. That is was rushed and should have been done slower ans better controlled huh.

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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

If you said it’s not...


What is the point of posting tripe?


Scott seams quite knowledgeable in the subject. Your creds?

Scott is comparing apples and oranges is this case.

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3 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Why is it necessary. And after vetting if they were all sent back. What would you say then. That is was rushed and should have been done slower ans better controlled huh.

No. If due process is done then I am done. Simps.


I am far from a proponent of open borders.

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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Scott is comparing apples and oranges is this case.

I am not interested in getting to an argument with any members, but I fail to see how I am comparing apples and oranges.   At the Iraqi/Turkish border not everyone was allowed to cross.   If their name was not on the list or if they had not been given a security vetting by the FBI, they were not allowed to cross.  


Anytime you deal with humans, you deal with a lot of variables.   For example, there were families who showed up and there was a newborn baby.   They were not allowed to cross.   We had to verify that it was actually their child -- which meant they had to get some additional paperwork.   Anyone showing up with a new family member, such as a spouse was also not permitted to cross.   The eligible person could cross and then later file a petition for a new spouse, but the new spouse did not cross.  


The point is to get people vetted as quickly as possible.   Not doing so is going to create bigger problems at the border.   If the vetting is similar to previous groups, then 40-60% will be denied and returned.  


It's a process that goes on a many border crossings and has gone on by US government in other countries on countless occasions.  



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On 11/26/2018 at 4:18 PM, bristolboy said:

There is self righteous and there is right,as in correct.

  The women with children who did what they did in trying ti run the border where definitely showing poor judgement.

  These mother's and children had endured a lot t get to the American border to seek  refugee status.

  All the mothers had to do was wait for their time till they got to  place their claim to immigration.  During that wait they could have bonded with their children even more. By nurturing and taking care of their needs. Making sure they were clean fed ,dry and got enough sleep. That is what a true mother and refugee should do.

   Instead the mother chose to try and run the border with their children Creating trauma  and fear that may scar them for life. Also  giving them impression it is ok to break the law.The children saw soldiers in full gear stopping them maybe even breathed tear gas. They were being hurt by those most trusted to care for them. All unnecessarily. 

  Next time you want to back stupid moves by mother's think about the children first and foremost not politics.

   And what the mothers did was so stupid.

  All they had to do was wait their turn to present their case. Now they have traumatized children that may carry the pain all their life.

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