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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 By not accepting the decision of a Democratic vote by their fellow citizens. Instead preferring to undermine the Democratic people’s Vote.






Where would we be without Nontabury's pictorial memes.....I for one salute you indefatigability ! 

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50 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

Take back control?

Strong and stable?

Brexiteers are responsible for the greatest chaos in British parliamentary history.....


First it was EU bureaucrats then immigration then NHS, then sovereignty now they are blaming those who didn't want Brexit in the first place.....

When will they realise that this mess is down to them and them alone......

Brexit is an international embarrassment and they have already done incalculable damage to the UK....

who can he blame next?

union jack fatty.jpg

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6 hours ago, Krataiboy said:
9 hours ago, 7by7 said:

We do get things wrong and, unlike most Brexiteers, admit it when we do: as I have done above.


May is doing her best to avoid the disaster of a no deal Brexit. I have respect for the ERG and others who oppose her because they disagree with her and her deal.


I have no respect for Corbyn and his MPs who oppose her merely because she is a Tory. If they had voted with their concsiences rather than following the narrow "It's a Tory deal so I'll vote against it" mantra this whole sorry mess would never have happened and the deal would be done and we'd be leaving as scheduled.


But a mess it now is; i n 2016 nobody voted for this. Which is why the British people must be given the chance to make the final decision in a STV referendum;

  1. leave with May's deal,
  2. leave with no deal or
  3. cancel Brexit and remain.



And no doubt if this were to happen, and the Brexiteers were to win again, the minority Remainers would argue the result was only advisory and therefore could be totally ignored by the Remainer Prime Minister and Remainer majority in Parliament.


Or suppose Remain were to win by a small margin? Who could argue if disgruntled Leavers insisted on a further referendum to make it "best of three"?


The most recent UK poll of Brexit sentiment showed a majority in favour of doing what a majority of us voted to do nearly three years ago.


It also happens to be what the Prime Minister promised numerous times she would do, what both major Parties pledged to do in the run-up to the 2017 general election, and what Parliament actually voted to do when it invoked Article 50. . .


Leave the European Union, deal or no deal, on the 29th of this month.


Anything less will be a shameful betrayal both of the British people and our much-vaunted democracy.


What, exactly, did people vote for in the referendum?


Most Leavers voted for one of, or a combination of, three things.


To stop immigration, though some seemed confused as to which immigrants leaving the EU would stop! Remember the video of the man saying he had no problem with Poles or Romanians coming here; he voted Leave to stop immigrants from Muslim countries! 


To regain our sovereignty. Though many still seem confused as to how little sovereignty we have actually ceded to the EU. Very little is the answer and that only on matters effecting the EU as a whole.


Who sets our tax rates? The UK Parliament.


Who sets our public spending? The UK Parliament.


Who sets our foreign policy? The UK Parliament.


Who decides if we go to war? The UK Parliament.


Etc., etc..


The list of what we have sovereignty over is a lot longer than the list of areas where we ceded sovereignty to the EU.


Others voted to leave the EU because they believed the various Leave campaigns, official and otherwise, when they said that we could leave but still enjoy all the benefits of membership without any of the responsibilities.


The deal on the table is not that; but it's the closest we are going to get.


I cannot believe that anyone with the slightest idea of the consequences actually voted to leave with no deal. Vote to abandon all agreements with our major trading partner; without any deals with anyone else to replace them? Only a fool would do that. It's akin to cutting one's nose of to spite one's face.


It is obvious that, mainly due to Labour's intent on playing party politics that Parliament is extremely unlikely to decide on this; even if the EU does agree to an extension of Article 50, which I doubt.


The politicians cant decide, so give it back to the people so we can make the decision. That would be true democracy. Our representatives can't come to a decision, so we'll do it!


Of course, given that very few, if any, Leavers would put Remain as their second choice, the result would probably result in us leaving; either with May's deal or no deal. Unless you believe that Remain would now get a large enough majority to win on the first round!

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3 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

No more Murphy's after Brexit.  Just London Guinness

Pedant's corner:


Guinness hasn't been brewed in Park Royal for over 15 years.


All Guinness sold in the UK is now brewed in Dublin.


Edit; though I think you can buy Nigerian Guinness in areas with a large West African community.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

   You cannot understand what I write , do you read my posts or just write the same thing over and over again ?

   I cannot keep writing the same thing over and over again , like talking to a brickwall .

I can understand what you write, even on the many occasions when you have contradicted yourself!


But you seem to think writing the same lie over and over will make it true; it wont.


OK I get it; you think that the odious self publicising, hypocritical criminal Yaxley-Lennon is some sort of saint. You and about 0.01% of the British public. The rest of us know him for what he is.


Will you now follow your own instruction to me and leave him out of these Brexit topics?

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2 minutes ago, cdnvic said:

Sanemax and 7by7, you are both starting to get on our nerves. All you are doing is attacking each other and making circular arguments that go nowhere. Chill out for a bit please.

Apologies; but I do get annoyed when people try and excuse criminal activities.


Yaxley-Lennon has nothing to do with this or any other topic.


I understand that going back and deleting all posts about him would be a mammoth task no one would want to undertake; but may I suggest any future ones be removed?

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Sadly it is all that many here can do along with whinging and adding insults. Luckily we Brexiteers have heard it all before, over and over again like a broken record.

And are as guilty of doing exactly the same; if not more so!

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On 1/25/2019 at 3:48 PM, talahtnut said:

If it went the wrong way, it would be classified as advisory.

If it went the right way, it would be the will of the people.

If Brexit is not to your liking, you are welcome to go and

live in Paris, Malmo, Berlin, Athens, Rome, etc.

But beware the riots, water cannon, and rubber bullets.



What, and miss all the stabbings ?

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13 hours ago, billd766 said:

TM as a Remainer has brought it all on herself and on the country and I for one hav not the slightest shred of sympathy for her.

There can be no dispute with that Bill, tried to circumvent parliament with the Royal Prerogative and then gets upset when Bercow waves the rule book, what on earth did she expect.

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10 hours ago, nontabury said:

 By not accepting the decision of a Democratic vote by their fellow citizens. Instead preferring to undermine the Democratic people’s Vote.


If the referendum had been a legally binding democratic event, there would have been a legal intervention by now. Parliament are between a rock and a hard place, like the people, they cast their vote without full possession of the facts.


However, because the Brexit referendum was only an advisory vote there are no legal channels to challenge the result. Only parliament can investigate the result, declare it void or demand a re-run.



Latest judgement


The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has fined Brexit Campaign group Vote Leave £40,000 ($53,000) for sending out nearly 200,000 unsolicited text messages.


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19 hours ago, Henryford said:

You are free to go and live in the EUSSR any time you want. Good riddance.

You don't seem to appreciate the irony in your own post.

It is precisely that freedom of movement so restricted in dictatorial countries that will be restricted by the UK after Brexit.

Edited by wilcopops
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This is a long read but I would commend Brexiterers to read and digest at how you are being played against you and your families long term interests. A look at the material interests behind ruling class Brexit funding/support - one thing's for sure they are wetting their lips at enrichment if a harder Brexit goes ahead


In parliamentary politics, this cluster of interests is represented by the European Research Group – the right of the parliamentary Conservative party founded in the early Nineties to turn the UK into an “offshore, low tax haven”, and who have shifted their allegiance away from Britain’s traditional industrial capitalists. As Boris Johnson explained last year: “F*** business.”



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