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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:



Members of the Royal Family can and often do serve as high-profile brokers for UK business deals and other interests, all over the world.





which member of the royal family visited Gaza to sign the mighty trade deal with palastine.

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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

He talks about a bright future but gives absolutely no indication as to why he believes the future is bright.


His company has gone from a star-up to what is now despite the UK’s membership of the EU. 


His company exports globally, despite the UK’s membership of the EU.


A more inquisitive interviewer might have pressed him on the question how he believes being outside the EU offers a ‘bright future’.


He never explained this.



seems to be putting a brave face on in dire circumstances,the usual we are sitting in a good position waffle.

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5 hours ago, evadgib said:

Planned many years before Brexit came about & has nothing whatsoever to do with the thread.

It just further damages our image and reputation. Sell anything and everything.

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20 minutes ago, aright said:

Remainers on this forum have the same problem. They presumably feel staying in the EU offers your so called "bright future" but when questioned about a top down system run by unelected people which historically has never worked they go completely schtum.

Perhaps you could explain the value of a Union which is basically run by 2 nations who continually flout the rules (Try buying Stilton or Cheddar in Carrefour or gas at the same price the German's pay) ,  has not delivered democracy (hence Brexit), improvement reform, an honest debate and prosperity for all its members and why inexplicably  they feel that Europe would be a terrible place without the EU.

Forgive me for being an "inquisitive interviewer"

if its run by 2 nations only then why are no others trying to leave,and if you hadnt noticed gas/food/alcohol,cigs vary from country to country because each nation puts what ever VAT/taxes/duty on these items it deems fit and not what the EU says and there are several different currencies used across the union which will also have a say in what price an item may cost,you are correct most things in the union are cheaper than here so you should go and ask your beloved UK govt why but please dont forget to tell the board how you got on????  never mind enjoy your £3,00 pints and £3.00 wines down spoonies,iam looking forward to my €1.20 pints and €0.60 wines in the union,i'll drink to that.

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

One point you did get right. The people did indeed vote for the government, who along with the main opposition party, stood on a manifesto of implementing the decision of the referendum result.

 However as we both know, they are trying their damnedest to block our exit from the hated E.U.

Neither Party stood on a Hard Brexit manifesto.

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On 3/4/2019 at 5:21 PM, nontabury said:

I did not compare Tony WMD Blair with the Nazis. What I said, is that he has inflicted more damage on the U.K. than Adolf Hitler.

His willingness to accept more immigrants from an alien culture into the U.K has resulted in all sorts of conflicts in our society. One of the reasons he took that approach, as admitted by some of his supporters. Was the knowledge that these alien immigrants are far more likely to vote Labour.

 In contrast, another member of the axis powers, Japan have taken a completely different approach,regarding immigration. And strangely, their country is safer and far more unified than the U.K.

Trouble with the Uber Hard Brexiteers is that they will start talking total rubbish at the drop of a hat. It was all about immigration from beginning to end for these unpleasant Conspiracy Theory clowns.

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19 minutes ago, aright said:

I have already answered these questions. These countries cannot afford to leave they are hostage to the euro. Does it make sense for the Southern Med countries to declare themselves free of the EU, reestablish their old currencies, repay what they owe to the EU then declare themselves  bankrupt. Who would loan them money to establish a Central Bank. Best stay inside the EU and let Germany worry about the debt.

You miss the point about gas I am not saying the customer gets the advantage of cheaper gas , it's German supplers who get gas at a cheaper price than other member states. Trade negotiations are the province of the EU for the benefit of all, independent negotiations, which happened with Russia, are against the rules. Of course paying for the pipeline helped. 

I travel to France and Germany regularly and the only way you will get beer and wine at 1.20 and 0.60 is if you drink at home . Bar prices are far more expensive in the EU than the UK.

I find Remainers to be a strange breed; I have never heard of rats trying to board a sinking ship.

A more constructive argument about my perceived shortcomings with the EU would be appreciated.


Sorry but no nation is being held hostage thats project fear off the scale you have been brainwashed as for bar prices i wasnt quoating french and german prices,it was spain and portugal.so when are you expecting the ship to sink...iam 50 will i see it in my lifetime a simple yez or no would do

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13 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Another gloom & doom remainer comment Oh !! for heaven sake get real this is life it has its ups and downs, tough up and get on with it.

In the words of someone don't expect your country to do something for you, why don't you do something for your country.

Slighty off topic but i see figures out today reveal the US trade gap was actually widened since trumps trade war began another clown thinking the grass will be greener.

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1 minute ago, aright said:


Your lifetime depends on your intake of Hispanic wine and beer and baccala, the only dish the Portugese do better than the Italians imo. 


Seems your avoiding the question.again i ask when do you expect the EU to collapse? an answer give or take 2 or 3 years would suffice as i need to plan ahead.

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8 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Undoubtedly an important issue but not the be all and end all of Leaving. Brexiteers have many more reasons to Leave, built over forty years.
Do you think the Remain lobby and it’s diabolical actions over the past couple of years are purely coincidental? What’s your next Act in this circus?

but still no one can agree how we should leave.. OK the no dealers are quite happy to crash the economy, but most sensible people eliminate that as an option .



Despite the best of intentions of all those  who voted Leave, it’s been an expensive, time wasting disaster so far


Wherever we end up, if we leave, will be galaxies away from the promises and aspirations of the Leave campaign.


No one is talking much about the will of the people anymore.

And what is the will of the people anyway?


Whatever it is, I’m pretty confident it wouldn’t involve closing car factories, reducing economic growth, cutting public expenditure and weakening the union.




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1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

Another gloom & doom remainer comment Oh !! for heaven sake get real this is life it has its ups and downs, tough up and get on with it.

In the words of someone don't expect your country to do something for you, why don't you do something for your country.

i will be leaving my country next year,not brexit related,done my 35-36 years graft time to enjoy the fruits of one of those terrible but warm EU nations with low costs of living and low crime rates and good cheap food and drink,i wont miss spoonies or looking at the most obese bodies in the EU everyday, YYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE????

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