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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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21 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 Living in the U.K I would like to be able to ask such a question of a remainer, however I think they’ve hibernated, problem as a result of their shame.

  From what I can tell,everyone is simple laughing at these prophesies of doom and gloom. But it does give us a good laugh, reading them in the media.

Facebook groups including one called 48% Preppers, which has more than 7,800 members, are sharing tips on how to how to stockpile.

Read more at: https://inews.co.uk/news/brexit/no-deal-brexit-stockpile-preppers-food-ports/

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

What type of club the EU is when the chief negotiator has to make comments like this. The clowns in Brussels are still baffled why the people voted to leave. Lets bully the UK people and they will come running back. Delusional in every way.


The saddest thing for me is we have some UK citizens who would support him.:shock1: Which remainer on here who is a UK citizen will support what he says. I can't wait to hear.

i watched a TV show last night about the greek crisis and the EU were tough with greece and rightly so they fiddled the books to join and lived way beyond their means nothing they did was bullying same same they have not bullied the UK,you still dont get it,come back for what? they dont want or need to offer anything,iam not a supporter of him or any EU chief all they are doing is looking after their interests,once again THEY DONT NEED US

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

Twisting facts again tebee, JR Mogg, did not say that, we have been down that road too many times for you not to know this.

didnt jrm move his bizzness to dublin?,thats a good advert for brexit,nearly as bad as farage's 2 sons having german passports,there's barely a high profile brexiteer who doest have there own interests at heart.shameful 

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13 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK is 13th in the world for motor vehicle production. Germany, Spain and France are the only EU states ahead of the UK in that table. 


And if Germany are signing trade deals with Germany, they really are clever...

that deal i heard took 7 years to get done,never mind the chile wine deal will keep the UK ticking over until then,13th isnt that impressive to to be fair and it will be even lower in the near future.

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17 hours ago, bomber said:

again you seem to refer to the EU only surviving because of "our" money,if this was the case then surely they would be grovelling for us to stay instead of not being bothered,these UK politicians are meant to be your saviour well it seems you dont have much faith in them,got help them when they go around the world securing those great trade deals that are going to make britain great again,the Nigerians will make mince meat of them,as for ford it was last week,the others are also gearing up ready to leave.

Ford_ Almost 1,000 Bridgend job losses by 2021 outlined to unions - BBC News.html

The Ford closure was on the cards long before Brexit. It’s an old factory requiring lots of investment. As to Nissan the domestic UK aversion to diesels has a major effect and the fact that the EU revived the previously dead JP trade deal they knew would affect us but allow BMW and Mercedes tarrif free access to the  JP market. Why make in the EU when you don’t need to pay tarrifs?


Best we’re out of the evil dogmatic EU, it does us no favours

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4 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

The Ford closure was on the cards long before Brexit. It’s an old factory requiring lots of investment. As to Nissan the domestic UK aversion to diesels has a major effect and the fact that the EU revived the previously dead JP trade deal they knew would affect us but allow BMW and Mercedes tarrif free access to the  JP market. Why make in the EU when you don’t need to pay tarrifs?


Best we’re out of the evil dogmatic EU, it does us no favours

and it seems there arent going to be many favours coming from leaving,other than a nice deal for us to import chilean wine ????   oh yes we have escaped the evil EU everything else doesnt matter,i for one hope the UK goes down the drain and people remember who brought it all about,in 5-10 years time you people will still be blaming the EU for everything.

Ford_ Almost 1,000 Bridgend job losses by 2021 outlined to unions - BBC News.html

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On 2/4/2019 at 9:29 AM, sandyf said:

Not on hold and leaving the EU is a relevant factor.


"For those reasons the company has decided to optimise our investments and concentrate production in Kyushu, instead of adding another production site. For the European business, this does not change the fact that X-Trail is – and will continue to be – a crucial model for us.

“Today’s announcement will be interpreted by a lot of people as a decision related to Brexit. We have taken this decision for the business reasons I’ve explained, but clearly the uncertainty around the UK’s future relationship with the EU is not helping companies like ours to plan for the future.”


"No jobs are expected to be lost." - Well that's a relief! 

the fact is that before Brexit the British motor industry was on the up and up......Nissan, even after a bribe along with virtually ALL the UK motor industry are now looking to contract or relocate - "No jobs are expected to be lost." indeed! ... and see how long that prospect 


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44 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

The Ford closure was on the cards long before Brexit. It’s an old factory requiring lots of investment. As to Nissan the domestic UK aversion to diesels has a major effect and the fact that the EU revived the previously dead JP trade deal they knew would affect us but allow BMW and Mercedes tarrif free access to the  JP market. Why make in the EU when you don’t need to pay tarrifs?


Best we’re out of the evil dogmatic EU, it does us no favours

 "no-deal Brexit would mean costs of $800m in 2019 alone" - Ford - planned for long ago was it?


how about in December last year..."Ford boss warns a no-deal Brexit would be a 'catastrophe', with factory closures and job losses" - This is Money

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7 minutes ago, aright said:

"I for one hope the UK goes down the drain"

To wish that on 60 million people is really bitter and twisted. 

not really i wont be living there,it was a shambles of a place even before brexit,brexit and the clowns who voted for it will make it even worse unless the govt stop it or half stop it,you may think different and i respect your decision,i have no kids so its future doesnt really matter to me,my parents wont be affected by the nutters,ive done my work and made my money and will be leaving,at least i wont be clogging up the hospital waiting rooms in my old age,that will please many on here,claimed £200 in benefits in 50 years and never spend a night in a hospital,pity there werent a lot more like me then the country wouldnt be bankrupt and on its knee's.

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19 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

"No jobs are expected to be lost." - Well that's a relief! 

the fact is that before Brexit the British motor industry was on the up and up......Nissan, even after a bribe along with virtually ALL the UK motor industry are now looking to contract or relocate - "No jobs are expected to be lost." indeed! ... and see how long that prospect 


its now not a case of if but when the job loses come,its damage limitation a bit like Brexit overall,even if brexit still didnt happen its cost billions,vast majority of expats alone around the world are £15-30k out of pocket so far and probably with worse to come,

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

I have no desire to live in Europe and I certainly want no part of the current EU but I don't wish the people any harm. That's the difference.

it seems you must be well happy with things in the UK then,maybe the colder climate is you you,each to there own,i will go to the evil empire that is certain to fail ???? you stay put and enjoy.

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4 hours ago, wilcopops said:

"No jobs are expected to be lost." - Well that's a relief! 

the fact is that before Brexit the British motor industry was on the up and up......Nissan, even after a bribe along with virtually ALL the UK motor industry are now looking to contract or relocate - "No jobs are expected to be lost." indeed! ... and see how long that prospect 


According to Wiki (and I do take this with a pinch of salt)


In 2008 the UK automotive manufacturing sector had a turnover of £52.5 billion, generated £26.6 billion of exports and produced around 1.45 million passenger vehicles and 203,000 commercial vehicles.[1] In that year around 180,000 people were directly employed in automotive manufacturing in the UK, with a further 640,000 people employed in automotive supply, retail and servicing.[1] This declined to 147,000 including supply industry in 2014 (-18%)[2] The UK is a major centre for engine manufacturing and in 2008 around 3.16 million engines were produced in the country.[1] The UK has a significant presence in auto racing and the UK motorsport industry currently employs around 38,500 people, comprises around 4,500 companies and has an annual turnover of around £6 billion.[3]

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7 hours ago, bomber said:
20 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

The UK is 13th in the world for motor vehicle production. Germany, Spain and France are the only EU states ahead of the UK in that table. 


And if Germany are signing trade deals with Germany, they really are clever...

that deal i heard took 7 years to get done,never mind the chile wine deal will keep the UK ticking over until then,13th isnt that impressive to to be fair and it will be even lower in the near future.

No offence, but if you think Germany did a trade deal with Germany, and it took them 7 years to do a deal with themselves, you're perhaps not informed enough on this subject to comment. 

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29 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

No offence, but if you think Germany did a trade deal with Germany, and it took them 7 years to do a deal with themselves, you're perhaps not informed enough on this subject to comment. 

read this its Germany/Japan,i heard someone say on the radio it took 7 years to do,that could be false i wouldnt know,anyway where are all these rich countries who were doing to be having orgasms at the prospect of signing trade deals with the UK

Japan and Germany agree to promote free trade, rules-based order _ The Japan Times.html

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