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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You have no idea. I know first hand.


Many Graduates, in particularly in the last 10 years can barely spell and string a sentence together.


Degree's now are much easier and rarely does anyone fail. They give out firsts like candy and the evidence is there if you do some simple research

More unsubstantiated diatribe.


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10 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

More unsubstantiated diatribe.


Well I have worked at universities so I do know what I am talking about.


Too lazy to do a little research. It takes 2 minutes. You must be one of those new amazing students from a modern day classroom you are talking about.


"There is intense pressure on academics from university management to gain high scores in the National Student Survey, because this feeds into university league tables. Added to this, there is an increasing expectation among students, who pay £9,000 per year. They feel they should receive high results for their degrees because they pay so much for them."








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15 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You have no idea. I know first hand.


Many Graduates, in particularly in the last 10 years can barely spell and string a sentence together.


Degree's now are much easier and rarely does anyone fail. They give out firsts like candy and the evidence is there if you do some simple research

Couldn't agree more!


I 'retired' (to Thailand) more than 12 years ago, but previously had held reasonably well-paying positions - including a few (for around 20 years, as I moved from one dept. to another) in an International company based in the City of London.


This is donkeys' years ago, but I came across many new graduates during my time working for the company.  Some were unbelievably stupid - as I discovered during one of my 'stints', trying to teach them about the dept. in which I worked at the time...... So much so, that one of the guys with whom I worked asked the latest graduate recruit - "And what is your degree in, flower arranging?" ????


But to be fair, when I was moved to GHO, they were more selective about the graduates recruited, and so only the genuinely intelligent were allowed into the dept.

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

If the certificate has not been renewed in Europe by 29th March then the mark cannot be used and technically the product cannot be sold. At the moment it is all as clear as mud.

So not a real problem then, just EU protectionist measures. They could just say "Well we used BS to make many of our EN anyway. Unless UK suddenly starts changing their standards from 30th March, a new (or the old) BSI kitemark will suffice for a while." But they and you Remainers wouldn't would you?

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51 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I totally agree but I have seen the decline increased over the last 10 years significantly.


It's been going downhill for a sight longer for more than just over the last 10 years.


Diane Abbott our current Shadow Home Secretary is said to have obtained a degree in history at Cambridge University in the 1970s and she's as dense and as hare brained as they come. That was over 30 years ago.


She's constantly under scrutiny because of her outrageous gaffes so it makes you wonder how many of our MPs are as daft or even more stupid than she is.


But to be fair having been in office for 31 years she is now one of our longest serving MPs so she's probably one of the brighter ones. God knows what some of the rest especially the newcomers must be like.


God help the UK regardless of the havoc this Brexit fiasco has caused

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On 11/29/2018 at 10:06 AM, RuamRudy said:

Here is a list of UK food & drink that currently enjoys Protected Geographical Status under EU law - only clotted cream from Cornwall can legally be called Cornish Clotted Cream; only whisky from Scotland can be called Scotch, for example.


Already the US has made it clear that they want these protected statuses removed to allow their producers to compete. In order to reach a deal, our government is likely going to sell out our heritage. 


On 11/29/2018 at 11:01 AM, owl sees all said:

Well said evadgib.


We should have left the EU the very next morning. Should have got in a few of the Brexiters; Davis, Mogg, Farage, Galloway, Hitchens and other leading figures as well as representatives from the fishing and agricultural and engineering community and formed a 'Brexit steering group' to negotiate on UK's behalf. The EU would have been shaking in its jackboots and would probably paid us 39billion to <deleted> off (go quietly).


This Carney geezer, that is always sticking his oar in; is just a front to keep up the pretence that the BoE belongs to England (UK). The BoE is a privately owned bank. The UK government (on our behalf) has just one share in the place. It is not open to any scrutiny at all and simply having a list of the real owners (shareholders) on one's person is against the official secrets act.


As it stands the UK government had no authority to force the BoE to disclose anything it doesn't wish to divulge. Corbyn would (try to) sort this out. This is one reason why he is so demonized by the elites and those that are doing 'OK, thank you very much' and do not want to rock the lucrative boat. Never mind the 4 million people relying on food banks and the 1 million people in despair (UN report).


You really think he will do anything to rock the boat?

Yes, expect more "friends" from various terror groups becoming more friendly.

But anything else from this figure's mouth is pure filth.


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5 minutes ago, hansnl said:



You really think he will do anything to rock the boat?

Yes, expect more "friends" from various terror groups becoming more friendly.

But anything else from this figure's mouth is pure filth.


I sense you are not so keen on him.


What is this 'filth' bro'?


Perhaps the next PM.

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28 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


It's been going downhill for a sight longer for more than just over the last 10 years.


Diane Abbott our current Shadow Home Secretary is said to have obtained a degree in history at Cambridge University in the 1970s and she's as dense and as hare brained as they come. That was over 30 years ago.


She's constantly under scrutiny because of her outrageous gaffes so it makes you wonder how many of our MPs are as daft or even more stupid than she is.


But to be fair having been in office for 31 years she is now one of our longest serving MPs so she's probably one of the brighter ones. God knows what some of the rest especially the newcomers must be like.


God help the UK regardless of the havoc this Brexit fiasco has caused



As I posted earlier, those with intelligence or educational qualifications are 'bound by their own spheres'.


It means nothing when it comes to trying to predict the result of brexit - unless, of course, they are also very good at reading crystal balls......

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You obviously have little contact with the graduates from modern class rooms.


I look forward to the That thread.

They graduate from what are little more than diploma mills these days. The whole Higher Education industry is a scam, selling degrees at 9,250 quid a year (In England for English or free for Scots in Scotland) for which they usually give less than two full days per week in lectures. That's a lot of fees from around 2.3 million students.
Add to that income around 730 million nicker from the EU for research and development and you can see why the lefty lecturers brainwash them into believing they have a future in the EU. Remember that every penny the EU grants to them comes out of the UK contribution. It not free grants, it's our taxes!
That's the young and edjumacated Remainers for you. 

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well I have worked at universities so I do know what I am talking about.


Too lazy to do a little research. It takes 2 minutes. You must be one of those new amazing students from a modern day classroom you are talking about.


"There is intense pressure on academics from university management to gain high scores in the National Student Survey, because this feeds into university league tables. Added to this, there is an increasing expectation among students, who pay £9,000 per year. They feel they should receive high results for their degrees because they pay so much for them."








I recently completed an MSc at the University of Edinburgh, and have followed that with continuing research at the universities of Delft, Leiden and NTNU (Trondheim).


This garbage talk of falling academic standards, easy grades, nobody fails etc - it’s all utter hogwash.


From 2013 to 2016 I lead the graduate recruitment and training programs for my discipline within a major international engineering company. I have been directly involved with outreach programs to universities, interview, recruitment and professional training of young graduates.


My face to face assessment of these young graduates, they are shockingly good, well educated and very motivated.


What was it you did while working this university of yours, what university and when?

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9 minutes ago, Loiner said:

They graduate from what are little more than diploma mills these days. The whole Higher Education industry is a scam, selling degrees at 9,250 quid a year (In England for English or free for Scots in Scotland) for which they usually give less than two full days per week in lectures. That's a lot of fees from around 2.3 million students.
Add to that income around 730 million nicker from the EU for research and development and you can see why the lefty lecturers brainwash them into believing they have a future in the EU. Remember that every penny the EU grants to them comes out of the UK contribution. It not free grants, it's our taxes!
That's the young and edjumacated Remainers for you. 

More hogwash not at all connected to reality.

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27 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

More hogwash not at all connected to reality.

How is it hog wash. Any grants paid out to UK universities and students does in fact come from money we've already paid in. We're one of the wealthiest EU states and it goes without saying that they are never going to give us anything for nothing.


You just made an assertion that you have no way of backing up.


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42 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I recently completed an MSc at the University of Edinburgh, and have followed that with continuing research at the universities of Delft, Leiden and NTNU (Trondheim).


This garbage talk of falling academic standards, easy grades, nobody fails etc - it’s all utter hogwash.


From 2013 to 2016 I lead the graduate recruitment and training programs for my discipline within a major international engineering company. I have been directly involved with outreach programs to universities, interview, recruitment and professional training of young graduates.


My face to face assessment of these young graduates, they are shockingly good, well educated and very motivated.


What was it you did while working this university of yours, what university and when?

Did you interview those graduates with degrees in social studies and the like?


Of course not - you interviewed those with a worthwhile degree.....

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

So not a real problem then, just EU protectionist measures. They could just say "Well we used BS to make many of our EN anyway. Unless UK suddenly starts changing their standards from 30th March, a new (or the old) BSI kitemark will suffice for a while." But they and you Remainers wouldn't would you?

No kite mark will suffice - it hs to be recognized by each country the UK wants to take with - i.e. come up to their standards - to ours.

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58 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Brexiteers really do have a problem with education.



Another rather rude assertion made with no evidence to back it up. If you're such a bright spark why do you need to resort to insults to make a point?


Your argument would carry some weight if you took the time to explain why "Brexiteers really do have a problem with education."


I've already described the circumstances that cost me my job back in 2004. I was very angry about it back at the time and so were my work mates. How were my sentiments at the time and now 15 years on possibly linked to my education or any lack of it.


Please explain. It should be a piece of p!ss for you, a man who claims he has recently completed an MSc at the University of Edinburgh! Give me the benefit of your education that mugs like me possibly helped pay for.

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3 hours ago, Loiner said:

So nothing to do with Brexit then? Japan can bring their UK factory jobs back home to Japan, because they have a new free-trade deal with the EU. Our partners in Brussels working against the UK interest again.

If this is ‘working against the UK interest’: why didn’t the UK vote against the negotiation mandate given by the EU Council of Ministers to the Commission in 2012, or vote against the final results of these negotiations in 2018?

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On 11/29/2018 at 3:06 AM, RuamRudy said:

Here is a list of UK food & drink that currently enjoys Protected Geographical Status under EU law - only clotted cream from Cornwall can legally be called Cornish Clotted Cream; only whisky from Scotland can be called Scotch, for example.


Already the US has made it clear that they want these protected statuses removed to allow their producers to compete. In order to reach a deal, our government is likely going to sell out our heritage. 

Beware of the competition closer to home, especially if it’s quality you desire. Such as this new company, in Whitby,Yorkshire.






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1 hour ago, wilcopops said:

There is actually quite a lot of evidence to support this....and it has been widely reported.

Sadly it seems evidence is an anathema to brexiteers

I think however they should find a lot of Brexit demographics somewhat disconcerting - part from the low educational achievement their is the disturbing presence throughout Brextitism of the racist hard right - Racism being the lowest form of ignorance.


Would anyone REALLY want to be on the same side as such abysmal low-lifes?






What are the facts?

Research carried out by leading polling companies in the wake of the referendum found that educational attainment was strongly linked to whether voters supported EU membership.

According to YouGov, 68% of voters with a university degree wanted to remain in the EU, while 70% of voters with only GCSE qualifications or lower voted to leave. Those with A levels and no degree were evenly split. 

These findings largely tally with the results of an Ipsos Mori survey published in September, and with polling conducted by Lord Ashcroft on the day of the referendum. - https://www.theweek.co.uk/89378/fact-check-did-uk-s-better-educated-vote-remain


Higher Education ‘Predominant Factor’ in Brexit Vote





A breakdown of EU referendum data has shown people with a lower education level were much more likely to vote for Brexit.  Almost half of the local authorities which counted votes provided demographic information to the BBC. Analysis showed that how people voted was ‘strongly associated’ with how far they went with formal education. This link was higher than any other measure from the census, including age and ethnicity.


Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2017/02/07/if-you-voted-for-brexit-youre-not-going-to-like-this-6433145/?ito=cbshare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/


I don't suppose a Brexiteer would appreciate the irony in not knowing about this?

I’m rather confused, as I believe most of those on these Brexit threads, who have an opinion on U.S. politics, are anti Donald Trump.

 Yet I have read similar reports from the U.S.A. That state the majority of those with higher education, voted for Donald Trump. 

Please explain.

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